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The links on this page have been chosen based on one or more of the following criteria:

1. I know them and know that they have a good reputation

2. I have done business with them and walked away happy and satisfied

3. They are mainstream and well-known in the Scuba diving community

4. I have enjoyed the site

None of the business entities on this list remunerate me in any way, shape or form for being on this page.


Training Agencies and Organizations:

(With the exception of PADI, DAN and IANTD, these links do not constitute endorsements, as these 3 are the only ones I know enough about to recommend)


Professional Association of Diving Instructors

National Association of Underwater Instructors

Divers Alert Network

Scuba Schools International

International Association of Nitrox and Technical Divers

Technical Diving International



Dive Shops I know and Recommend:

(If you get to diving with them, tell them where you found them, please!) 

Mermaid's Dive School. The only shop in Pattaya I do business with. The best instructors and the friendliest staff in Pattaya. Only Nitrox station and IANTD training location in Pattaya.

Mermaid's is also an Instructor Development Center. Send them mail to ask about their Instructor Development Courses, or to get their newsletter e-mailed to you.

Siam Dive n' Sail. The best website on Andaman diving, and the people who arrange all my live-aboard trips to the Andaman Sea. These guys are GOOD!

Deep Sea Divers Den. The shop I dived with when I visited the Great Barrier Reef. I have since referred lots of people to DSDD, and they have all come back with glowing reports. Friendly, competent, professional and fun. Good food, too.

South East Asia Divers. Best day-boat out of Phuket by far. If I take a day-trip from Phuket, these are the guys I dive with.

Never done their live-aboards, but they come highly recommended.

Ikelite Underwater Systems. Renowned for customer service and for its excellent camera equipment.

Camera Teach in San Francisco. The guys I bought my Ikelite stuff from. Great service, reasonable prices.

Scuba Quest Live-Aboards in Phuket. Friendly dive shop with very nice boats, including the Queen Marine and the Faah Yai.

Peter Hughes Diving. I took a trip on the Sun Dancer II in Palau. Read the Palau report, I'll say no more…

Fantasea Divers. One of the original Phuket operators with a sterling reputation for quality. Specializes in live-aboards.


Other Great Scuba Stuff on the Web:



Scuba Duba. Great Site!

Scuba Diving Explained

The best dive medicine site and site for general diving knowledge that I have been able to find in 3 years' searching the Web. Hosted by Mt. Sinai Hospital.

Dive Medicine On-Line. Great source of information!

Rick's Links. If it's on the Web and it has to do with Scuba, it's here!

Sharks - Predators of The Deep. An AWESOME site with information on all types of sharks. Don't miss it!

Rodale's Scuba Diving. One of the few diving magazines worth the name.

On The Edge, a great on-line dive magazine.

Philippine Diver. A great magazine, which also has fantastic on-line content for anyone researching diving in the Philippines.

Blue Oasis, a great on-line dive magazine based in Hong Kong.

Divers Equipment Protection Program - DEPP. Insure your dive gear and get the option of ensuring your camera, housings and strobes against flooding!!!

Asian Diver. In my opinion the best diving magazine in the world.

The Woodville Karst Plains Project (WKPP). Technical divers extraordinaire.


Scuba Mailing Lists - How to get on and off:


My favorite list. A truly international community of (mostly) friendly divers, sharing tips & tricks, jokes (mostly insider ones), travel reports and knowledge (or lack of same) on all topics related to Scuba diving. Most of the members are former members of SCUBA-L who left after the administrator of that list got too big for his boots.


Write to and, in the text of your message (not the subject line), write: SUBSCRIBE SCUBA-L yourname (where "yourname" should obviously be replaced with your actual name).


Write to and, in the text of your message (not the subject line), write: SIGNOFF SCUBA-SE


Not for the faint-of-heart. Enter TD, and you are instantly knee-deep in BS, chest-beating and personal vendettas. However, though the signal-to-noise ratio is VERY low, occasionally some useful information filters through, and when it does, it is VERY useful. One thing is for sure, this list is never boring!


Write to
and, in the text of your message (not the subject line), write:
subscribe techdiver


Friends, and people I know who have homepages:

Randall ("Randy") Allen

Exceptionally knowledgeable about all things Scuba and quite a few thing that are not, Randy is a stickler for detail and does not suffer fools gladly. Listen to him, or challenge him at your peril...

Chuck Hopf

Another frequent poster to SCUBA-L. Check the Mad Monk's pictures and trip reports. Awesome lobsters!

NED Site hosted by Joe Childs NED is the Network of Egghead Divers, made up mostly of people from the SCUBA-L mailing list. Joe Childs has kindly agreed to host pictures from our latest get-together in Cozumel, Mexico.
Crusty Russ, Elisa and Danna Berger Three of the loveliest people anyone could count as their friends. Soyong and I got met them at the NEDfest in Cozumel.

Dive SouthWest

Diving South West USA. Not that I've done it myself, but with a fiancée from Dallas, this page could come in handy for myself some day. Submitted by Chuck Hopf.

The Emerald Sea Dive Club of Edmond, WA

Submitted by Ed Graves.

Paul's Guide to Diving in Thailand

A nice site with lots of links.


A somewhat unfortunately named, but neat, safety device

Rob Darmanin's Aquatic Images

a great site featuring Rob's images from Bonaire, Cozumel, Maldives, Cayman and many more!.

Josephine Smørum Vang Jensen

Josephine is my 2 year-old niece, and obviously a bit of a technological whiz kid..

Familien Smørum paa Christianshavn

This is Josephine's other uncle's and his wife's homepage.

Red Sea Homepage

A great site with lots of information on diving the Red Sea. Created and run by Amr El-Ghazaly.

Lukasz Kiniewicz

Luke is a SCUBA-L member and recently bought a Nikonos V. His site displays his pictures from a recent trip to Phi Phi, Thailand.

Al Marvelli

Al, a SCUBA-L member, introduces himself and his dive club.


If you want to be listed on this page, and I think your homepage is worth it, E-mail me the URL and I'll put it here