Anybody's Guess!


The images below come from a tv add for a video game. I was lucky enough to get it on tape and found these posted in the vast reaches of internet land.

That boxing babe from Sweden is at it again! Sent in by Kim from Germany.
. Talking to Noomie twelve years after our second and last fight: -Did you do any bare chested bouts? Noomi look at me with a funny expression, her lips was on itÕs way to smile but didn't -You did, I said. -Well, practically yes, and she told me following: *** Noomi was at that time about 20 and had been correspondence with an American man, Tim. In his letters he had made some good sketches of bare chested females boxers he state that he had fought and beat. When she was back in the States, she had accept his challenge. However, he wanted her to box bare chested, which sheÕd deny as she uses to wear a padded bra, trunks, tights and boots in her fights. The problem was her tits. She has a rather large bosom which she knows was a good target for her opponents. When they fought she was persuaded. She had try to get away from his challenge by state that he in such case would fight in only pantyhose. Tim accept it if she wore the nylon body stock!!! Noomi was catch in a trap. The Gym lights rain down on the ring. Noomi looks beautiful but determined as she climbs through the ropes. She hops up and down a few times to continue to limber up as she watches Tim enter the ring. Tim's face is a mask of focus as he simply leans back in his corner looking Noomi over as she stretches out her body. He watches her muscles pop up on her arms. Noomi been full aware that Tim is watching her. His eyes was stirring at her bosom. She try to ignore his stare but secretly she knows what he is thinking. Very well knowing that she in fact been bare chested as the nylon body stock is no protection at all. She realise very clearly that heÕll be working hard at her two globes. She look at his groin, a big bulge was clearly seen through the thin meshes of his panty hoses. The crowd goes wild, the man and woman in the welter weight division stood chest to chest in the ring feeling each other, hearing the preludes. "Ladies and Gentlemen,Ó the referee announced, "this is a mixed boxing match between, on my left, "Tim Shuman of Kansas City, twenty three years old, standing six feet and one hundred and fifty eight pounds, and on my right, Noomi Olsson of Sweden, twenty years old, standing five feet ten and one hundred and sixty six pounds. May the best boxer win!Ó Noomi had put up her hair in a knot. She was wearing the transparent dark nylon body stock, making her close to bare chested. Her nipples was hard and they as well as her areolas was shining through the thin nylon. A golden belt, a dark grey heavy silk skirt , very tight over her hips and then plated reaching down some inches above her knees and deep tan sheer pantyhose. She did have white socks in her dark blue low necked boots. Tim stood eager for fighting in a red belt, a pair of brown pantyhose and white boots looking at his foe Noomi. The woman and the man reveal their hard bodies and the will to fight before they went back to the corners. Noomi places the mouth piece in her mouth and wait feeling completely ready for this challenge . Tim chews down on the mouth piece and throws a few punches to an imaginary opponent as he waits for the buzzer signalling the beginning of the first round. The buzzer sounds off and round one begins! Noomi raises her fists and goes to the centre of the ring. Tim is already there. His fists up, his elbows by his ribs. It begins........ ÓRound 1.Ó The crowd goes wild when Noomi and Tim moved against each other in the ring. The first blows were thrown. Hard as they fight with their black 10 oz gloves. The fight get tougher and they box it out. Tim's left work hard and Noomi retired. Tim had the strength and she knows it. Noomi been a more technical boxer. Tim box cleverly and force her back avoiding her blows. Noomi get in respect by her blows and Tim retired. They slug it out and they both took a lot of punches to their bodies It been a real tough fight until a combination from Tim towards her head made her reeling back. Tim attack and nail her in the corner. She took the punishment and try to fight back. Noomi clinch and "wrestle" him back. Tim hit at her bosom until they both fell down at the floor. Siting on top of her he continued hitting her globes until the referee get them stop hitting and they rose. Tim notice her hard nipples and start slamming his fist at her bosom. Noomi, well aware she was not bearing any breast protector bra, been forced back . She try to ignore his punches at her bosom and went into hard attacks. During a mixup Tim's right fist find its goal with an uppercut and Noomi fell down at her knees. She shook her head. Tim look at his crawling foe, feeling good as his right from the start, big bulge has growing father more. Noomi had the lovely feeling of the knockdown as well as her will to get up and fight on. She look up at Tim who stand over her shouting at her to came up and fight. When Noomi get up they clash together again, hitting and "wrestling" in standing position all over the ring floor during the audience cry. Noomi with her breast bobbling box clever in the the rest of the round. She wait for his attacks and answer up with touch counterattacks. She been very well award over his temporarily superiority but did also know her advance. It works, he couldn't get her during his trying to lock her up. Tim had a close lead winning the round. They sat in their corners. The audience was noisy. Tim look at Noomi, caressing his bulge feeling good. "I drop you!" he said to himself. Noomi looking at the hard body of Tim "I'll kill you!" she got in her mind. "Round 2" Tim as he try not to stare at the truly pretty Woman across from him. Battered a little bit and with towels on her face she carries herself so confidently. "I hope she remembers she agreed to this", he thinks, "IÕll beat her down ". Tim awaits the buzzer signalling the second round. He tilts back his head to loosen up his neck as the buzzer sounds. Noomi her face a lesson in concentration brings her fists up and her chin down as she enters centre ring. An Amazon in black gloves she ready herself for another attack. They meet and punches collide with flesh. The slap of knuckles on arms and on stomachs and on the forearms that block are mixed with the puffs of air breathed out as they fight. Noomi blocks a right and darts in a short left to Tim's jaw. He steps back and begins to jab Noomi with stinging lefts witch she blocks. A fake down with a left and Tim steps in and sends a uppercut to Noomi's chin. She seems to feel nothing as her head fly up a slight bit and she instantly uses the opening to drive a straight right to Tim's cheek. His head goes back as hid body follows and Noomi jabs lefts as a follow up. Tim blocks a punch here and there but most are connecting as she throws rights behind her jabs. Tim try to cover up but Noomi's talent begin to overwhelm him as he backs up. Tim scores with a wild shot to Noomi's temple and she staggers to the left. Noomi steps back and slams her fist in a powerful overhand punch straight to Tim's unprotected chin and Tim's legs turn to rubber. He staggers as if on ice and falls on his butt. A dazed look in his eyes he pulls himself up by the ropes and sees Noomi coming in. The European woman nail the American man in a corner and he took some good beating until he succeed to clinch. The buzzer blares ending the round. The sounds of the crowd intrude his ears again. . Tim rubbing his chin, "but she still has to go down hard for that one!" he thinks. Tim turned to look at Noomi. None the worse for wear this time. She sat in her corner. Her arms draped over the top ropes. The tough woman had taken a lot of punishment to her bosom, and her second dry them. ÓRound 3Ó Tim knows he had to KO her. Using his raw power against the technical boxing woman, he rush out swinging wildly. Noomi been in trouble taking some hard shots to her bosom. A fast uppercut right at her jaw send her back. Tim speed up his attacks and get her at the defensive. Cleverly, the lady destroy his boxing by clinching, forcing him back over the ring, showing her ability in this game. The referee warned her. Noomi dance around Tim, fit and boxing out, knowing her superiority, she homes in some good shot at Tim's face. He went back and clinch. The referee broke up the clinch and look at him. A mad Tim with his red and swollen face showed that he want to fight on. They went into a brawl and mix it up in the middle of the ring. The woman's infighting stop the man's heavy attacks. They went on and finally he went down to his knees by a left-right combination. The audience cry out. Tim crawl at the floor looking a Noomi's back when she went to the neutral corner. In his dazed mind he heard the yell from the audience as well as he noticed, funny in that situation, that her her sheer shinning pantyhose has seams on. He slowly get up and stood at 9 ready to go on. His bulge was away. Noomi attack and force him into the ropes and Tim went down on his back spread legged with the knees half rise and the arms stretched out. Tim looks up at the skirt dressed woman who stood over him with her fist raised. The buzzer sounds. Noomi look at Tim, shake her head, under her left eye a black mouse was coming up. Noomi got a thing in her mind, while caressing her battered breast. ÓI kill himÓ, she said quit. A still dazed Tim look was confused. She was not stronger than him but a far clever boxer. He could not understand it, she was a woman and he a man. ÓRound 4Ó. Noomi attacking him in a furious way. A hard uppercut find its goal and Tim reeled back into the ropes. Noomi explode and went after in and homes in a lot of slams to his head ended with some fast solid uppercuts. Tim was out. His eyes was far away. Noomi attack her male foe. Beautifully, a left at his chin followed by a hard right sending his head back and he start to fall when another left- right combo hit him at his way down landing at his back. The referee start counting over the beaten man. Thought Tim wasnÕt unconscious, just semi-unconscious, he could not get up for three minutes. The referee took out his mouthpiece and turning to Noomie he ask her to put her foot at the fallen man. A lovely sight. The released, sweat, skirt wearing and basically bare chested victorious woman Noomi, with a big swollen bosom, stood with her foot right at the point at her basically nude male victim. Tim laying beaten tired, bloody, sweat and a small bulge look up at he victorious Amazon, with her gloved hands rosed in victory. The referee declaring her as the winner of his mixed fight by a four round KO. The audience cry out of joy. Noomi felt gorgeous. As the female fighter Noomi Olsson let out her long hair in freedom she walk around the ring taking the enthusiastic crows homage, A basically nude, humiliated and battered Tim Shuman, with his tiny bulge and row of victories broken, crawl away from the mayhem. Without any congratulations to his superior he left the ring on wobbly legs, scorned by the people who been seeing him being beaten up by a woman. Cowardly he run away from the gym without saying a word. He had a rather good boxing and he was a very hard hitter, but not a good looser, showing up a bad sporting manner. The Amazon Noomi took on the dark brown robe and walk in triumph out from the battle field after her lovely victory over the Warrior Tim Shuman. *** ÓYes,Ó Noomi said. ÓHe had a big hard one when we start, but being beaten up by and loosing to a woman made him so small and so tiny. As he was scorned by the people watching us was too much for him. But a lovely kick for me. He refuse a rematch! But fighting basically bare chested was tough, my battered tits was swollen and discoloured so I went on using padded bras. Well, you might say; he had a big bulge when we start and a small when we terminate the fight, I had two small ones in the beginning and two big ones in the end.....But...Ó did she gently continued after a laugh, ÓI like the nylon body stock and did continue to wear it in my boxing fights!Ó -And nylon tights too? -Yehh, I AM a woman and I like to be it too, loving fashion..and boxing!
Subj: Re: Rematch
Date: Monday, October 23, 2000 5:55:23 AM
OK, Heres my fiction story of the return I hope it's OK
----------------------------- TOUGH GUY VS TOUGH WOMAN, REMATCH. Tim Shuman was mad! Loosing to a woman in the ring and been wearing nylon tights! That was to much for him as a man. Now he wanted a revenge to show that woman, Noomi Olsson who the real Champion was. Noomi Olsson was pleased over her victory. Tim Shuman had been a tough opponent as she had fight him practically bare chested, wearing just a sheer nylon body stock. But she had beat him beautifully. Right from the end of their first fight, which was held in Louisville, she realise sheÕll be fighting him again, even if he right after the fight deny a rematch. But, being scorned by the people watching the fight where he was beaten up by and loosing to a woman, was too much for him. Half a year later, the two well trained fighters clash out again. The bout was taken on at a small private neutral gym, in fact a rebuilt small school at the countryside outside Kansas City, nowadays being a menÕs gym. It was a hot day when the bout should take place. The gym was rather well packed for the night. There where five matches scheduled that night and the third one was to be a mixed prize fight between a Man and a Woman! No one knew much of the female fighter but she was, they been told, from Europe. The man was a reasonably well known local who had seen him fare share of leather in the ring. What was known for most of them, was his number of fights and wins over female opponents. What was unknown, was that this was their second bout Ð and that he want a revenge for his only lost against a woman. Tim Shuman sat on the bench in the dressing room as his second massaged him, oiling up his body. before his second dress him. Finally, he put his hands into the gloves. He smacked them together hard. Tim stretched his neck and waited, he knew they would be coming for him in a few minutes so he stood and did some shadow boxing. His cock bounced during his routine. He wanted revenge and been training hard for the bout, and he thought with a smile, sheÕll got what he wanted. As the attendant knocked at the door and asked if he was ready. His second opened the door and they headed for the ring. Tim walks out into the arena, wearing nothing but the 10 ounce black gloves, black tight silk boxing shorts with silver trim, brown nylon tights, black socks and boots. He wanted to show all the people who the real Dominant boxer was. His body shows his playing muscles. His tights trunks show up a hard lance but the audience also comment his nylon tights?? WHY??? Tim climbs through the ropes, ignoring all the comments from the audience. He simply stood in his corner, a man with a mission, fists balled into tight hard areas. Wanting Noomi Olsson out there now. Now Tim looked up, as he heard the crowd get silent. He slammed his gloves together hard, waiting to show all of them, and especially Noomi, who would be the winner and who would be claiming the prize as the Champion. The woman Noomi Olsson, in her twenties watched him enter the ring. She shook her head to focus on the match as they instructed her to head toward the ring. She placed her gloved hands upon her second and started walking towards the ring. She had a good solid and muscular body - a pleasant figure, and had a medium sized nose, slender lips and a few freckles. Her long hair was put up in a pony tail. She glared at her foe in the ring with sultry looking eyes. Noomi was wearing skin tight blue satin shorts with black trims that clung to her shapely black mesh tights covered legs, in a pleasant fashion. On her feet she wore white socks and black ankle length boots. She also wore a short brown robe and there was plenty of it as she had a huge chest. Noomi first noticed the silence as she entered the big room with the boxing ring in the centre. She she climbed through the ropes and shrugged off her robe. Her black padded bra over her dark tan nylon body stock made her bosom look far more impressive. Noomi relaxed and loosened up in her corner looking at Tim. He stood in the light, a bit of sweat already glistening off his body. -ÓThey donÕt look at you, the look at me!Ó Her second Kim said with a low voice massaging her neck. -ÓYeahh, youÕre a man and I a woman. And you been at the wrong placeÓ, she said with a small smile and kiss him. The fight been announced: -ÓFighting out of the red corner, wearing the black trunks with silver trim, Standing 6Õ and weighs 160 pounds. It's Tim Shuman of Kansas City!" The crowd get noisy. -ÓFighting out of the red corner: The female fighter, wearing the blue trunks with black trim. She stand at 5'-8" and weighs in at 167 pounds. It's Noomi Olsson of Sweden!" This announcement was met with silence. Noomi watched Tim approach the centre of the ring as she did for final instructions. Their referee was to be a tall dark man. He inspected both their gloves and spoke.Tim and Noomi stood, chest to chest as the ref. gave them the last minute instructions about parting when he said break. -ÓI want a good, clean fight. If I tell you to break, you break without swinging. Remember, so when your opponent goes down you move to a neutral corner, if you don't the count won't begin till you do. Now shake and wait for the bell.Ó Noomi smiled at Tim and rubbed her gloved hand against his crotch. He knew Noomi would try to get him off during the match to weaken him, but didn't think it would be that easy for her. He was used to it from other females heÕd fought. They hadnÕt succeed! Tim starts to raise his gloves so Noomi decides to take the first emotional strike and smacks his gloves hard and down and moves back to her corner. Noomi's second puts her mouthpiece in and Noomi starts jumping from foot to foot, awaiting the bell. She looks over at Tim, who is just standing there, a hungry look in his eyes, waiting! ROUND 1! Noomi moves forward but Tim practically jumps ahead, leading with a flurry of heavy blows to Noomi's arms and body. Noomi retaliated with blows of her own, but gradually gave up ground as Tim's blows kept pounding her back. She looked into his eyes a moment, wondering as she saw the intense hunger in them, and didn't see a wide right hook that caught her square in the jaw and sent her to the mat. Tim stood over her a second before the referee ordered him into a neutral corner and started her count. Noomi was more surprised than hurt, she tasted blood around her mouthpiece, but went to a knee to rest for most of the count. She stood up at the count of 8 and looked over at Tim as the referee whipped her gloves clean and ordered them to box. Noomi now new Tim was all business, and was out here to floor her any way he could. She bit down hard upon her mouthpiece and landed a solid right jab to Tim's face to let him know she was all business as well. They traded blows then for the rest of the round. At the end, Noomi walked back to her corner, only showing a slight swelling around the cheek. It seemed almost to quickly as Noomi sat down, took a drink, got sponged, and suddenly the referee is ordering them to stand for the next round. Noomi stood up though, her padded bosom shining in the light, the calls from outside the ring growing as she bounced for the bell. ROUND 2! Noomi moved out towards Tim, who for some reason this round didn't rush out to her. They both started trading jabs, her infighting giving her the advantage there, after a few exchanges Tim left eye seemed to be swelling a bit. Noomi decided to press the advantage and went into Tim with a right/left jab combo, but as she threw the first right Tim ducks forward to her right and slams a hard right straight into Noomi's right tit, pancaking it against her chest and drawing a gasp from Noomi that is quickly silenced as Tim's left comes around and slams into Noomi's chin and mouth from the right side, staggering her. Tim quickly moved in, pile driving heavy rights and lefts to Noomi's breasts and stomach. His arms like pistons, non stopping even when Noomi throw a punches in retaliation. He simply took the hit and she continued to force him back against the ropes with her blows. As Tim tried to lower his guard to block some of the damage suddenly Noomi viciously attacked his head with a punishing left/right/left combo, rocking him back and forth and making the ring spin for him. Tim could hear the crowd gasp as suddenly all he feels is a sharp pain to the face and something cool hitting his back. Tim groaned, he felt something and then realised the count above him. -ÕÕFive!.....Six!.....Seven!ÕÕ he realised he was on his back, Noomi must have floored him, he had to get up. He reached and grabbed the only thing he could, the ropes and pulled himself onto his feet before the ten count. The referee asked him if he could continue. He nodded yes and as soon as the referee ordered them to box. Noomi came at him again slamming another hook into his face and sending him reeling on rubber legs into the ropes. Thankfully the bell rang before she could continue the beating. Noomi had her arms up when they went to their corners. Tim reached his stool and flopped down, wondering what was going wrong. He looked over to Noomi, her cocky attitude making him angrier. His second grabbed the bucket of water next to his stool, and dumped it all over him. The ice cold water waking him up fully. The second was massaging his shoulders when he turned and whispered to him; -ÓShe's a woman, box out and beat her! Kill her!Ó Tim looked up at him, then back and Noomi, and he nodded. -ÓWellÓ, he thought to himself, Óif she wants me to really get off on this, I guess I better start working her over so that I do get all worked up!Ó He stood before the bell rang, and started slamming his gloves together, hard. He been confuse. Her padded bra was away and he saw clearly her big firm bosom under the sheer nylon body stock. Yes, Noomi had taken it off during the 60 second pause. Noomi looked over, eagerly waiting for the kill of her male foe as her second Kim caress her bosom. ROUND THREE As soon as the bell rang He ran towards Noomi, and they started to again exchange hay makers, but there Noomi tried hitting Tim all over, Tim was head hunting. A minute into the round they both stood in the centre of the ring, exchanging devastating hard blows. There was no sense of defence in either fighter as they exchanged hooks, crosses, uppercuts, everything. Sweat and eventually blood started flying from both fighters, Tim catches Noomi with a powerful straight left directly into Noomi's right breast. His back 10 ounce glove plowing into her breast so deeply as to force her to take a step back as she lets out a cry of pain. Tim was on top of her, pushing her into the ropes. Noomi bend down and run away sideways and get out in the middle of the ring. Tim turn around, there she was, waiting for him and delivered fast a punishing left/right into his stomach that sends Tim slumping to his knees. His face brushing against her, and before the referee comes to separate them. Noomi then steps back and lets him fall down face first into the mat, his black gloves to his sides, his breathing shallow as she moves to a neutral corner. Tim laid there painful. Tim feels his body hit the mat and shakes his head in a daze, his lip feels wet and he groans as he hears a count somewhere in the distance. Tim moves to his hands and knees and realises she got knocked down! He hears the referee reaching 5 and reaches for the ropes. In front of his eyes he saw NoomiÕs black boots, white socks and the mesh tights covered legs dance around, waiting for him to stand up. Pulling himself slowly to his feet, he tastes his blood on his lips as the referees reaches 8 and rubs his gloves against his shirt, asking Tim -ÓAre you all right? Can you go on?Ó Tim nods his head. He watched as Noomi stalked towards him, knowing he was at her mercy. Tim could hear some of the customers yelling for Tim to just end it, showing heÕs a man!. Tim home in some good slams at her big bosom which really went up and down. However, the strong and fired Noomi went on and let her gloves dance at him. She concentrates on his head and chin, taking the weakened punches Tim tries to throw back and simply plowing through them to get to Tim. As Tim falls back against the ropes Noomi lands a punishing left to his stomach that makes Tim try to clinch with Noomi. Noomi lets his hold on but keeps hitting his sides with her gloves, occasionally working a hard uppercut between them to rock Tim's head back. Without realising it Tim feels the corner turn buckles against his back as Noomi pushes him into the corner and throws a hard left/right to his head. Tim sees stars and Noomi lands one more uppercut straight into Tim's face that sends his back into the corner on his ass. Tim feels woozy but wonders why he isn't hearing a count, he looks up to see Noomi standing there, not letting the referee move her to a neutral corner so he can count Tim down. Tim shakes his head, her body and bosom looks far ore impressive from this angle. Slowly Tim works his way up the corner, the referee finally getting between Noomi and Tim and asking him: -ÓHad enough?Ó Tim remarkably shakes his head no. Noomi moves quickly towards Tim, who barely moves out of his corner. Noomi pounds away at Tim's head, trapping his back in his corner. Tim tries to clinch, and holds on as Noomi pounds his sides, he holds on and begs her "No knockout please, I will go down but not a knockout I beg you!" Noomi pushes him into the corner and holds him there with her right gloved hand and says simply; -ÕÓAgreed is a fight to the ultimate end! Remember?Ó Her left hand grab his still erected lance. -ÓOhh!Ó She said ironically, ÓitÕs still hard!!!Ó A disorientated and mad Tim try to get rid of her hug. The referee split them up and get them boxing again. Immediately Noomi throws a devastating left uppercut that seems to lift Tim off his feet, before blackness takes his she feels Noomi's right join her left up under his chin then sweet blackness. During the time the referee counts out the beaten Tim Shuman, Noomi let her second cool down her bosom before she walk up the the beaten man. Noomi look at Tim as he start coming to sense after some minutes. Tim wakes up to feel the pain and also the pressure of Noomi's booted foot between his now just nylon covered legs. She stands with her arms raised in victory, his black worn satin shorts in one gloved hand. The referee came up and declared her victory. Noomi was fired and felt very happy and stood with a triumphant smile looking down at him. Tim look up at her from his inferior position, seeing the shining, muscular body of the superior woman towering over him. Tim took another good time to recovered at the floor before the trunk less man could stand up on his knees. Tim show up a small boxing erection kissing his female superiors feet up to her tights before the the world once again get black and he sunk down at the floor back to unconscious again. The beaten man left the ring with on a stretcher! Soft as a sponge. Noomi was indeed very happy. She had been beating up and humiliate the big mouth Tim Shuman of Kansas City twice and KO him beautifully. With her gloved hands up in the sky, her firm big bosom clearly visible with the hard nipples under the transparent nylon body stock and her nice mesh tights covered legs ending in her white socks and black boots, she made the lap of honour in the ring. The polite audience gave her their celebration as she walks up to her second Kim and they got into a long hot congratulation kiss. -ÓNow, you got to give me your celebrationÓ, she said to him walking out of the ring! A relaxed an pleased Noomi comes out from her dressing room after a good time with her second Kim, who had to do his duties, and a long shower. SheÕd let her long hair out, putting on golden tight short frock, a pair of deep tan sheer nylons and black high heels looking magnificent. She show up a small mouse under her left eye. Her swollen tits really tightened her golden frock, but she was the Winner and the Champion. Her chocked looser and the inferior male boxer, Tim Shuman escape cowardly from his dressing room after coming to sense again, still wearing the nylon tights. The men at the gym never seen him there again. Later that night a woman and a man was sitting drinking champagne at an high fashion restaurant. Nobody seeing them, could realise that the woman some hours earlier had been fighting another man in a boxing ring and now was sitting discussing about the fight. Yes, it was Noomi and Kim drinking and eating for the prize fight money sheÕd earned.
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