The following tales are real encounters sent in by readers containing either female versus female or female versus male opponents.
I grew up in the country and went to a small country school where we walked to and from for the most part. One fall day
there was a group of us walking home and this one girl by the name of Callie, who hated me, walked up behind and kicked the hell of my shoe making me trip and drop my books. I did not fall all the way down but caught myself. I told her as a couple of boys helped me with my books, that if she ever done that again she would not like me. her reply was that she did not like me anyway. i told her that she and I would fight if she ever done it again and her reply was that it sounded like fun to her. all i had to do was name the place and time. we both had on dresses and I was not going to fight her with my dress flying over my head but I would go home and change into something more sutiable we would meet at an old horse barn that was about half way between our houses. She agreed. And the fight was on much to the delight to kids that was with us. A house had stood there at one time but it had burnt down years ago so we kids used it to play in at times.
I ran home and put on some faded blue jeans and a tank top. I ran to the barn for I wanted to be there first. she showed up shortly wearing a pair of cut off's and a T shirt.We were also wearing sneakers and white socks. We went behind the barn where two large oaks stood and the boys and girls formed a circle around Callie and myself. I was wishing I had kept my mouth shut but it was too late. We stood glaring at each other and then the kids shoved us at each other. the fight was on. I do not remember everything but this I do remember. She grabbed me around the neck and flipped me to the ground hard. I got to my knees with the wind knocked out of me just as she grabbed me by the hair. I got to my feet and grabbed me a couple of hands full. we staggered about pulling and jerking and she went down. I wrapped my left arm about her neck and pulled her head up against my rib cage as I straddled her rib cage I tried to hit her in the face with my right fist but she grabbed my wrist with her left hand and held on tight. I pressed my cheek against her cheek and drove her face into the dirt as she tried to hit me in the face with her right fist. my back blocked any harmful blows.
we lay there straining against each other, resting, and not doing
much harm. The kids were screaming advise at both of us and urging us on. I was no longer afraid but had began to like fighting with her. This was fun. She grabbed me by the hair again and with her fight hand and pulled me off her. I can't remember everything that happened, as it happened, for this was years ago and I am now in my mid thirty's. We wrestled around on the ground for a bit with first one on top and then the other. I was happy to see that she was scratching her bare legs on the ground and I was glad that I had chosen pants. We started punching each other in the face. her nose began to bleed a little and that made me feel good. I liked the feel of my fist hitting her and her blows were not hurting me much at all. We got back to our feet and continued to fistfight much like boys.
Maybe not as good for we only connected ever now and again as we circled each other. I liked seeing her bleed. I pooped her a good one in the mouth and made the salvia fly. I slapped her hard in the face and then all hell broke loose. She flew into me with fist flying and I could not do any thing about it. we hit the ground hard with her on top with her knees pinning my arm's to the ground as she pounded my face. That is when I gave up. she had whipped my butt good. I lost the fight that day but she never picked on me again. that is when i found out that I loved to fight
and still do. It is not so easy to find someone to fight with like it was when i was a kid
hope this was not too long
The Author's Side
I sometimes sit here while doing edits or checking in on the counter amount and wonder who is actually reading this stuff. From my little
Story Corner I hit a few keys on the board and reach around the world. It's an awesome thing to be able to put one's ideas on a screen and have them transmitted around the globe.
From my occasional contacts with readers I have noticed a wide variety of backgrounds, territories, age ranges, and interests. In the early days of this site's launch, an ample number of female readers were
frequently in contact about what they wanted to see written or to request a story based on themselves. Some women even sent in their accounts of conflicts which were posted to the guest book...before the Yahoo/Geocities merger screwed up that area and the accounts were lost.
A select few of the gals even offered suggestions on punctuation and
encouraged this writer to keep on writing because they loved reading the stuff I was cranking out. I would sit here and try to imagine those women, curled up by their computer screens, reading the stuff that flowed from my imagination to the keyboard and finally out to you, the readers. In my mind they were all drop dead gorgous and will remain that way forever in my mind. Over sized flannel night gowns and thick white socks on them in the fridgid seasons and dainty light teddys or boxers and tee shirts in the warmer months. Yes...bare footed for warm season...I do have limits...:)! That's what I imagined these faceless goddesses adorned as they viewed my work in the darkened hours of the night, in secret solitude.
Once in awhile I'd venture into the wrestling chat rooms to simply hang out and to see if anyone recoginised me from The Corner...and some did. I did find that alot of women who frequent these chats are not too eager to have any males present. Please note that these were open chats with all genders welcomed. I have since retreated from that spectrum of the net. I guess I just got tired of either being ignored or the usual question of...does your wife fight for you? No...she doesn't.
You just can't resist the urge to ask the same questions of the female fighters over and over again. What were you wearing, where did you fight,
what caused the fight, was it a mutually agreed upon fight or did one of you start it. what tactics were inflicted during combat, how long did it last, were there onlookers, and the ever popular...who won? I've been guilty of that in years past...when women seemed more eager to chat to the whole room instead of a select few. Oh well.
Last night I viewed Personal Lives...an MTV program that covered..."I Am A Private Wrestler". It focused on the owner of a video production company that recruited women to do wrestling videos and on two female wrestlers in the company. One a veteran and the other from her recruitment to her first match...which was against..."a regular client"...guy. She was not amused when it was all said and done after her bout and in the post match interview stated that she thought it was going to be a straight forward wrestling match instead of something sexual. Although nothing sexual happened she didn't know that the match
would consist of her wearing a bikini. She came in tee shirt and shorts,
expecting to wrestle in that outfit, but was informed that the match would be a "bikini match". She reluctantly owed up to her end of the
agreement...they had her sign a mountain of releases before the bout. She was paid $100 for one half hour of taping time...which stretched out into the better part of one day. She thought she'd only be there a short while, wrestle the guy, then be done. But after each fall...or pin...or submission...
the taping stopped and the pay clock did as well. Her male opponent also looked miffed knowing he would be taped but most likely not by MTV as well! Some people get their fifteen minutes of fame whether they want it or not.
Now in my case, as I sat there watching this mixed match going on, and the gal was really wrestling, not just pretending to wrestle, I sank in spirit and envied that guy...even if he was embarrassed as hell to have the MTV camera shoved into his face. "Hi Ma!"
I've grown to realize that I'm getting tired of watching other people having fun while I sit here wasting away opponentless. Yes...I have a wife and she used to wrestle with me alot in her younger days but decided that mixed wrestling was a thing of the past as far as she was concerned. Hold your suggestions as I have been given some by various sources to no avail.
I was fortunate enough to have had a real female
step into the imaginary ring in what I call the Rec Room Wrestling-Boxing Federation... or the RWBF...and eagerly engage me in a ten minute "playfight". Since we were not alone in the house and discreetly met in mock combat...the bout was conducted on our feet...no floor fighting...with a five minute "how to" session followed by a brief rest period and then a five minute "playfight". This became "The Distraction Match", as I now call it.
She had no idea how to wrestle or box, so the instruction session was a
quick run through of how to pull your punches and pretend to pull hair,
followed by some standard standing wrestling holds like side head locks,
half and full nelsons, and bear hugs.
This 39 year old eagerly stood in her corner and listened intently as I explained what we were about to do. I showed her how to hold her fists
and guided her through the motions of circling each other around the ring,
lightly jabbing each other's faces without causing any pain. She tried jabbing me and got it just right. Slow motion was the key in this step of the game. Next I moved her into the close body punching aspect of the game, lightly tapping her sides and stomach as she just watched and then
did the same to me. Clinching came next...with body punches...and she seemed to shy away from that move so I didn't press the issue.
From there we went to mock hair pulling, which she seemed to like to
my surprise. I showed her how to move with the pull...and showed her the trick of not really pulling but rotating her wrists and hands to make it look like she was. She used alot of hair spray so my initial grasp surprised me that she didn't object in the least. The next was the ever popular side head lock, one of my favorite standing mixed wrestling holds. First I gently got her into the hold and showed her how to "work" the hold, then switched and let her apply the hold to me. She seemed reluctant at being in this position to my surprise, but did it just the same until releasing me to try out another hold. The bear hug. This demonstration was brief at best. She tried it but got self conscience at
our body's contact. Again I didn't press the issue and we paused for a rest period. She retreated to her corner...really a seat on the sofa which
formed the ring's edge as I took up a position in the opposite corner...which is the chair I am now sitting on. She looked to be slightly flushed from the excitement of it all, especially since we were not alone
in the house but doing this in secret as the others were upstairs in the dining room talking.. I must admit, I hadn't been this excited for a long, long time.
Now to give some insight into how we ended up in this position, a
phone call started the whole idea. I was home alone one day when the phone rang. It was a family friend whom I had known for a long time. On hearing of my oneness, she suggested that she should come out to keep me company. I answered with fine, but only if she wanted to wrestle. Now we had bantered back and forth about that topic in previous encounters but it never got any further than just words. This time she said maybe she'd take me up on that but not that day as she had other things to attend to. The ball was now rolling...if ever so slowly. Say what you will about AOL but that IM thing comes in handy when you're in a situation like this. A series of IMs and e-mails between us set in motion the date of the match. A devious plot to keep the others occupied as we stole down to the recreation room was developed and executed with perfect form. A "distraction aunt" was brought along to keep another household member busy in conversation as I supposedly met my female opponent in the recreation room to show her how to solve a computer problem she was having on her home computer. That took all of one minute. Outfits were discussed during the planning stages and
duel attire was chosen. Duel meaning good for "play fighting" but also good for everyday wear...not to raise suspicisions. Since I have a "thing" for a muture woman in sneakers and thick, white socks, she promised to wear that for our secret mock "battle of the sexes"...as it came to be known. She also wore a dark green pull over golf shirt and black stretch pants that were three quarters in length...or about mid-calf. I donned my black casual shorts, a grey tee shirt, white socks, and sneakers.
I could have sat there watching her in her corner for another five minutes but she was anxious to try out her new "sport". What followed was five minutes of pure bliss for me and pure excitement for her. We
started like boxers and progressed to the total combination of tactics we
had quickly practiced. When she got slightly too enthusiastic and tried to tackle me to the floor, I had to stop her, as this was not a good position to be in when you are within discovery distance of others. We broke off the struggle and she excused herself to the sofa, gasping for breath, her heart racing, according to her own statement. She retreated to her corner and sat for a few minutes, trying to regain her composure.
I stood by and commended her on a perfect performance. When she was comfortable with her breathing and heart rate, we prepared to rejoin the others, almost forgetting to straighten up her now disheveled hair. I loved it! She looked like she had been in a fight. Her shirt was slightly
rumpled, her usually hair sprayed locks were mussed, her socks were
slightly pushed down...I pulled them up for her...and her necklace was aimed in the wrong direction. We checked ourselves over and then went upstairs. We had succeeded! Now neither of us have any intention of having an affair...never have...probably never will. I'm not that kind of guy.
But we do like to "play fight". She has become a fan of this tension release form of mindless fun and I have been a fan of the sport for ages.
It's been over a year since we had our bout, with plans for future matches if and when we get the opportunity again. Schedules what they are, we just haven't had the chance to be in the same place at the same time since then. A full scale match is planned if I ever get an empty house again....minus the sneakers....and that was her idea. She think's it would be more fun to slip and slide on the floor in our socks. Actually a big comforter will be used as the ring floor. When I mentioned that we should do this at least once a month, she agreed. I must be cursed...a willing opponent and no place to be alone for some innocent fun. I know what you're thinking...rent a motel room. Maybe...some day...maybe...
An after thought from today...Sunday, October 5th, 2008. To this day we still e-mail back and forth but only talk about playfighting with each other as something that may happen again some day...nothing like we once did. From reading my encounter from the "distraction match", I have come to realize that if I had not stopped her when she tried to tackle me to the floor on that beautiful day, our pretend battle of the sexes would have continued as a floor playfight with rolling around and tight body to body struggling that would have lasted far longer than the actual playfight did. I am a moron!
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