Some of my favorites.
The mouse in the house.
The channels kept changing as I held the remote control in my hand and watched the countless infomercials flash past. At three in the morning there isn’t a lot of programming to be enjoyed. With the new cable system hooked up, I ventured into the higher channels of the television and paused when I saw the title Match of the Day come onto the screen. I guessed soccer as the program was originating from India. As the screen faded to black I expected to see a green soccer field come into view but instead the screen came back showing what appeared to be the inside of a garage with a small window along it’s wall. The focus adjusted to a clear image of three ropes strung along the rear wall of the garage, the same side as the window. The small window was positioned high up and near the ceiling of this empty scene. The floor appeared to be covered with burlap from wall to wall. After a minute of this view of the what looked to be a crude version of an apartment house wrestling set up, a woman’s voice announced that it was time for the match of the day. Seconds later, two women entered the camera’s view and stood facing it with solemn expressions on their faces. Both were rather large women, one with dark brown hair and the other red. Both wore their hair in ponytails and each was shoulder length. They stood staring at the camera at first, then turned and faced each other about five feet apart. Both women were wearing black sports bras with black stretch pants that came to just below their knees with heavy white socks in slouched positions. They waited as the other unseen woman introduced each lady and urged the viewing audience to cheer for their favorite. The camera pulled back to expose the entire room and the two women glided to opposite corners of the mat and waited in silence as the announcer proclaimed that this was going to be a no holds barred brawl between the two heavyweights. Both women pouted as the match style was proclaimed and they appeared to be genuinely upset with each other as they waited in their corners. A bell sounded and the match of the day began.
With the camera in a stationary position, the entire field of battle was visible to the viewer. The two women slowly approached the center of the room and to my surprise, began to slug away at each other in a determined fashion. Their fists slammed into their bodies with dull thuds as they cried out in pain but kept up the violent exchange. Both women were of Indian decent as was announced by the unseen woman announcer. They were not American native women, but women from India. They battled in the center of the room with right and left punches that buried themselves deep into their supple bodies.
Both women stood firm and slugged away at each other like two novice fighters. An occasional hair pull began to get mixed into their slugfest as they fought closely against each other. At one point, they clinched tightly together and instead of holding onto each other, locked themselves into a mutual hair-pulling break. Their heads moved from side to side as the women tugged firmly at their foe’s hair. They struggled slowly around the room and the sound of their heavy socks against the rough burlap flooring could be heard.
One of the women began kicking the other while still tugging at her hair, launching the other woman to respond in kind. Their feet plowed into their shins and calves as the two women continued to tug at their hair and battled into a corner. Once there, they bumped into the wall and separated briefly. Both women backed away from each other and leaned slightly over, catching their breath. They kept each other in view to ward off any surprise attacks. After about a minute, they stood to full height and moved to resume the conflict.
They began to fight with their fists again but this time they circled and jabbed like two inexperienced boxers. Both women moved about flat footed and launched clumsy jabs that surprisingly hit their marks. Both women were being hit in their faces and chests as they slowly boxed their way around the room. Occasionally a roundhouse or uppercut was added to their jabbing as they fought in a determined manner. Most times the heavy punches missed but each woman received a few hard punches during this phase of the fight. Red blotches began to appear along with trickles of blood from their lips and noses. They whimpered as they fought on and stalked each other around the room. First one of them would retreat and then the other in what became a seesaw battle.
They exploded into a wild exchange of fists at one point, pounding away with no attempts to cover up from the onslaught of fists. Both women took a terrible beating at this point but growled in anger and continued to fight with harsh results. After a mutual double knockdown occurred, the two exhausted women stayed down, whimpering softly. They had been going at it for almost fifty minutes and both women were battered and weeping softly as they stayed down on the burlap covered floor.
One of the women slowly got to her hands and knees and began crawling towards her foe. When she reached the prone woman the stalking woman mounted her in a full frontal position and locked herself to her opponent. Ankles were intertwined tightly together and arms encircled each other into a mutual upper body bear hug. They groaned and gasped as they struggled to win this violent embrace. Their bodies ground together in a desperate struggle until the woman on the bottom of the battling pair demanded surrender from her opponent and got it. The top woman rolled off her victorious opponent and wept freely as the winner of the fight sat up and pounded one last punch into the prone woman’s gut. The winner got to her feet and staggered out of camera range, leaving the writhing woman clutching her gut as she cried softly. The credits came on as the screen went black and the unseen woman announcer urged the audience to toon in tomorrow for the match of the day.
The End.
Battle of the Tourists
Her name was Renee. She was a school teacher at the Oak Avenue School,loved by her students and fellow teachers. A mousey type...ah,ha...who just hadn't
found Mister Right in her thirty years on this Earth,a book worm who seemed content to teach and read. When this term of school ended,after much prodding by her friends,Miss Renee was to begin a two week adventure in Europe. She packed her luggage and arrived in France without any problems.
Sally was a bookeeper
who had saved long and hard for her vacation of her dreams. She too was a single gal,twenty-nine years old and a rarther quiet type. Books also played a large part in her lifestyle,and she loved to curl up with a good book and fantisize about her being the main charecter in her love and adventure stories.
Renee lived in the USA.,Sally resided in Sweden. Neither spoke the other's language or were fluint in the language of their intended vacation destination.
Salley arrived safely and the two women embarked on their adventures,starting from Paris. From there,it was off to the countryside to experience the small villages. Each gal traveled alone and by some twist of fate,they ended up at the village of San Ribsalote'. The village was dotted with small shops and homes that were nestled together with churches and cafes'. On this day Renee,who hardly ever went with anything but a dress and flats,opted for a more practical
attire of Bermuda shorts,tank top,her newly purchased Reebok low cut sneakers and also newly purchased thick,white athletic socks. She looked down at her new
footware,which showed brightly in the morning sun against her bare,tanned legs.
Her socks were scrunched down, it was to be a warm day ahead. Sally entered the street dressed in her usual casual attire of a sleevless blouse,demin shorts,
white crew socks and canvas Mary Janes. The day was pleasent for both women as
they ventured amongst the cozy shops. Their paths would cross at Phillipe's House of Bargains...yup! The translation sounded much more elegant. A small
darling knic-knack seemed to shine out as it sat on the shelf,attracting Renee and Sally,who reached out for it at the same time. Their hands touched together
and grasped it,each wanting the trinket and neither willing to let go. Renee
tried to pull it away from Sally,who pulled back,warning her roval off in her native tongue. Renee held firm and they stood face to face struggling against each other's grasps. Phillipe' arrived and tried to referree the matter but he
only had one in stock...as shown by his one finger when they asked if he had any more. The women returned their attention to each other and grew angry,bearing their teeth at each other. Phillipe' grasped the trinket from the slender tourists and in his tongue,instructed them to "take it outside"! They paused,not
understanding him at first. He then posed like a boxer,raised his fists,pointed to each woman,and pointed for the door. Now they understood. Renee said,"You want us to go outside and fight for it"??? Sally said the same in her tongue,and
Phillipe' nodded a hearty yes! The two women stood and stared at each other for
a moment. Renee,who never had a fight in her life,looked over her possible opponent and thought she would have a good shot at winning. They were equal in size and height. Sally did the same and thought the same thought. Renee showed Sally a fist and pointed towards the door. Sally showed her fist to Renee and pointed to the door. With Phillipe' in tow,the two mousey bookworms headed out the front door and stepped into the deserted,dirt covered street. As luck would have it,the town was empty due to the grape contest going on in the next village
to the south. With the exception of the women,Phillipe' and two old women who sat in chairs in front of the hotel,the village was there's. Phillipe' took up a position on the wooden sidewalk and sat down in the third chair with the old ladies. Renee and Sally stood in the middle of the street and glared at each other,their fists at their sides. Sally moved first,raising her fists and stepped towards Renee. Renee followed siut and the women squared off in the dirt. They circled at first,and Sally struck out first. She launched a wide,swinging overhand right that thwacked into Renee's left upper arm. She chirped out and launched her own right to Sally's stomach,that thudded home.
The women then began a left right slugfest,standing toe to toe. Their punches were weak,and slow,so no real damage was being down...yet. They moved close and clinched together,raising dust from the street as their feet shuffeled about.
Body punches began in earnest as they leaned against each other and fought. Cries chirped from both gals as they battled it out in front of Phillipe' and the old women. Renee slugged Sally hard in her gut,stumbling her back a few steps. She looked to Phillipe' and sked him if Sally wanted to give up. He looked to her and in Swidish she replied,"I give"! Phillipe',being an avid female fight fan,looked back at Renee and said,"No!" With that,Renee moved at a
confused Sally who uttered her surrender once more to deaf ears. Renee plowed her fist into Sally's left cheek,enraging her. Sally attacked back and the women battled around the street,pummeling their bodies and faces as best they could. At one point,both women pushed away from each other to pause. Renee called for a stop to the fight,looking to Phillipe' to translate it to her opponent. He did,his way,"She is insulting your sainted mother!" Sally flew at her foe,tackling Renee to the dirt covered street. They knotted themselves up in a mass of writhing females bent on destruction now. Hair pulling and biting,
punches and kicks,gouging and scratching filled the air. The women rolled in the street,clawing at their clothes and faces. Each had become bloody at the pummeling and they cried freely now. The rolling slowed to a crawl and the women stopped together,locked in a ground clinch. Each requested the other to stop,willing to end the fight with no winner,but ole' Phillipe' told each woman something like,"She say's you are a wimp and she will fight you all day if that's what it takes!" And with that,they resumed the combat,wrestling on the ground. Renee got to her knees and got Sally in a side headlock,holding her steady and tried to take a breather. Sally reached around and grabbed Renee by her hair,pulling her back down to the street. They layed locked together and pulled hair and sidelocked each other with vicious force. Each woman sobbed
loudly but fought on. At one point,Sally got loose of her opponent and grabbed Renee's foot,twisting it into a step over leg lock. Renee screamed as her foot twisted in ways that shot pain to her. She grasped out and caught Sally's foot,
applying the same twisting hold on her foot. The women layed in the street,twisting each others' feet as they both screamed out in pain. After some time,they both released the holds and now each sighed out their surrenders for
Phillipe' to translate to their opponent. He grinned and told each that their
opponent wanted to continue. The battered women stood up and staggered into each other again. The bloodied pair fought again,hair pulling and kicking now.
They staggered in circles,the sounds of sneakers and Mary Janes slamming into shins and calves resounded through the quiet village. Renee and Sally held onto
each other as they lashed out their aching feet and legs. The fighting women reached the light post and Renee held Sally against it,like two fighters in the corner of a ring. When she was ready,Renee began to batter Sally with hard punches to her body. She leaned against her to keep her trapped in the "corner".
Exhausted,Renee stopped and just clinched her foe now. The two women stood and clinched at the lightpost for five minutes,each too tired to continue. Phillipe'
bellowed out,"Watch out!!! She's gonna knee you!!!" Reaction took over and each woman,thinking the other was about to launch this nasty shot,did. Their knees crashed into their groins with cruel abandon. They stood kneeing each other in
violent thuds and gasps. As the fight was fought out at a snail's pace now, the women slowly slumped to the ground and passed out,still locked together in a violent embrace.
Three Blind Mice
One dreary winter day at the Shadyside School for the Blind, I was staying warm
and well fed when my quiet night was interupted by an intruder. A woman had entered my workout room. Odd, I thought,as it was well after midnight. This woman moved almost as quietly as me. She was tall and thin. Her hair pulled into a long pony tail. A grey sweat suit covered her body and she wore white sweatsocks,no shoes. The dorm rooms were right down the hall so I guess that's why she entered shoeless. Might have just been that she wanted to walk as silently as possibly but remain warm. It was cold out. A few minutes later,a
second gal entered my room and in a hushed voice whispered,"Monica?" Gal one...Monica,whispered back,"Yes! Is that you,Karen?" Karen said ,"Yes! Are you ready?" Monica said,"Give me a minute to loose the sweatsuit." Karen peeled her's off as well and I watched hidden from sight as the two women peeled down to skin tight turtle neck shirts and gym shorts. Monica's sweat socks had fallen down during the unrobing,and she pulled them up to full height,almost to her knees. Karen wore tan,cableknit kneesocks and pulled them up before facing
the other gal. Karen also had her hair in a long ponytail and it swayed back and forth as she limbered up her neck muscles. Monica limbered up her body as well.
I noticed that each gal had placed their sweats at opposite corners of the padded room and guessed that this might be something interesting to view. It was! Both were teachers and both were ...blind... Monica stood tall and whispered to Karen that they would have to be quiet while they were there.
Karen acknowledged this in a hushed voice. The women were in their mid thirties
and built thin. Monica leaned forward and whispered...Ding! Karen moved out of her corner and was met by Monica at middle room. They groped around a bit before finding each other. When they did,what I thought would be a friendly wrestling match,turned out to be total war! Monica and Karen exploded into a slugging hockey fight! They latched onto each other with one hand while they pummeled away at their bodies with their free fists! Overhand
bolos,uppercuts,roundhouses,and crosses thundered into them! They cried out softly as they fought around the room. Karen tied up Monica with her arms and drilled her opponent with hard rights to her face. Monica shreiked out in a hushed tone and pummeled Karen right back in the same fashion. Karen fought Monica to the corner and drilled her with punches to her stomach with great force. Monica tried to cover up but the punches flew in all directions. She ducked down and waited for a pause while Karen stood close and battered away.
They were pressed together in a sweaty embrace,with Karen slumped down onto Monica's shoulder. Karen got in her share of blows as she drilled fists to Monica's sides. Karen dropped to her knees,grabbed Monica's legs, and pushed herself forward,taking Monica with her. The women wrestled now in close combat.
The sounds of heavy breathing and socks against socks as they rubbed up and down filled the night air. They rolled tightly about the floor,entwining legs and embracing in a manner most painful. Double front body locks squeezed the breath from both as they fought in the darkness. They layed still now,vise like grips from head to toe. Each gasped for the other to give up! Neither would so they stayed embraced in their brutal lockup. Occasionally rolling from side to side,
they stayed on the floor near the middle of the room. Cableknit material against
thick ribbed material makes an eerie sound at this hour. Their calf muscles were working overtime as the leg battle was as violent as the body battle going on. They began rolling again and broke apart,with Monica getting Karen by her ponytail. She stood up and hurled her foe by the hair into the darkness. Karen
hit the padded wall and thumped to the floor with a painful grunt. Monica listened for her movements,waiting for an attack. Karen slid quietly towards her enemy,on all fours. Karen was just about to spring at Monica's legs,when her
waiting foe jumped out of the way,causing Karen to land flat on her face. Monica jumped at the sound and landed on her opponent's back,entangling her up in a full nelson,leg lock combination. They struggled together and fought as
one again. Their legs embroiled together again,causing both to swear at the other. They rolled again and broke apart for a second,only to lurch into each other again,this time face to face,front to front. They embraced in a crushing
double grasp that squeezed them breathless. The sweaty women cried out in muffled tones but fought on. Monica pulled back her left fist and punched Karen's face three times. Karen reeled and attacked Monica in kind,stopping the gal. They paused locked together still,and uttered demands for surrender. Nope!
No takers yet! Karen got off Monica,pulled her to her feet and swung hard to her gut,doubling her over. Monica hauled off and slammed her own right into Karen's gut,doubling her over now. They stood erect and grasped onto each other again.
Both women prepared to punch again. Two fast moving punches landed from either direction! Thuds were drowned out by the cries of both gals. They collasped in
each others' arms to the floor. Monica sobbed,"No more!" A few minutes passed before they released each other and left the room,sobbing.
The end
This story idea was contributed by Hutch,a reader here at The Story Corner.
It was 9:00PM on a warm Thursday night in the Mid-size Pennsylvania Town, and
Diane was walking quickly from the hospital where she worked as a Licensed
Practical Nurse (LPN) to her apartment a quarter mile away. The sky was dark
and the wind was gusting, promising the heavy rainstorm that had been
predicted, and the 27-year old strawberry blonde had not brought her umbrella.
About 15 feet behind her was Carol, a 28-year old black-haired LPN. Although
they were heading to the same destination, as they did every night, they did
not walk with each other or say a word. The two attractive 5?? 130lb women
had been rivals though Nursing School and had strove to outdo each other at
the Hospital while spreading the worst gossip they could about the other.
While words had been exchanged, no physical confrontation had taken place-yet.
As they reached the end of the block, the storm that had been predicted began,
with large drops presaging a real downpour. The two women began to look for a
place of refuge, but the stores on three corners were all closed and the gas
station had been out of business for months. But next to the station was a
deserted phone booth, the phone and table removed or perhaps stolen, a perfect
refuge. Diane began walking towards it when she saw in the corner of her eye
that Carol had also seen the spot and was moving in that direction. Both
women increased their pace, determined to beat her rival there and watch her
spotless white uniform get sodden and dirty. By the time they reached the
booth both were at a run in their low top white shoes and thick white socks.
Carol was first by a step but was moving so fast she slammed into the wall and
could not close the door before Diane crashed into the booth, her back foot
shoving the door shut. A quick flurry of movement brought both young women
face-to-face, noses nearly together, crisp white blouses and skirts touching
as breasts, hips and feet were forced together in the cramped conditions.
They both ordered the other to leave, and both refused. The two looked into
each other's eyes and all the bad feelings, the lies, the threats all came
together. With feral snarls, the two women lunged together, both sinking
teeth into the other's shoulders as they attempted to free their hands in the
cramped confines. The dim light at the top of the booth illuminated the
brutal battlers, but the streets were deserted and the storm was now in full
fury, obscuring the action from any drivers. Both women now had their left
hand free and had buried it into the others hair. The right hands were
around their rivals backs, slapping, scratching and punching from shoulders to
kidneys. Diane let go of her bite and threw her body forward, slamming Carol
into the side of the booth. Carol stopped her biting and pushed back with her
body, with Diane? back now being smashed into the side of the booth. Now all
four hands went for hair as the two warring women used their bodies to shove
and slam the other around their tiny arena. Diane locked her right leg around
Carol's left at the knee and Carol retaliated with her right leg, drawing the
two foes into an even closer combat clinch. If this had been outside, they
would have lost their balance and hit the ground, but in the close confines
neither could upset the other. Diane could feel Carol's breasts through the
cotton blouses mashing into hers. Carol could feel the molding of two flat
stomachs and the white skirts could only partly cushion the violent collisions
between the pelvic areas. Both women groaned as hips were pushed against hips
and legs tensed and grappled, muscles straining and stretching beyond anything
the two women had ever experienced. The heels of their soft shoes scraped
against ankles and socks were pulled down near shoetops in the frantic leg
wrestle. In a fury, Diane let go of her enemies hair with her right hand.
Making a fist, she punched downward hitting Carol on the cheekbone. Carol
screamed and quickly threw her own punch, catching Diane below the eye. With
their left hands buried in the other's hair, neither had any defense from the
other's punches, and while they could not throw a full punch, the short jabs
could not miss. Shortly both were bleeding from the nose, Carol's left eye
was swelling shut as was Diane's and both bore cuts and scratches along their
cheeks. Still, neither would surrender, although both were gasping for breath
and crying in pain. Drops of blood and clumps of hair now spoiled the perfect
white uniforms they wore. Untangling her left leg, Carol tried to knee Diane
in the crotch, but there was not enough room for her to lift it all the way.
Her kneecap hit Diane's thigh, and Diane attempted to retaliate, both sensing
that neither could keep fighting much longer and a knee to the groin would end
it. But they were still clinched so tightly that neither could get room for
the final blow. Suddenly Diane stopped punching and letting go of her hair
hold she used both hands to shove Carol. Carol went back against the back of
the booth as Diane pushed into the opposite corner, a move which cost her a
chunk of her blonde hair. While still close, Diane had just room enough to
fire her right knee into Carol's pelvis. Carol screamed and would have
fallen except for the tiny space. Grabbing her hated rival by the hair, Diane
pulled her erect and landed two short punches to the face. With her left
hand, Diane opened the phone booth door and tossed a semi-conscious Carol out
into the rain and onto the wet, oily, dirty asphalt of the abandoned gas
station. At least, Diane thought as she surveyed her bloody and torn uniform,
injured face and aching body, I won't get wet.
Page Five
© 2000 rdenicolo@msn.com