I had to be extremely gentle with her as we played out our pretend bare knuckles prize fight. The old gal was really playing her role realistically throughout each round of the fight. We circled slowly around and around, our fists at the ready. We jabbed each other lightly and swung wide crosses and bolos that thumped into our sweaty bodies with little effect.
She was bigger and meaner, but he was determined to beat her. The smaller boy takes on the girl bully twice in "Behind The Barn".
Ever wonder why there are so many cars in the old folks homes parking lots on Saturday nights?...The two elderly women stood in their corners waiting for the bell to start their bout. It was going to be an old lady fist fight in the secret elderly fight club federation...
Have you ever heard of the phrase, "I have died and gone to heaven"? Well as unuasual
as it may seem, that's exactly what happened to me After going through the front gates of this
mysterious place, I found myself on a walkway that led me to a rather small arena. The entire
area was deserted of any beings as I walked up to the doors of the place and cautiously
entered the small building. I don't know why but I just had this feeling that I should sit down
in the center of the rows of seats and wait for something that was about to happen. The
place was empty and a boxing ring was located in the center of the building. The lights, which
were dimmed when I entered the arena, came up brightly as the building erupted into the
Rocky theme music. To my amazement, Rocky Balboa came lumbering down the asile in his
boxer garb right past me and climbed into the ring. He nodded and smiled at me as he
passed my seat on the way to the ring. I grinned a dumb founded grin back at him and began
to wonder if I was about to see a Rocky movie live and in person. When his music stopped,
the song I am woman hear me roar came on and to my glee, Adrian Balboa came gliding
down the asile in full boxers garb. She smiled and tapped her pink gloves at me as she passed
by and continued to the ring. The demure woman who had stared alongside Rocky Balboa
now stood across the ring from him in her corner. She was wearing pink boxing gloves and
trunks.. A white tank top and boots with white knee high athletic socks with two pink stripes on
the tops completed her ring attire. Her ring robe was white with pink trim, which she
removed and draped over the ropes in her corner. Rocky was wearing blue boxing trunks
with red gloves, white boots and knee high white athletic socks with two blue stripes on the
tops. His ring robe was blue with white trim. He removed his robe and hung it on the ropes
in his corner. Rocky and Adrian now stood in their corners, leaning against the ropes. I
looked down at my side and mysteriously a large beer and a bowl of pork rinds appeared.
Yeah, this must be heaven! Ding! The bell rang and the two movie icons moved out from
their corners, gloves up and ready for action. They met at center ring and began to circle
each other slowly. Adrian threw the first jab with her right glove. Rocky took it on the chin
and countered with a left jab that tapped his opponent's forehead. Adrian and Rocky circled
slowly in the center of the ring, jabbing lightly at each other as I sat mesmorised by it all. My
own private fantasy boxing match to view! I had fantasied about this match up while alive
during a viewing of a previous Rocky movie years ago. This was great! Rocky worked
Adrian into a corner and began hitting her with soft body punches as she countered in kind. I
cheered them on and watched as they continued to exchange soft blows in the corner.
Adrian reversed their positions and now pressed herself against Rocky, pushing him into the
turnbuckle. She was throwing light rights and lefts at his body as he followed suit and stood
firmly against her, returning blow for blow. They stood toe to toe and continued to fight
lightly in the corner. Their bodies rubbed against the turnbuckle as they struggled against
each other. Adrian grasped Rocky into a tight clinch and they struggled tightly in this athletic
embrace. She whispered into Rocky's that he wanted her to win the fight so he should give
up. Rocky stated that he was confused and continued to battle on. Adrian pushed him off
and began to punch him with more power now. Rocky returned fire with equal force and
they moved slowly around the ring swing away with moderate blows. Sweat now covered
the two boxers as no rounds had been sounded, keeping them locked in combat for twenty
continueous minutes. Adrian's dark, brown hair had become matted, even with it in a pony
tail. She forced him into another corner and locked him into another tight clinch. They stood
there wrestling against each other with Rocky trying to get free of her grasp and Adrian trying
to get him to give up. The fight kept going like this for a full hour with light to moderate
punches mixed with tight clinches and stand up wrestling. Adrian kept asking Rocky to give
up and Rocky kept saying no. They fought on like this for aother thirty minutes before Rocky
finally threw in the towel and gave up. Adrian caused this by kissing his ears and giving
Rocky a hickey on his neck. The big lug melted in her female passionate attack and the fight
was over. I cheered them both for a great battle and in a flash, they were gone. People
come and go so quickly here...just like Oz.
I suddenly found myself dressed in wrestling garb, still seated in my center row seat. Blue
wrestling trunks, a white muscle shirt,white boots and heavy, white socks. An unseen
announcer bellowed my name as a in this corner routine, and I slowly made my way to
ringside. I climbed into the ring, anxiesiously awaiting my unknown opponent. I leaned
against the ropes and limbered up as best a dead wrestler could, waiting to hear my
opponent's name. And in this corner, from some town down south, Billy Jean something or
other. A blonde woman appeared at the top of the asile and floated to ringside. She was
drop dead beautiful! She was dressed in a white short sleeved pull over top, white trunks,
white tights,boots and heavy white socks. Billy Jean, Billy Jean, where had I heard that name
before? It certainly wasn't Billy Jean King as this lady had blonde hair. Suddenly, the arena
was standing room only with an instant audience! As we stood in opposite corners of the
ring, the crowd thundered cheers for us both. Through the bright spot lights, I was finally able
to get a good look at my beautiful female opponent. Holy crap! Aren't you Marliyn
Monroe??? She answered yes and smiled broadly at me. I almost yanked in my pants right
then and there! She looked awesome! Heaven had given her peace and tranquility, a drastic
change from her early years in Hollywood. She had returned to looking wholesome and
pure. And she was waiting to take me on in a no time limit wrestling match! All those years
of being a good boy was about to pay off, big time! 2:24 PM 8/3/2008
Ding! Before I knew it, Marilyn Monroe was approaching me from across the ring. I
slowly moved off to my right, avoiding her advance. She grinned and pursued me around the
ring as I kept moving away from her, to savor the moment. To my surprise, Marilyn was
quite eager to mix it up and lurched at me numerous times without sucess. I kept one step in
front of the pursuing goddess. Finally the lust that I had locked up inside me for all of those
years was turned loose on Marilyn as she stepped into my waiting arms. We locked up into
a standing wrestler's hold and struggled about the ring. She smelled of violets and her body
was luscious to say the least. We leaned into the ropes with my back against them and
Marilyn was pressing against me tightly locked in a crushing embrace. Our grunts filled the air as
the crowd cheered wildly for us. Marilyn wrapped her right leg around my left leg and
rubbed her tights-socks covered limb against mine in a slow, sexy leg lock that brought my
manhood to full staff. She pressed herself against me even tighter and giggled into my ear as
she squeezed me with her arms and right leg. I struggled mildly to get free of her grasp but
was enjoying every minute of this hold that she had on me. To my surprise, Marilyn
whispered into my ear that she wanted me to body slam her! I asked her if that was what she
really wanted and she said yes, please. With that, I shoved her off and grabbed her into a
body lift and carry on my shoulders. I launched her into an airplane spin first, turning several
times at center ring, then as requested, threw her over and onto her back. She thudded onto
the canvas with a moderate jolt and briskly got back onto her lovely feet. Marilyn slammed a
forearm smash into my chest and latched herself onto me again. The beautiful blonde
whispered that she wanted me to throw her again in another body slam, but this time at full
force. She belted me in my gut twice to make her point, and I grabbed the beauty harshly
over my head and sent her express to the canvas, hard! She crashed onto the ring floor and
cried out softly before returning to her feet. I waited to see how she was and she charged me
like an enraged bull. We collided at center ring and fell to the ring floor in a tangle of arms
and legs, rolling violently around the canvas floor. Marilyn squeezed me with her legs and
arms as I returned the favor and fought back. We rolled over and over to the crowd's delight
and began sweating freely. I managed to get to my knees and grabbed her by her hair, lifting
her up onto her feet. Another body slam was in order with an airplane spin just to add some
icing to the cake. She came crashing down and bounced onto the canvas floor, right into my
sleeper hold as I dropped down behind her and locked the hold on her as she sat up from her
trip to the floor. She gasped out loudly and reached for two hand fulls of my hair. I bellowed
as she began pulling my hair harshly. Marilyn liked to play rough! I eased up on the sleeper
hold and concentrated my attack on her hair pulling tactic. I grasped her hair with both hands
and began to pull it lightly at first. Marilyn growled softly and demanded I pull harder, which
I did. I wrapped my legs around her middle in a reverse leg scissors and continued to pull
her hair. She continued to pull mine as well as I bellowed from her yanks. Our breathing
was labored and sweat covered us all over. I decided to change course and released my leg
scissors, opting to get her back up to her feet. Once there, I belted her in her gut to free
myself from her hair pulling attack but it took three punches to get her to let go. When she
finally did, Marilyn fell to the ring floor in a heap and balled herself up into a fetal position. I
waited in a corner for her to recover from the attack and she slowly arose and held onto the
ropes for support. Marilyn grinned slightly and suddenly charged me again. She tackeled me
to the floor and we became entangled from head to toe, wreathing like one mass of living
creature on the canvas. We squeezed each other in this violent embrace and slowly rolled
back and forth in the center of the ring. I felt her growing weaker as we lied there embraced
in this knot of arms and legs. Marilyn began to kiss my neck as she squeezed my body and
legs with her own limbs. I returned the gesture and a sick and twisted fight emerged from this
encounter. Our hands gently explored each other's bodies as we continued to squeeze and
wrestle on the floor of the ring. Exhausted and covered in sweat, Marilyn declared defeat
and requested we get rid of the audience. I agreed and with a snap of her fingers, the crowd
of cheering fans that had roared their encouragement throughout the fight was gone. That left
just me and my dream girl alone in the ring, still locked tightly together. Marilyn eased us
apart and began to undue her wrestling gear as I followed suit. Wearing nothing but her tights
and socks,with me in nothing but my socks as well, Marilyn lied down and pulled me on top
of her. I was ready and able and in a flash, my erect manhood was gone! Limp as a wet
noodle! Marilyn grinned an evil grin and kissed me deeply. She rolled off me and smiled
broadly as I looked up at her and finnaly realized...that this was Hell!!! I guess I wasn't so
good after all! The end.4:44 PM 8/3/2008
When e-mailing about something here please put "The Story Corner" in the title heading.
Okay, now go hug a loved one and get a life!
Before the match
After the match
Sugar and spice and everthing nice?
Ira and Myra Finkelstein square off in a bare knuckles boxing match.
Once I had a web site...made it run.....
Back when women wore heavy, white socks and weren't afraid to show them off.
This site is intended for your reading enjoyment. It relates to those who prefer thick, white or other colors of socks on women...as well as women in combat enthusiasts. It contains violence,erotic combat scenerios,and hints of sexual activity...without being X-rated. It's contents are fictional and does not endorse any acts of violence in the real world. A fictional female in a fictional fight is far more entertaining than real subjects in real fights...in most cases. This site also contains some fights between females and males...mixed fights. These also are fictional and in no way endorses combat between the sexes. Don't read these and decide to beat up your wife or girlfriend for the thrill of the hunt! Play fighting is alot more fun...really...if your gal...or guy...is game. So...sit back, pull your socks up, and enjoy the ride...Soxs.geo...Web master and author of...The Story Corner.
Occasionally this site is unavailable for viewing due to an overload of data transfer...so be patient. It returns when Yahoo/Geocities decides the overload has subsided.
The Reluctant Lady Rasseler...That's her in the following illustration.
Feel free to drop me a line, suggestion,wish list,past experience if you are an adult female, or whatever in the guestbook.