Hi, my name is Melva Wong, and I am currently a second year student at UCLA, intending to major in Computer Science. Right now, I am actively searching for an internship, which is my main reason for putting this page together (although I would not say that it is "together" just yet..). I am really interested in learning more about computers (ie: programming, networking) outside of the classroom.
My favorite hobbies are sports (almost all, except for wrestling) and music (especially retro stuff). I play volleyball and badminton in my spare time. I really enjoy listening to music, especially oldies, soul, 80s, and mushy songs. Basically, my taste in music is a bit eclectic! I used to play the alto saxophone up until I got my braces. Now that my metal mouth is gone, I'm afraid to hear how bad I've gotten (not that I was any good to begin with...) ...??
I also enjoy playing on my computer, whether it be working on this page (cough, cough), playing Puzzle Fighter, emailing, ICQ'ing, or working on those nifty C++ assignments. I will try my hardest to upgrade this page from an eye sore to a decent-looking one. I have a lot of ideas for this page, but I just do not have the time! Please come back!