This page is created by the Homcidal, Genocidal, Suicidal....SNiP.  This page includes some Wrestling stuff, as well as other things.  Check out the the recently updated ( April 16 )        ***News & Rumors***  section it pretty good this week. Also check out da *New* Real Audio section.  If you have any pictures, links or anything you want to see on my page please E-mail me. Please hit Ctrl + D to bookmark this page =).  Ohh yeah Granth is a Guru, Freakoff is Freaky, J is a pigeon, well Duck still remains The Duck, qWe is a bro 4 Life, and dont forget Kopko is Gus the Janitor, Chince likes the attendance office...alot, ZimZim is still Zimmit, Spaz is a.k.a. Spasm, Flaric still yells out a WOOO! now and then, Puff Sacha still says 'Yo Guy', Sacha's Sidekick is known as Mase, Big R is Romanox, Eddie is a freakshow, Rollie is now known as Lurch or Mike, Glarb is very much still just the Glarb, and the Cadillac is at its BeSt.   =)(=  Wolfpac and DX  are just toooo.. SWEEEET.