falconry, falcon, hawks <BGSOUND SRC="redtail.wav">

Ty's Falconry Pages

Coming Soon!
Pictures of my new
male prairie falcon!

My pal "Trooper" was nice enough to participate in our wedding. Here we are looking our best.

The following pages will include experiences I have had hawking as well as some good links. There are plenty of websites available for beginner falconers. This site is not intended to educate an apprentice level falconer. I have just become a general level falconer myself. These pages are merely for fun and possibly a bit of insight into hawking.

This season I will be flying my adult, twice-intermewed red-tailed hawk. Our  quarry of choice is the cottontail rabbit. Although last season he was able to tag two rattlesnakes! Trooper ended up with two nasty bites but recovered splendidly. Hey, it wasn't my idea to kill the rattlesnakes! :-)

Here are some great links.

Visit my Excelsior-Henderson page

Raptor Education Foundation in Colorado

Lowry Nature Center in Colorado

The Raptor Center in Minnesota

Steve's falconry pages

Build a mews with Stephen Fox

Falconry in Missouri with Ted

Sharon's falconry pages

Chris and Mary's falconry page

See my hawking journal

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