WoodstockBuzz - 06/19/00 22:14:09
My Email:WoodstockBuzz@yahoo.com
Favorite Baseball Team: Indians,Mariners
You should have capitalized the T in Tribe in the second sentence of your guestbook.
This year has been and will be a difficult one for the Tribe. I hope they will be able to get all their starters back healthy for the stretch run for the 2000 A.L. Central pennant.
But with the way the ChiSox have been playing
this year, the Tribe has got to have a lot of good
fortune to get it done.
Yappi - 03/03/00 21:32:09
My URL:http://www.yappi.net/
My Email:yappi99@aol.com
Favorite Baseball Team: Indians
Just checking out all the Indians pages tonight. Check out my page at - http://www.yappi.net/
T.H.H. - 01/12/00 02:19:29
My Email:commet.4@mindspring.com
Favorite Baseball Team: The Tribe
Yankee fan still aren't worried. Without a true #1 they are in the driver's seat. Will Colon be that guy? Will Findley be what we hope? Will Roberts, et al fill Loften's shoes? Will A closer be found to take Jackson's place?
nochtoemo - 12/19/99 03:44:56
My Email:nochtoemo@icqmail.com
Favorite Baseball Team: that would be the Indians
great idea for a site....somebody send me an
e-mail if you would like to talk baseball or
talk tribe....trade Jaret Wright, Dave Burba
& any minor leaguer you like for one more top
starter....pray Paul Shuey can stay healthy!!
dbsuma - 10/27/99 10:10:22
My URL:http://clubs.yahoo.com/clubs/madashellclubhttp://
My Email:dbsuma@yahoo.com
Favorite Baseball Team: na
Tracy - 05/04/99 20:35:55
My Email:trac268@aol.com
Favorite Baseball Team: INDIANS!
Go Indians!
Judy Grishaber - 04/18/99 22:10:28
My Email:jlg282@aol.com
Favorite Baseball Team: Indians
I think Clevland is going all the way this year
Joe Gill - 02/23/99 04:24:51
My Email:jgill80526@aol.com
Favorite Baseball Team: TheTribe
Ms. Carrie Clooney - 02/12/99 14:45:18
My URL:i forgot
My Email:fudgecb310@aol.com
Favorite Baseball Team: Indians rock!!!!
hey chris, your page rocks man!! hey, ya wanna come to my locker today? LoL...keep up the good work buddy!!
Jesse - 02/06/99 07:38:56
My Email:Jesse-B@neo.rr.com
Favorite Baseball Team: Yandeez
Why did you change my entry in the guestbook, I never said your page stinked, I said it blowed!
Mariana Greavu - 12/21/98 15:48:12
My Email:liviu.greavu@cwix.com
Favorite Baseball Team: Cleveland Indians
Great job on your page.
Libby - 12/20/98 19:58:03
My Email:TrelanaofQ@aol.com
Favorite Baseball Team: Chicago Cubs
Hey, Chris, awesome job! It looks so professional. See ya!
Terry - 12/13/98 01:33:02
My URL:/TimesSquare/Arena/9901/home.html
Favorite Baseball Team: Cards
Julia - 12/06/98 21:40:53
My URL:http://www.muscanet.com/~johnw/julia.html
My Email:chewyw@yahoo.com
Favorite Baseball Team: CLEVELAND INDIANS!!
Your page is great. I love the Indians.
Daren - 12/01/98 03:34:11
My Email:NetPunk17@yahoo.com
Favorite Baseball Team: Braves/Marlins/Yankees
You Suck!!!!!!! HE,HE,HA,HA
Daren - 12/01/98 03:16:10
My Email:NetPunk17@yahoo.com
Favorite Baseball Team: Braves/Marlins/Yankees
John R. Bikis - 11/28/98 02:09:08
My URL:http://pages.sssnet.com/jrb/romania.html
My Email:jrb@sssnet.com
Favorite Baseball Team: Indians
GO Tribe
Kent Humrichouser - 11/28/98 01:01:17
My Email:wappy1@juno.com
Favorite Baseball Team: Der!! Indians
Chris get a life besides this and swimming (JJ)
Tomi Naglic - 11/24/98 21:24:49
My Email:naglic13@bellsouth.net
Favorite Baseball Team: Cleveland Rocks
Omar Rules and Cleveland Rocks
Jesse Bergmann - 11/03/98 22:13:37
Favorite Baseball Team: yankeez
Your Page really stinks.
Derrick Aigner - 11/01/98 03:44:37
My Email:daigner@hotmail.com
Favorite Baseball Team: Atlanta Braves
Hey man,
Great site! Keep up the work...have fun!
Emily Harrison - 10/26/98 03:25:30
My Email:emily428@neo.lrun.com
Favorite Baseball Team: Indians
Rachelle Wagner - 10/22/98 20:20:30
My Email:bublyspud@aol.com
Favorite Baseball Team: the one I'm playing on
nice page chris
Johan Sebastien Bach - 10/14/98 20:53:07
My Email:burt@neo.lrun.com
Favorite Baseball Team: Yankees
This site sucks! The Yankees RULE and the Indians DROOL!!!!!!!!!
Nick Greavu - 10/10/98 03:58:32
My Email:nicolae@raex.com
Favorite Baseball Team: Indians
Hi Chris it's Nick
carrie - 09/13/98 19:36:00
My Email:fudgecb310@aol.com
Favorite Baseball Team: TRIBE!!
Comments: Comments:
Go tribe! David and Kenny rock!!!
Somebody - 08/21/98 04:38:47
My URL:http://somewhere.com
My Email:somewhere@juno
Favorite Baseball Team: Braves
INDIANS are going down! Because... they're not republican, the end.