THE FIGHT FOR LATE NIGHT Dallas Page and Jay Leno VS. Hollywood Hogan and Eric Bischoff DDP and Jay Leno defeated Bischoff and Hogan with the help of Kevin Ubanks! BATTLE ROYAL The Wolfpac VS. NWO White VS. Goldberg Winner Goldberg..Like we didn't see that one coming!! WCW CRUISERWEIGHT MATCH Chris Jericho VS. Juventud Guerrera Dean Malenko as Special Guest Referee Winner...Juventud Guerra! Whats Chris going to scream about now? THREE WAY DANCE - NO DQ Kanyon VS. Raven VS. Saturn Winner....Saturn! WCW TV TITLE MATCH Chavo Guerrero, Jr. VS. Stevie Ray Stevie Ray won!!! CAIN VS. ABEL Scott Steiner VS. Rick Steiner Didn't take is now set for Fall Brawl! Meng VS. Barbarian w/ Jimmy Hart Meng..won!! Pshycosis VS. Rey Mysterio, Jr Winner...Rey Mysterio!
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