Shoe's Top Ten Lists
Top 10 Wrestlers Today (August 1999)
- "Lionheart" Chris Jericho
- "Mr. PPV" Rob Van Dam
- Mick Foley
- "The Crippler" Chris Benoit
- Eddie Guerrero
- "The New F'N Show" Jerry Lynn
- Billy Kidman
- Dean Malenko
- Yoshihiro Tajiri
- Rey Mysterio, Jr.
Worst 10 Wrestlers
- Bill Goldberg
- Hulk Hogan
- Hollywood Hogan
- Jerry Saggs
- Brian Knobbs
- Meng
- Dwayne Gill
- Warrior
- Ed Leslie (The Disciple)
- Sid Vicious
10 Best Tag Teams (August 1999)
- Too Much
- Chris Benoit & Dean Malenko
- Eddie Guerrero & Chris Jericho
- Eddy Guerrero & Rey Mysterio, Jr.
- Rey Mysterio, Jr. & Kidman
- The Hardy Boys
- Edge & Christian
- Rob Van Dam & Sabu
- New Age Outlaws
- The Dudley Boyz
Top 10 Wrestlers of All Time
- "The Nature Boy" Ric Flair
- Bret Hart
- Harley Race
- Ricky "The Dragon" Steamboat
- Terry Funk
- "The Enforcer" Arn Anderson
- "Macho Man" Randy Savage
- Mick Foley
- Dusty Rhodes
- Ted Dibiase
Top 10 Tag Teams of All Time
- Tully Blanchard & Arn Anderson
- Midnight Express (Eaton & Lane)
- Fabulous Freebirds
- Arn & Ole Anderson
- Demolition (Axe & Smash)
- Hart Foundation
- Davey Boy Smith & Owen Hart
- Road Warriors
- Steiners
- British Bulldogs
Top 10 Stables of All Time
- The Four Horsemen (Flair, Andersons & Blanchard w/ Dillon)
- The Hart Foundation (Bret, Owen, Bulldog, Pillman, Neidhart)
- The Four Horsemen (Flair, Arn, Tully, Windham)
- The Fabulous Freebirds (Hayes, Gordy, Garvin)
- The Heenan Family (Andre, Rude, Haku, etc.)
- The Dangerous Alliance (Austin, Rude, Anderson, Eaton)
- Varsity Club (Sullivan, Steiner, Rotunda, Williams)
- The Four Horsemen (Flair, Anderson, Pillman, Benoit)
- The Four Horsemen (Flair, Arn, Tully, Luger)
- Superpowers (Rhodes, Koloff, Road Warriors)
Top 10 Matches of All Time
- Ric Flair vs. Ricky Steamboat (Chi-Town Rumble 1989)
- Cactus Jack vs. Vader (Halloween Havoc 1993; Texas Death match)
- Shawn Michaels vs. Razor Ramon (Wrestlemania X; ladder match)
- Royal Rumble 1992 (Flair wins)
- Ricky Steamboat vs. Randy Savage (Wrestlemania III)
- The Horsemen (Windham/Anderson) vs. Doom (Starrcade 1990; street fight)
- Steve Austin vs. Bret Hart (Wrestlemania XIII)
- Ric Flair vs. Arn Anderson (Fall Brawl 1995?)
- WARGAMES 1 (4-Horsemen vs. Superpowers)
- Cactus Jack vs. Terry Funk (IWA King of the Deathmatch Tournament finals)
10 Most Underrated Wrestlers/Tag Teams (August 1999)
- Disco Inferno
- Too Much
- Dean Malenko
- Edge & Christian
- Lenny Lane
- Cactus Jack (Mankind)
- Lord Steven Regal
- Blitzkrieg
- Eddy Guerrero
- Lash Leroux
10 Most Overrated Wrestlers
- Hulk Hogan
- Sandman
- Kevin Nash
- Bill Goldberg
- The Undertaker
- Kevin Sullivan
- Triple H
- The Rock
- Hollywood Hogan
- Scott Hall
10 Best Interviews in Wrestling
- "Lionheart" Chris Jericho
- Cactus Jack (Mankind)
- "The Nature Boy" Ric Flair
- Arn Anderson
- Degeneration X
- Jim Cornette
- Shawn Michaels
- Paul E. Dangerously
- "The Loose Cannon" Brian Pillman
- Bobby Heenan
10 Best managers of all time
- James J. Dillon
- Bobby "The Brain" Heenan
- Jim Cornette
- Mr. Fuji
- Paul E. Dangerously
- Sunny
- Jimmy Hart
- Slick
- Woman
- Percy Pringle
Top 5 Favorite Wrestlers in Southern States Wrestling
- K.C. Thunder
- Beau James
- Stan Lee
- Eddie Fantastic
- Iron Cross
Top 10 Ways to improve your chances of winning a match
- When Hogan starts to Hulk-out...get out of the ring!!
- When Michaels starts stomping his foot...don't stand up!!
- When Flair does the beg...don't turn away from him!!
- When Austin flips you off...get out of the ring!!
- When Sullivan hooks you on the tree of woe...just unhook your leg!
- When anyone Irish whips you...just stop running!!
- When Van Dam throws a chair at you...don't catch it and hold it in front of your face!!
- Don't give Hawk a piledriver and turn your back!
- When Kane's music starts...get out of the ring!!!
- Don't wrestle Shawn Michaels, Hulk Hogan, or Bret Hart...all refuse to do clean jobs.
10 Best-looking Women of Wrestling (March 2000)
- Miss Hancock
- Torrie Wilson
- Lilian Garcia
- Mona
- Francine
- Tammy Lynn Bytch
- Marissa
- The Kat
- Stephanie McMahon
- Baby
7 Best places wrestlers are from
- Bad Street, U.S.A. - Fabulous Freebirds
- The Darkside - Midnight Express
- The Land of Yen and Yang - Zodiac
- Gates of Fate - Kevin Sullivan (one month after Wastelands)
- Wastelands of Fate - Kevin Sullivan
- Bucksnort, TN - Bunkhouse Buck
- Truth or Consequences, New Mexico - Cactus Jack
Top 7 Wrestlers who Deserve the World Title (who have never held one)
- Arn Anderson (even though he is retired)
- Chris Jericho
- "The Crippler" Chris Benoit
- Owen Hart
- Eddie Guerrero
- Dean Malenko
- Chris Candido
10 Worst Interviews in Wrestling
- Bill Goldberg
- Scott Steiner
- Robert Gibson
- Jacquelyn
- Deborah McMichael - but she has gotten better in WWF
- Ahmed Johnson
- Beautiful Bobby Eaton
- Road Warrior Animal
- Rick Steiner
- The Rock
10 Best Entrance Themes (March 2000)
- "Y2J" Chris Jericho
- "The Big Red Machine" Kane
- Gangrel
- The McMahons ("No Chance in Hell")
- The Sandman
- Degeneration-X (by Run D.M.C.)
- "Mr. PPV" Rob Van Dam
- David Flair & Crowbar
- Raven
- Kidman & Torrie Wilson
Outdated Lists
10 Best-looking Women of Wrestling (August 1999)
- Mona
- Stephanie McMahon
- Francine
- Tammy Lynn Bytch
- Torrie Wilson
- Ryan Shamrock
- Tammy Lynn Sytch
- Gorgeous George
- Tori
- Debra McMichael
12 Best Entrance Themes (Fall 1999)
- Ric Flair (Also Sprach Zarathustra)
- The Fabulous Freebirds (Badstreet U.S.A.)
- 4-Horseman/Arn Anderson
- Gangrel (The Brood)
- "The Millennium Man" Chris Jericho
- Undertaker (Graveyard Symphony)
- Somoan Swat Team (theme from Halloween)
- Demolition
- Kidman
- Road Warriors in NWA (Iron Man)
- Mankind (Ode to Freud)
- Akeem & Slick (Jive Soul Bro)
Top 10 Wrestlers Today (as of March 1999)
- "Lionheart" Chris Jericho
- Owen Hart
- Mick Foley
- "The Crippler" Chris Benoit
- "The Nature Boy" Ric Flair
- Eddie Guerrero
- The Rock
- Billy Kidman
- Dean Malenko
- Shane Douglas
15 Most Underrated Wrestlers (as of December 1998)
- Al Snow (Leif Cassidy)
- Dustin Rhodes (Goldust)
- Vader
- Arn Anderson
- Dean Malenko
- Chris Candido (Skip)
- Chris Benoit
- Cactus Jack (Mankind)
- Billy Kidman
- Disco Inferno
- Lord Steven Regal
- Jerry Lynn
- Eddy Guerrero
- La Parka
- "Lionheart" Chris Jericho
10 Best-looking valets in no particular order (as of 1998)
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