zilla - 12/07/00 12:56:49 My Email:godziarrh@sina.us.com Favorite NBA team: suns Favorite player: kg and kidd and jamison | Comments: i really looking for a good nba chinese url but i really can't find anything good.so i hope this will be a good one... |
- 11/20/00 02:23:57 | Comments: |
- 11/20/00 02:23:53 | Comments: |
- 10/01/00 03:42:03 | Comments: |
- 08/03/00 00:29:00 | Comments: |
- 06/05/00 06:51:16 | Comments: |
小蘭 - 04/19/00 12:57:49 My Email:a8857@hinet.net | Comments: 各位姊妹們大家好,我也是很喜歡穿女裝,可是我不敢走出去逛街,希望能和各位姊妹們交流,忘了自我介紹我叫小蘭,是住在高雄市,是新朋友,希望姊妹們常連絡 |
- 03/14/00 15:02:57 | Comments: |
- 02/13/00 03:13:11 | Comments: |
- 01/25/00 12:28:30 | Comments: |
Coca Cola Superstar - 01/13/00 09:13:24 My URL:http://cocacolasuperstar.yeah.net My Email:coca_cola_superstar@hotmail.com Favorite NBA team: Portland Blazers Favorite player: Scottie Pippen | Comments: Coca Cola Superstar Message: The Portland Blazers will be the champion in the NBA this year!! |
- 12/18/99 01:50:41 | Comments: |
- 11/29/99 00:43:59 | Comments: |
- 10/17/99 14:53:44 | Comments: |
- 09/12/99 08:18:53 My URL:http://www.nba.com | Comments: |
- 08/15/99 10:43:12 | Comments: |
- 07/18/99 05:27:07 | Comments: |
- 06/19/99 02:15:23 | Comments: |
Takashi - 06/08/99 06:25:24 Favorite NBA team: Utah Favorite player: Russell, Gary Payton. Stockton, Marlone, Grant Hill | Comments: Hi! Good |
- 05/11/99 07:24:58 | Comments: |
- 05/05/99 02:47:16 | Comments: |
- 05/01/99 03:29:45 | Comments: |
- 04/30/99 18:36:29 | Comments: |
Athena - 04/27/99 22:06:07 My Email:hctan@pcocd2.intel.com Favorite NBA team: L.A. Lakers Favorite player: Kobe Bryant Glen Rice | Comments: |
Yu chih-chia - 04/24/99 14:04:59 My Email:chchyu@mars.seed.net.tw Favorite NBA team: Laker Favorite player: Pippen | Comments: |
- 04/18/99 11:14:23 | Comments: |
- 03/05/99 12:25:20 | Comments: |
JOpenny - 02/21/99 16:51:10 My Email:jo.penny@usa.net Favorite NBA team: Orlando Magic Favorite player: Penny Hardaway | Comments: Good! |
Kidd - 02/15/99 05:25:38 My Email:mooncity@yahoo.com Favorite NBA team: chicago bulls Favorite player: jordan | Comments: i think we can be a good friends |
LEVEY - 02/11/99 09:41:07 Favorite NBA team: Minnesota Timberwolves Favorite player: penny,Mike Bibby,Stephon Marbury | Comments: Penny Hardaway is the best player of the world!!! |
HHB - 02/02/99 04:34:28 My URL:http://welcome.to/hoop My Email:hsiehnono@yahoo.com Favorite NBA team: spurs Favorite player: pippen | Comments: 成為HOOPER一族NOW 加入''NBA中文網站"就會有下面的標示,表示該站加入''NBA中文網站'',可以自行設計88x31圖形交給HOOP處理,或HOOP自行設計,只要貴站是NBA 中文站都可加入我們的行列,(當然是免費的,想想..有好多站可以逛..多棒!也許能去看看網友為喬登所設立的網站或是一分錢的最新消息!!而且貴� 的知名度又增加了!!) 一但加入"NBA 中文籃球聯盟"後,HOOP會另闢專區介紹"NBA 中文籃球聯盟"的成員(募集中,再有一定數量的網站後將成立''NBA 中文籃球聯盟''專區.) 除了對HOOPER網站做介紹之外,HOOP還會推薦其中的網站作為"當月強力主打星"讓你的網站增加訪客,或許屆時還會有網站排名呢! 參加資格:凡是關於NBA的中文網站皆有報名資格 給各站長:不要讓前去參觀的球(網)迷失望喔!! |
True Heart - 01/29/99 04:33:38 | Comments: 貴站好像沒有NBA相關分析報導, 有點空虛耶... 與其他相關之網站有點'差'別 ... 不過, 還是肯定您的努力, 畢竟有此勇氣建立範圍深且廣 的網站, 勇氣相當可嘉 ... ^_^ |
- 01/21/99 10:15:50 | Comments: |
hoop站長 - 01/16/99 06:19:29 My URL:http://welcome.to/hoop My Email:hsiehnono@yahoo.com Favorite NBA team: nets Favorite player: 范洪 | Comments: 你今天灌籃了嗎...? come to HOOP 你要的都在這 |
bighero - 01/14/99 13:02:46 My Email:home0808@yahoo.com Favorite NBA team: Chicago Bulls Favorite player: Michael Jordan | Comments: Nice to meet this website! Keep working hard on it! I will come often! |
Javasparrow - 01/14/99 04:51:50 My URL:http://fly.to/javasparrow My Email:javasparrow@hotbot.com Favorite NBA team: Bulls(of course) & Pacer Favorite player: Jordan, Pippen, Rodman & Miller | Comments: Well, I think it's about the time to post Jodan's transcript of retirement in Chinse, right? |
Alex - 01/13/99 17:28:25 My URL:http://i.am/alex_oon My Email:khengtee@hotmail.com Favorite NBA team: what else? BULLS Favorite player: who else? Jordan | Comments: yeah. thx for creating this nice page for us to visit. hehe wat a cool page! for sure, i will be coming back again and again. keep ur working buddy! |
DOUGLAS KOO - 01/13/99 14:45:43 | Comments: |
Larry Cheng - 01/13/99 01:42:46 My Email:larrycheng@ulead.com.tw Favorite NBA team: LA Laker Favorite player: Tim Dunkan | Comments: 熱情的球迷及榮譽感才是所謂 Super Star 該爭取的.希望我們的偶像球星都能體會這點. |
Tseng-Yeh Lin - 01/13/99 00:21:38 My Email:max@tnetnz.com Favorite NBA team: Chicago Bulls Favorite player: Michael Jordan | Comments: No Jordan, No NBA |
SMART - 01/10/99 22:22:01 Favorite NBA team: CHICAGO BULLS Favorite player: SHAREEF ABDUR-RAHIM | Comments: THIS SITE IS SO COOL!!! |
- 12/23/98 11:15:09 My URL:http://nba | Comments: |
LEO - 12/19/98 04:47:37 My Email:jerry_01.hotmail.com Favorite NBA team: olando,magic Favorite player: penny | Comments: nice! |
Mark Chang - 11/17/98 10:52:08 My Email:waiho_c@hotmail.com Favorite NBA team: Chicago Bulls Favorite player: Jordan,Pippen,Kerr,Kobe Bryant | Comments: |
Ivy - 11/15/98 13:06:23 Favorite NBA team: Bills Favorite player: Jordon | Comments: Try your best.I hope I will see it better and better! |
關曉郁 - 11/13/98 07:23:30 Favorite NBA team: 克里夫蘭騎士 Favorite player: Reggie Miller | Comments: 沒什麼好說的 加油喔! |
JERRY - 11/09/98 06:35:17 My Email:jerrylu2@ms29.hinet.net Favorite NBA team: BULLS Favorite player: pippen | Comments: perfect |
smallworm - 11/04/98 06:31:43 | Comments: hi blues, about your question, i don't know about in Taiwan, but in the U.S. you can order the championship series games by calling the company who offers the videos. about the lockout of the NBA, the problem is still unsolved, so... we can only wait. |
blues - 10/13/98 02:20:36 My Email:ajpip@ms7.url.com.tw Favorite NBA team: no Favorite player: barkley | Comments: 希望nba能如期開打。想請教一個問題:哪裡可以買到nba完整球賽的錄影帶?謝謝! |
PENNY LAM - 10/11/98 09:31:54 My Email:pennyy@netvigator.com Favorite NBA team: Olando Magic Favorite player: Anfernee Penny Hardaway | Comments: |
Alex - 10/08/98 01:18:09 Favorite NBA team: Supersonics Favorite player: Gary Payton | Comments: |
- 10/04/98 23:08:07 | Comments: |
ALAN SHAO - 10/04/98 23:04:31 My URL:http://wwp.mirabilis.com/18666120 My Email:jeffshao@pcmail.com.tw Favorite NBA team: Chicago Bulls Favorite player: Michael Jordan 23# | Comments: Hope it will be better and better. |
- 09/18/98 03:54:33 | Comments: |
- 09/11/98 10:07:23 My Email:fsi3054fsi@hotmail.com | Comments: |
Shareef - 08/12/98 22:52:27 My Email:urmyfriend@yahoo.com Favorite NBA team: Vancouver Grizzlies Favorite player: Shareef Abdur-Rahim | Comments: 在這邊向所有喜歡NBA的朋友們介紹一位明日之星, 溫哥華灰熊的羅因(Shareef Abdur-Rahim). 他打小前鋒,身 高6呎9吋,重230磅,生日12月11號. 打NCAA時是加州大學的一 員. 先讓我們看看他的新人球季(96/97)的表現.出賽80 場,先發71場,平均每場打35分鐘,投球命中率.453 三分球命 中率.259 罰球命中率.746 籃板平均每場6.9個, 助攻平均2.2 次, 抄截平均0.99次, 火鍋平均0.99個, 得分平均18.7分. 現在讓我們來看看他第二球季(97/98)的表現. 出賽82 場,先發82場,平均每場打36分鐘,投球命中率.485 三分球命 中率.412 罰球命中率.784 籃板平均每場7.1個, 助攻平均2.6 次, 抄截平均1.09次, 火鍋平均0.93個, 得分平均22.3分.進 步的非常的快 ^___^ 他第一年打NBA就入選NBA All-Rookie First Team. 他第一次大三元(26分,10個籃板,10次助攻)是在4/19/97對 抗鳳凰城太陽隊時完成的. 1997年在克里夫蘭舉辦的新秀明星 賽,他得17分,外加4個籃板. 在1996/97球季他得到12月和1月 的最佳新秀. 他是一個很拼也很有感情的人.帶領一支球隊是他給 自己的責認,一個不是每個人能夠擔負的使命. 每一場球他都 重視,甚至練習得比誰都凶. 他的速度是全NBA數一數二的. 在所有的小前鋒中大概只有皮朋和希爾比他快. 他最具有威力 的 SPIN MOVE 是全NBA最棒的. 在禁區單打的攻夫他可是一 等一,所以吸引包夾是一件非常輕鬆的事. 他俱備超級巨星的 所有特質,可是卻沒有像Kobe一樣的有名,其實他被媒體忽略很 久了. 這樣子其實對所有的NBA球迷都不公平,我們有權力認識 NBA所有的巨星. http://www.geocities.com/Colosseum/Field/6103/ 是他的網站,所有球迷可以一起去看看喔 ^______^ a Shareef fan |
- 08/09/98 03:38:17 My URL:http://bulls | Comments: |
- 08/05/98 00:53:47 | Comments: |
Andy Lam - 08/01/98 11:40:35 My URL:http://www.hkstar.com My Email:Raesum@hkstar.com Favorite NBA team: Of Course "BULLS" Favorite player: Rodman | Comments: |
MALONE from UTAH - 06/25/98 04:32:18 Favorite NBA team: //UTAH Favorite player: Malone | Comments: "SOLONG forever" to "BULLS" ^ ^ see you .......!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! |
Samantha.Jordan - 06/22/98 01:32:13 Favorite NBA team: BULLS Favorite player: Michael Jordan | Comments: I think this home page is quite good! keep going!! |
Shizumi - 06/15/98 18:29:52 My Email:Shizumi@geocities.com Favorite NBA team: Utah Jazz Favorite player: John Stockton(great assist!) | Comments: Nice homepage...but could you maybe add more pictures and personal profile? ^_^ ~Stockton! Stockton! Stockton!~ |
small worm - 06/15/98 04:54:37 Favorite NBA team: Spur Favorite player: Tim Duncan | Comments: 可惜沒有第七場!! Ha. |
陳建興 - 06/13/98 14:35:19 My URL:http://www.hinet.net My Email:a12238@ms15.hinet.net Favorite NBA team: jazz Favorite player: jordan | Comments: 最好的球賽是第七場 |
- 06/13/98 04:56:52 | Comments: |
Lee - 06/11/98 17:41:31 My Email:i love this game Favorite NBA team: UTAH JAZZ Favorite player: MJ #23 | Comments: THE BULLS must be win at Saturday after 4 games i look(bull vs jazz)i feel..... WHY JAZZ won 4 strikes by LAKERS???? funny! But i still want to say"GO BULLS & GO JAZZ" GO NBA___________^-^ |
Lin Johnson - 06/07/98 07:52:49 My Email:joh_66@hotmail.com Favorite NBA team: SEATTLE SUPERSONIC Favorite player: Garry Payton | Comments: |
Earnest Chu - 06/02/98 04:43:28 My URL:http://hpc.ee.ntu.edu.tw/~earnest My Email:earnest@hpc.ee.ntu.edu.tw Favorite NBA team: Chicago Bulls Favorite player: M.J. | Comments: Good Site ! Keep on working ! |
RObbie - 06/01/98 01:53:04 My Email:robbie@ms.new.net Favorite NBA team: LOS ANGELES LAKERS Favorite player: Reggie Miller | Comments: |
Bear - 05/29/98 04:44:40 My URL: My Email:supermgr@ms5.accmail.com.tw Favorite NBA team: super Favorite player: Duncan | Comments: |
anthony - 05/24/98 00:35:21 My Email:jen@apasa039.com.tw Favorite NBA team: MAGIC Favorite player: PENNY HARDAWAY | Comments: |
anthony - 05/24/98 00:33:10 My Email:www.jen@.apasa039.com.tw Favorite NBA team: MAGIC Favorite player: PENNY HARDAWAY | Comments: |
Timmy - 05/22/98 01:15:35 My Email:845007@ms1.mit.edu.tw Favorite NBA team: Chicago Bulls Favorite player: Micheal Jordan | Comments: |
artghhur chen - 05/20/98 17:06:50 My URL:http://hinet.net My Email:arthur62@ms23.hinet.net Favorite NBA team: bulls Favorite player: michael jordan | Comments: your news is new and correct! nice to visit your home and hope to be friend. |
- 05/19/98 11:54:26 | Comments: |
- 05/18/98 09:49:01 | Comments: |
- 05/16/98 10:29:21 | Comments: |
William Lin - 05/16/98 06:39:48 My Email:w1109@ms18.hinet.net Favorite NBA team: Chicago Bulls & L.A.Lakers Favorite player: Michael Jordan & Magic Johnsion | Comments: Michael Jordan is the best basketball player in the world,noboday can cach up with him except Magic Johnsion. |
imei - 05/05/98 04:29:50 My Email:imei928@ms23.hinet,net Favorite NBA team: UHTA Favorite player: KARL MALONE | Comments: |
imei - 05/05/98 04:29:20 My Email:imei928@ms23.hinet,net Favorite NBA team: UHTA | Comments: |
imei - 05/05/98 04:28:32 | Comments: |
Morgan - 05/03/98 01:36:49 My URL: My Email:ghuang@server.chinmen.edu.tw Favorite NBA team: Bulls and Jazz Favorite player: Stockton; Jordan | Comments: They are excellent players. They always perform their duties to the king's test. I just like their performance deeply. |
- 05/02/98 03:46:27 | Comments: |
hipo - 05/01/98 23:30:42 My Email:hippo924@ms21.hinet.net Favorite NBA team: pacers Favorite player: Raggi miller | Comments: go!go!go! |
- 05/01/98 08:44:42 | Comments: |
Shao-Bo - 04/29/98 17:58:53 My URL:/tokyo/bay/9290/ My Email:shaobo@hotmail.com Favorite NBA team: LA.Lakers! | Comments: Go Visit My KOBE's Page sometimes!! Cya~!!^__^ |
Shao-Bo - 04/29/98 17:54:57 My URL:http://www.geocities.com/tokyo/bay/9290/ My Email:shaobo@hotmail.com Favorite NBA team: LA.Lakers! | Comments: Not Bad!!...*^__^* |
- 04/27/98 13:23:42 | Comments: |
Zenki Mok - 04/27/98 10:14:55 My Email:Mokss@macau.ctm.net Favorite NBA team: Miami heat Favorite player: Alonzo Mourning | Comments: I am a mourning's super fans, if u have any information about him,pls sent me a e-mail. |
ss - 04/25/98 16:25:40 Favorite NBA team: ULTA Favorite player: John stockton | Comments: |
- 04/25/98 04:35:44 | Comments: |
- 04/25/98 04:35:44 | Comments: |
侵略者 - 04/24/98 07:47:20 My Email:k6975529@ms18.hinet.net Favorite NBA team: Lakers Favorite player: Kobe | Comments: Oh!That's pretty cool...I love kobe very very much!!!Is there anyone love kobe,too?E-mail to me |
侵略者 - 04/24/98 07:43:22 My Email:6975529@ms18.hinet.net Favorite NBA team: Lakers Favorite player: Kobe | Comments: Oh!That's pretty cool |
- 04/22/98 15:02:04 | Comments: |
- 04/19/98 02:41:53 | Comments: |
jonathan - 04/18/98 21:29:56 | Comments: |
蔡少澂 - 04/14/98 03:06:45 My Email:a8670113@stmail.fju.edu.tw Favorite NBA team: Lakers Favorite player: Kobe bryant | Comments: |
Michael Diao - 04/12/98 09:33:12 My Email:Michael_diao@mobitai.com.tw Favorite NBA team: Bulls Favorite player: Pippen | Comments: |
Michael Diao - 04/12/98 09:09:02 My Email:Michael_diao@mobitai.com.tw Favorite NBA team: Bulls Favorite player: Pippen | Comments: |
DA-DA - 04/05/98 04:43:31 My Email:s2300@ms16.hinet.net Favorite NBA team: Magic Favorite player: Penny Hardaway | Comments: Penny, I love you........You are very best....GO!!... |
DA-DA - 04/05/98 04:42:38 My Email:s2300@ms16.hinet.net Favorite NBA team: Magic Favorite player: Penny Hardaway | Comments: Penny, I love you........You are very best....GO!!... |
DA-DA - 04/05/98 04:38:09 My Email:s2300@ms16.hinet.net Favorite NBA team: Magic | Comments: Penny, I love you........You are very best.... |
Jack Liang - 03/31/98 12:54:47 My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/Acres/9191 My Email:jacky818@ms12.hinet.net Favorite NBA team: Bull Favorite player: Michael Jordan | Comments: Good! Go! Go! Friend. |
許仕穎 - 03/20/98 17:54:27 My Email:stteve227@mail1.catv.com.tw Favorite NBA team: BULL Favorite player: PIPPEN | Comments: MORE PHOTPS WILL BE BETTER! |
許仕穎 - 03/20/98 17:54:25 My Email:stteve227@mail1.catv.com.tw Favorite NBA team: BULL Favorite player: PIPPEN | Comments: MORE PHOTPS WILL BE BETTER! |
許仕穎 - 03/20/98 17:52:57 My Email:stteve227@mail1.catv.com.tw | Comments: |
patrick - 03/18/98 20:51:48 My Email:bairui@usa.net Favorite NBA team: chicogo bulls Favorite player: michael jordan | Comments: I expect to see nba performance constantly |
- 03/10/98 18:01:39 | Comments: |
Eric - 03/09/98 10:28:57 Favorite NBA team: Magic Favorite player: a.Hardaway | Comments: hi man,My ICQ #8268927 |
Simon - 03/07/98 21:54:15 My Email:SLin227790@aol.com Favorite NBA team: sonic/jazz Favorite player: Gray Payton/Hornack | Comments: I'm excite to see you here ! Good job ! |
Mo - 03/04/98 20:55:41 My Email:x97hui@wmich.edu Favorite NBA team: Indiana Pacer Favorite player: Jordan,Penny,Larry Bird(surprised?) | Comments: This page give me a place to discuss NBA with other NBA addict. Cool! About the candidate of 1998 champion, we cannot ignore the Pacer. As a player or coach, Larry Bird are also a champion. I believe Penny can overcome this bad situtation. In fact, some superstar such as Danny Manning and Dominque Wilkins also suffered ACL but overcame this. |
- 03/04/98 17:12:40 | Comments: |
John Nguyen - 03/01/98 06:38:16 My Email:ctnair@hotmail.com Favorite NBA team: Lakers Favorite player: Michael Jordan | Comments: Hey! Your homepage is pretty cool. I love all the pictures. But too bad i cant read whatever it says |
Saint - 02/27/98 14:28:49 My Email:www.wonderst@hotmail.com Favorite NBA team: Seatle Favorite player: Payton | Comments: |
- 02/26/98 15:50:58 | Comments: |
Hermes - 02/25/98 15:49:37 My Email:uath@tcts.seed.net.tw Favorite NBA team: JAZZ Favorite player: Karl Malone | Comments: |
- 02/23/98 05:51:21 | Comments: |
- 02/22/98 14:24:03 | Comments: |
Davis Wang - 02/22/98 12:22:29 My URL:http://www.foznet.com.br My Email:d.w.@foznet.com.br Favorite NBA team: Chicago Bulls Favorite player: Michael Jordan | Comments: |
Michael Sun - 02/19/98 14:46:46 My URL:http://www.concentric.net/~Msun My Email:msun2000@hotmail.com | Comments: Hey James...what are you doing now? ~*_*~ AAaaRrrrhhhh...so sleepy now.... |
- 02/18/98 15:20:49 | Comments: |
- 02/17/98 08:33:11 | Comments: |
- 02/17/98 08:18:13 | Comments: |
樂湮濘 - 02/16/98 16:08:35 My Email:jiadalei@mailcity.com Favorite NBA team: bulls Favorite player: jordan | Comments: I like this game. |
- 02/16/98 10:05:48 Favorite NBA team: Orlando Magic Favorite player: Penny Hardaway | Comments: 這裡真棒呀.... |
Eric Fu - 02/15/98 10:42:59 My Email:b820758@ms6.hinet.net Favorite NBA team: LA LAKER Favorite player: Kobe bryant | Comments: 真棒.有個中文的NBA網站可以讓我逛..真高興說. 希望這個站能夠日益壯大, 加油! |
lwind - 02/14/98 10:14:45 My Email:lind@public.taptt.sd.cn Favorite player: jodon | Comments: |
- 02/13/98 12:04:15 | Comments: |
peer - 02/13/98 00:10:02 Favorite NBA team: spurs Favorite player: david robinson | Comments: spurs will win the final. i guarentee it!! |
大蟒蛇 - 02/11/98 12:17:39 My Email:hjui@ms19.hinet.net Favorite NBA team: Bulls, lakers, jazz Favorite player: Micheal Jordan, Cobe Bryant | Comments: I Love This Site |
Spparrone - 02/10/98 14:46:59 My Email:b2201004@ms.cc.ntu.edu.tw Favorite NBA team: Bulls Favorite player: Jorden | Comments: 請問可以告訴我們每一次NBA轉播的頻道和時間嗎? 謝謝..... |
Roman Chiang - 02/10/98 11:23:29 My Email:tank0001@ms1.palmary.net.tw Favorite NBA team: Los Angeles Lakers Favorite player: Ediit Jones | Comments: |
Buggy - 02/08/98 17:34:49 Favorite NBA team: BULLS Favorite player: Michael&Scottie | Comments: None can compare with Jordan as a nba player. |
maddux - 02/08/98 17:28:08 Favorite NBA team: bulls Favorite player: jordan michael | Comments: bulls go!go!go! |
kevin chu - 02/08/98 07:31:03 My Email:kchu@pacbell.net | Comments: good start. |
Daryl - 02/07/98 02:58:13 My URL:http://benz.nchu.edu.tw/~s8438024/ My Email:s8438024@mail.nchu.edu.tw Favorite NBA team: Bulls & Spurs Favorite player: M.J , D.Robinson ,......... | Comments: |
Michael - 02/06/98 20:10:05 My URL:http://www.concentric.net/~Msun My Email:msun2000@hotmail.com Favorite NBA team: BULL Favorite player: Rodman ???..*_* | Comments: 嘿嘿,我是來晃晃順便打廣告的, 大家別忘了來我的網頁看看喔! |
steve - 02/01/98 08:32:52 My Email:slin@hinet.com Favorite NBA team: Lakers Favorite player: O'Neal | Comments: clean, but not finish yet, hope you can work on it ! |
Five Wang - 02/01/98 08:27:13 My Email:fwang@aol.com Favorite NBA team: bulls Favorite player: Jordan | Comments: build it soon. |