*** 2004 SEASON ***



The Draft will be held prior to the NFL season.  Draft order will be selected by drawing lots.  The franchise receiving the first selection in the first round will be the last to select in the second round and so on for a total of 15 rounds.  Each franchise will select players from NFL rosters from the following positions: Quarterback, Running Back, Wide Receiver, Tight End, Kicker, and Defense.  The entire NFL team defensive squad constitutes a single player. 


All teams must be present at the draft, or must work out details for alternative means to pick their team (e.g. substitute drafter – that is not an owner of another team, or teleconferencing).  Providing only a list of players to pick from is not acceptable.  Phoning in every round is not acceptable.  Failure to provide adequate means of picking a team will result in expulsion from the League.



Before the beginning of each week’s NFL games (Sunday, 12:00 Noon Central Time), each franchise owner must submit a lineup to the commissioner.  In the event that the commissioner is not available, the lineup should be given to the vice-commissioner or to the franchise’s opponent for that week.  Lineups are to be selected from the franchise’s existing roster and must consist of exactly eight (8) players in either of the following configurations:


                Two-Back formation                                                     Four-Wide formation

                Quarterback:         1                Quarterback:         1

                Running Back:      2                Running Back:      1

                Wide Receiver:                2                Wide Receiver:                3

                Tight End         1                Tight End         1

                Place Kicker:    1                Place Kicker:    1

                Defense:                1                Defense:                1


In the event that a franchise owner does not call in a lineup prior to a given week’s games, the previous week’s lineup will be assumed.  If a player on an assumed lineup is no longer on his team’s roster, then zero points will be awarded for his roster spot.


In the event that a certain player on a franchise’s roster is to play a game prior to Sunday (i.e. Thursday, Friday or Saturday game), the franchise owner must inform the commissioner prior to the start of that game as to the player’s status (active or inactive) for that week.  If there is no clarification made, the player in question will have the same status as on the previous week.



The League shall consist of three divisions of 4 teams each.  Teams shall play head-to-head per the schedule as dictated by the commissioner.  The schedule will be announced before the draft.  In the first 11 weeks, each team will play all the other teams exactly once.  Weeks 12 and 13 are intra-divisional weeks.  In Week 12, first place teams face off against 2nd place teams and 3rd and 4th place teams play each other.  In week 13, the winners of week 12 will meet and losers of week 12 will meet.



Offensive points are scored from each position as follows:

                TD thrown:  4 points

                TD run, catch, or return:                6 points

                Field goal:       3 points

                Extra point kick:                1 point

                2-point conversion run or catch:     2 points

                2-point conversion thrown:  1 point

                Interception thrown:             -1 point

                Passing 250 yards                2 points

                Each additional 25 yards passing above 250                1 point

                Rushing 75 yards 3 points

                Each additional 25 rushing yards above 75                1 point

                Receiving 75 yards                3 points

                Each additional 25 receiving yards above 75                1 point


Note:                  Offensive Yardage bonus points count for individual players only. 

Example:  A team that has 2 RB’s that get 35 and 46 yards, respectively, gets no bonus points.


Defensive points are scored as follows:

                Safety:                   2 points

                Interception:                         1 point

                Fumble recovery:                               1 point

                Quarterback sacked:                           1 point

                Any TD scored by defense: 6 points

                Shutout (opposing teams scores zero total points)   4 points


Safeties, Interceptions, Fumble recoveries, Sacks and TD’s scored as a result of fumbles or interceptions will count as defensive scores, whether they were scored by the defensive unit or the special teams unit.  TD’s from kickoff and punt returns and kickoff recoveries in the end zone do not count as defensive scores. 


EXCEPTION: Fumble recovery TD’s scored by offense do not count as defensive scores, even after a double change of possession on the same play.  For example, a WR from team 1 catches the ball and then fumbles.  Ball is picked up by a LB from team 2 and advanced and then fumbled again and a RB from team 1 picks up the ball and scores.  This would NOT be scored as a TD for team 1 defense.  However the player that actually scored would be awarded a TD.


                Defensive total yardage (rush + pass) bonus points:

                                Less than 0 yards allowed  15 points

                                0 thru 49 yards                                12 points

                                50 thru 99 yards                                10 points

                                100 thru 149 yards                      8 points

                                150 thru 199 yards                      6 points

                                200 thru 249 yards                      4 points

                                250 thru 299 yards                      2 points

                                300 thru 349 yards                      0 points

                                350 thru 399 yards                                -2 points

                                400 thru 449 yards                                -4 points

                                450 thru 499 yards                                -6 points

                                500 thru 549 yards                                -8 points

                                550 thru 599 yards                                -10 points

                                600 thru 649 yards                                -12 points

                                700 Yards and up                                -15 points


Note that it is possible for players to score negative total points!

For each week’s games, the Commissioner will post scores, game results, and standings.  It is up to each franchise owner to verify the correctness of his or her score.  Scores will be final as of the start of the following week’s games, even if the NFL makes a scoring change at a later date.



The tie-breaking scheme between teams with similar records is shown in the following tabulation.  “Similar records” is defined as records with the same number of points where two points are awarded for a win and one for a tie (for example, a 8-5-0 record is similar to 7-4-2).


                        1.                        Head-to-head (W-L-T percentage in games between tied teams)

                        2.                        Total points scored

                        3.                        Total points scored against other tied teams

                        4.                        Total QB points for the season

                        5.                        Best single game score of the season

                        6.                        Coin flip


If more than two teams are involved in a tiebreaker, only one team may advance during any tie-breaking step.  The remaining tied teams will then revert to first step of the tie-breaking scheme.  As an example, Teams A, B and C are tied.  The first tiebreaker, head to head, yields the following: A is 3-2, B is 3-2 and C is 2-4.  C is thereby eliminated from this step and teams A and B are compared head-to-head.  Between them, A is 2-1 and B is 1-2, therefore team A advances while B and C revert to the original scheme to determine who is second.



The Commissioner must approve all transactions.  The Commissioner is responsible for keeping league rosters up-to-date.  Transactions consist of the following possibilities:


1.     Waiver pickup (unclaimed) players can be signed as follows:

A.        Unlimited Waiver pickups are available through the start of Week 10 (Sunday) games.

B.    Once per week Waiver pickups are available between the start of Week 10 games and the start of Week 13 (Sunday) games.  Unused transactions cannot be saved for later use.  One week is defined as 12:01 PM Sunday to 12:00 Noon the following Sunday.


Waiver transactions are available each week only during the Waiver Period.  The waiver period begins each week at 6PM on Tuesday and ends Sunday at Noon.  The waiver period for players playing in games before Sunday will end at the kickoff of their respective game.  Requests for players can be made prior to the beginning of the waiver period and will be held until the beginning of the waiver period.  Teams requesting more than one player off of waivers before the waiver period begins must submit them in order of preference, otherwise, the order of preference will be assumed the same as the order received. 


Players waived (cut) by a team will not be available to any other team until the next Waiver Period opens.  A player cut by a given team cannot be re-signed by that same team until after the waiver period has opened and all other teams have had a chance to claim that player.


Requests made prior to the opening of the waiver period can be cancelled prior to the opening of the waiver period and no transaction will be recorded.  All player requests made to the commissioner prior to the opening of the waiver period will be held in strict confidence.


Players requested before waiver period begins:  Requested players will be assigned to teams requesting them in the reverse order of standings at the time (for those players requested by more than one team).  For teams with same records, the total PF will be used to determine order.  Once a team has selected a player from the waiver wire, that team will be placed at the end of the listing for selection of other players.


Players requested any time during waiver period:  Will be assigned immediately to the teams requesting them, regardless of league standings.


Special Rules for when the draft is held before end of preseason:  Waiver pickups are allowed on the day of the draft.  There will then be a hold on all waiver pickups until waiver period begins 6PM the day after the final preseason game.  Initial selection preference will be given to teams that had later draft pick position.  IF A PLAYER WAS INJURED IN PRESEASON – AFTER THE DRAFT, SUCH THAT IT APPEARS HE WILL MISS TIME IN THE REGULAR SEASON, HIS OWNER WILL HAVE THE FIRST CHOICE IN PICKING HIS BACKUP ONLY, REGARDLESS OF DRAFT POSITION.


Waiver examples:

Ø       Team X and Team Y both claim Player Joe Waiver prior to the waiver period.  Team X has record 2-4 and Team Y has record 3-3.  Player is awarded to Team X.

Ø       Previous example, except both teams have same overall record.  Team X has total PF 33 less than Team Y.  Player is awarded to Team X.

Ø       Team X requests unclaimed player Joe Waiver after the beginning of waiver period for the week.  Player is awarded to Team X.

Ø       Team Z waives player Joe Somebody on a Wednesday.  He is not available for waiver pickup by any team until the next waiver period begins the following Tuesday.

Ø       Team Q requests player Joe Schmo on a Thursday evening, but Schmo’s team had played its game earlier that day.  This request will be considered on hold pending the following week’s waiver period.


2.     Trades (between 2 or more teams):

Unlimited Trades are available through the start of Week 11 (Sunday) games.


3.     Injured Reserve:

Injured Reserve is available through the start of Week 10 (Sunday) games.  Any players must be brought off of Injured Reserve before that time, or they will be considered dropped.


Franchise owners may place a player on the AWFFL Injured Reserve list if he is on the NFL’s injured reserve or inactive list, or if he is listed as ‘out’ or ‘doubtful’ on the NFL’s weekly injury report.  This protects the player from being picked up by another franchise and also allows the owner to pick up another player off the waiver wire on an interim basis to fill the open roster slot. 


Before being placed on injured reserve, a player must have been either fielded in an AWFFL game by his current team since being signed, or have been on his current AWFFL team’s roster for at least one full week (i.e. 7 days).


Once a player has been activated by his NFL team, or no longer appears as ‘out’ or ‘doubtful’ on the NFL’s weekly injury report, he must leave the AWFFL injured reserve list.  If the player is brought back to the active roster, the owner typically will have to waive a player to keep the roster at legal size. 


Injured reserve is not applicable to defensive team.  It is not applicable to players who are “holding out”, suspended, or benched by their NFL team.  No team may have more than two players on injured reserve at any one time.


Placing a player onto or taking one off of the injured reserve list does count toward a team’s free transaction limit, but adding a player (via waiver pickup) after putting one onto injured reserve does.


4.     Supplemental Draft:

The Supplemental Draft will be held prior to the unlimited waiver pickup deadline.  Teams may select players to increase roster size to a maximum of 18 players.  Teams select worst-to-first, order reversing in subsequent rounds.  Participation is optional.  After the supplemental draft, teams may add players to the 18-player limit up until the unlimited waiver pickup deadline, at which time roster sizes will be frozen.  Supplemental draft picks are always free and do not count toward a team’s free transaction limit. 


Note:  At no time may a team’s roster exceed 18 players, INCLUDING players on Injured Reserve. 



Franchise Fee:              $103 (includes initial draft, supplemental draft, and applicable free transactions, organized parties, plus newsletter / trophy / Commish software costs).

High-Score Pot:            Each team pays $39 to this pot.  High score each week of the regular season (Weeks 1 thru 13) claims $36 from the pot (ties split the payout).

Waiver Pickup:                                     First 20 are Free!  21 and up are $10 each, cash up-front!

Trade Pickup:                                       Free – NO LIMIT!

Injured Reserve:                                   Free – NO LIMIT!


Knucklehead Charge:  Teams that field a player who is on a bye week, or field a player no longer on their roster, will owe $5 to the pot for every such occurrence.  If 2 players are on a bye the same week, the fee is $10, and so on.  Fees are due by the following week’s Sunday game or roster will be frozen. 


The commissioner will hold all fees until the final payout after the playoffs.

The franchise fee must be paid IN FULL by the start of the draft in order for a franchise to be awarded. 






The commissioner will see to it that a weekly newsletter containing pertinent game results and statistics is posted.  The newsletter might contain extra articles if the commish feels like it.  Newsletter contributions from others in the league are encouraged but are not mandatory.



The playoffs will consist of weeks 14 thru 16 of the regular NFL season.  The two top-ranked division winners will have the first week (Week 14), as a bye while the remaining division winner and three wild card teams will compete.  The top wild card team is the non-division winner with the best overall record.  The other two wild card teams are determined as the two teams with the most points besides the already-seeded teams.  Wild card entries may consist of any combination of teams from the divisions (all wild card teams could come from the same division). 


                Week 14:           #3 seed plays the seed of his or her choice (must choose before Wednesday*).

                                                Other two seeds compete in the other game.  (#1 and #2 seed have bye)


                Week 15:           #1 seed plays the seed of his or her choice (must choose before Wednesday*).

                                                #2 seed plays the other winner from the previous week.


                Week 16:           AWFFL Bowl played by week 15 winners.  PUD Bowl played by week 15 losers.


The Toilet Bowl “Championship”

The six teams that did not qualify for the playoffs must participate in the Toilet Bowl playoffs.  Seeds 10-12 are division losers ranked by record.  Note that if division loser gets into the AWFFL Bowl playoffs as a wildcard, the next best team in the division that is not a wildcard team is designated the “Division loser”.  If ALL teams from a given division are in the AWFFL Bowl playoffs, the #10 seed is determined as the non-division loser with the worst record.  Seeds 7-9 are non-division losers ranked by record. 


                Week 14:                Seeds #11 and 12 have a bye.  The #7 seed plays the seed of his or her choice (must choose by Wednesday*).  The other two seeds play each other.  (Note: higher seed wins all ties).


                Week 15:           Teams that WON the previous week are eliminated from the Toilet Bowl.

                The top seeded team that lost the previous week selects the team of his or her choice (choose by Wed.*).

                                                The other two remaining teams compete.


                Week 16:           Toilet Bowl played by losers from the previous week.

                                                The Toilet Bowl winner pays $15 towards the AWFFL Bowl Party Fund.

                                                The Toilet Bowl Loser pays $35 towards the AWFFL Bowl Party Fund.


* Note:  If no choice is made by 10 PM Wednesday, the lowest-seeded team will be assumed.


The Week 17 “Free-for-All!”

All teams are eligible.  Each team submits a lineup before the week 17 games.  The team that scores the most points wins.  In case of a tie, the tied teams will split the pot.


PAYOUTS:                                Division Winner #1:                                $ 80

                                Division Winner #2:                                50

                                Division Winner #3:                                50

                                AWFFL Bowl Winner:                                250

                                AWFFL Bowl Loser:                                175

                                PUD Bowl Winner:                                100

                                PUD Bowl Loser:                                25

                                Most points scored - regular season:                                50

                                Week 17 “Free-for-All” winner:                                50

                                League software, postage, and trophy fund:                                86

                                Mid season owners meeting #1                                100

                                Mid season owners meeting #2                                100

                                AWFFL Bowl Party:                                120

                                Total:                                $1236


Additional fees (if anybody exceeds the free transaction limit, or paid a Knucklehead charge) will be distributed to the AWFFL Bowl Party fund for first $50, and after that, proportionately to money winners as determined by the Commish.



Pre-Draft Lottery:                Mon Aug 23, 7:00 PM at HOT SHOTS, Union Rd at South County Center.

AWFFL Draft:                Saturday, Aug 28, 7:00 PM at Hubbs’ house.

AWFFL Season Begins:                Thursday September 9

Mid-Season Owners Meeting#1:                TBD - League pays $100 Bar/Food tab!

Mid-Season Owners Meeting#2:                TBD - League pays $100 Bar/Food tab!

Supplemental Draft:     TBD (may be combined with 2nd midseason owners meeting)

1st Transaction Deadline (for unlimited transactions):     

                                Sunday, November 14, 12:00 noon

Injured Reserve Deadline:                Sunday, November 14, 12:00 noon

Trading Deadline:                Sunday, November 21, 12:00 MIDNIGHT

Final Transaction Deadline (for once-per-week transactions):

                                Sunday, December 5, 12:00 noon

Playoffs Begin:                Sunday, December 12

Free-For-All / Week 17:                Saturday, January 2

AWFFL Bowl Party:     TBA