Welcome to Panther Pride
Panther Pride is an unofficial Florida Panthers fan site and is brought to you by
Cheryl LaPalme. It is in no way connected to the Florida Panthers Hockey Club or any of its affiliates. NOTE TO AOL USERS: the AOL browser can not pick up or will distort some of the graphics and some of the backgrounds of this site. If you have a difficult time, please try another browser.
This site has been in operation since August 19, 1998.
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Please note: Panther Pride and all it's pages are copywrited by Cheryl LaPalme aka BluLiner55 ©1998, 1999, 2000, 2001 unless otherwise noted. Panther Pride is in no way connected to the Florida Panthers Hockey Club or it's affilates.
All photographs have copyrights to them and are not for use to gain profit of ANY kind. Some of these pictures have been taken from sources who may not wish to have their pictures put here. In that case, please e-mail me and I will be happy to take them down.
Written permission to use the Florida Panthers Booster Club Logo given by the Florida Panthers on 07/19/00
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