1997-1998 Penn State Wrestling Photos

Please click on the wrestler you want to see.
Each page includes all photos in which that wrestler appears.

John Bachman
Shad Benton
Jason Betz
Jamarr Billman
Matt Burke
Andrew Butville
Arturo Cabanas
Brett Calabretta
Kevin Coulter
Coach John Fritz
Jamie Graff
Jeremy Hunter
Mark Janus
Eddie Jayne
Jeff Knupp
Jason Kruk
John Lange
Pete Mielnik
Nino Morici
Clint Musser
Rob Neidlinger
Coach Hashiro Oishi
Kevin Poorman
Glenn Pritzlaff
Geoff Reyes
Kevin Shippos
Andrew Stolbach
Ross Thatcher
Kevin Vile
Tim Vorhies
Biff Walizer
Dana Weber
Todd Williams

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Any comments, questions, or requests can be sent to Joy Bauer at joyannebauer@hotmail.com.