Hi, I am Lemer 1 which by the way is not my real name. I am a male, and I am 15 years old. My birthday is March 9, 1983. I love horses, I have been riding them for about six years. I also love computers, in fact I want to be a computer engineer when I get older. I was born in Georgia, then I moved to North Carolina, then finally I just recentally moved to Oregon. I have homeschooled all my life, until I moved to Oregon. I now go to LCC (Lane Community College), I got to the Adult High School at LCC. I have been playing the violin for four years, and the piano for two years. I also used to take chess lessons, where I met my best friend, which still lives in North Carolina (I hope he comes and visits me soon!!!). As I said, I love to horse back ride. But, I also like other sports. Well, that is me. I will be adding more stuff to this page in the near future. If you want send be any complaints, or compliments about my page. You can e-mail me by using my e-mail link at the bottom of this page.
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