Visit to the Athletes' Village On my way out of the hotel to the village, I ran into John Vanbiesbrouck. He had just come back from watching the speed skating and was on his way to the athletes' village as well -so we got a ride together. We chatted about the women's game on 14th - USA staged an incredible comeback. John said that there was a real buzz amongst all the USA athletes. We also talked golf, Bezzer is an avid golfer - lucky he lives in Florida. I am still tackling the game, myself...As we approached the village, Bezzer explained that he is sharing a college-style dorm with Bryan Berard, Derian Hatcher, Mike Richter and Brian Leetch. Eric met me at the front entrance and I picked up my guest pass. We went through security, just like at the airport . We popped inside the cafeteria (okay so I snuck in - it's an athletes only zone) for a sandwich. I can't explain how exciting this was - Mr. Submarine is going to taste sooo good upon my return home! Anyway, Eric took me on the tour. First stop - Canada's common room . This place is where the players watch TV (CBC feed), play cards and get a chance to talk to the athletes from other sports. Mark Recchi, Eric and I took on Manon Rheaume, Judy Diduck and Fiona Smith in a game that involved horse betting with cards . Fiona cleaned up. Eric won $1.40; I lost .30 cents and Recchi covered the difference with his US dollars. Basically, the money was inconsequential - we had a good time goofing around. Next stop - Eric's room. After struggling to get the door open , E showed me around - this didn't take long! He's sharing with "the two Joes" (Nieuwendyk and Sakic), Trevor Linden, Brendan Shanahan and Rob Zamuner. After our sit down dinner , we took off to an area which was kind of like a mini strip mall. Inside there was an arcade which was packed with athletes from all over the world - they were having fun and killing time. Eric had to hit the bank - quite an experience. All the tellers came out and asked us to pose for pictures. At one point there was nobody behind the counter - somebody could have robbed the joint. Across from the bank, IBM has set up a "Surf Shop" - athletes can go on line to check their e-mails and surf the web. (You can send me an e-mail at BrettLindros@nhlpa.com, by the way!) This mini mall also had a beauty salon , dry cleaners, general store , sports store and a place to get your clothes altered . In the sports store they had a mini-putt hole set-up. I don't know where this guy was from, but let's just say that he was no threat to Tiger Woods. On our way out, I ran into Scott Stevens and asked to borrow his credential so that I could sneak back into the cafeteria for some more food (it's been slim pickings in town). The cafeteria has all sorts of food stations - you can get sushi (not), salad and pasta bars, main course entrees (chicken teriyaki was on the menu tonight). And when nothing else is talking to you, there's always McDonalds! I sat down with Trevor Linden, Theo Fleury, Adam Foote, Rob Blake and Eric Desjardins. Footer was laughing because Trevor had gotten frustrated with a cab driver for not knowing where the athletes village was - Trevor is a mellow kind of guy so it got us laughing. After dinner, the boys headed off to a team dinner and then early to bed so they'd be fresh for the Canada/USA game on the 16th. I headed back into town and turned in for the night as well. More news tomorrow...