Hello if you have read the paragraph on my opening page then you willl already know that my name is Ashley, I live in a small town in Ohio, and that I'm 15. There isn't much more that I can tell you since life is so boring here. Let's see I'm a freshman at McClain High School. I'm in band which is my least favorite class of all. The director made pep band required so I had to play at like all of the basketball games and since I don't play a fall sport I had to be in marching band so I couldn't be with my friends at the football games, this also means I have to spend a week of my summer vacation at band camp. I was on the girls swim team which is over now and we actually won a meet. Now we are up to today I'm on the reserve softball team, which has been the best part of the school year yet. Well I don't know what else I can say. I could list my classes to take up some space. What do you think should I? Really? ok I will, I have Biology 1st period, Latin 1 2nd, English 1C 3rd, Band 4th, swimming/gym 5th (required by the stupid state), Keyboarding1 6th, and last but not least Algebra 2 7th. I hope I haven't bored you too much. I will add a pic soon right now all I have is my band pic so i will wait for softball. If you really want to see it click HERE.