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Myke's Houston Rockets Page

Myke's Houston Rockets Page

Hi, I'm Myke and I just started on this page. I am a huge fan of the Houston Rockets and I hope to make this one of the best Rockets pages on the net. I hope to have everything you could ever want to know about the Rockets on my site. Needless to say, I have high hopes for my site. To accomplish what I want to do with this site will take an extremely long period of time. So be patient and I will try to get stuff added as often as possible. I am only 15 and I have just started school again so I will not be able to work on this as often as I would like to but I will do my best. Right now I am working on having a page for each of the Rockets. I have tons (and I mean tons!!!) of pics to put up here. Also I am working on putting together a list of every player to ever be drafted by the Rockets.

Rockets History and Results

The History of the Rocket's Logo

Rockets Regular Season and Playoff Records

Rockets All-Time Playoff Series Results

Rockets Season Results

I am going to try to put up the game-by-game results for every season that the Rockets have been in existance. However, the only results I have at this time are the ones seen here and the ones for the 97-98 Season. If you have any of the results from the seasons that I am missing, or know of another place that might have them, I would be very grateful if you would please E-mail me and let me know. Thanks. --Myke

94-95 Season

96-97 Season


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This page is not associated with the Houston Rockets or the NBA in any way, shape, or form. I do not take credit for any of the images, stats, etc. on this page. This page was created because I love the Rockets; not because I intend to make anyone angry. However, if you own the copyright to anything used on my page and you object to my using it, please E-mail me and I will remove it as soon as possible. --Myke

© 1997

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