To [PoP]ODT's TeamFortress Sniper Page

This is where u will find out about the sniper, clan PoP, plus tactics and stratagies on being a sniper. Guess what u didnt win a million dollars but, u are the th aspiring sniper to vist this page dont u feel special?

Hi my name is ODT which is short for OneDeadTruck. I am a profesional sniper who is up there with the best of em and really enjoy what I do. I made this page for all of u aspiring snipers who want to become good (cause i like helping them even in a game)On this page ive put things such as my personal tricks and others peoples too. It also has some links to Clan PoP's web page and some other classes if possible. .

This page be under construction see so i hoppe u like whats here though it aint much hope its werking by sunday

Here are some links to other pages for snipers and just other cool ones

Clan PoP homepage

under consturction

]PoP[Devastator's home page (hes a good engineer and soldier so for help on that go here but if ur lazy u could stay and see my tutorials :)

a helpful newbie sniper page

If you are not so interested in snipers u can go here for help on other classes

A great place for web page graphics

Dont forget to have a good amount of gibbs every day:)

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Created with DiDa! by [PoP]OneDeadTruck...aka. [PoP] DeadTruck©. 1998