Dubé and Stock!
Dubé 'n Stock

That's us, Stock (Jen)'n Dubé (Betsy). We're two of the biggest Wolf*Pack fanatics ever!! Even though we lost our NHL team The Whalers, the Wolfpack is probably the best team this state has seen yet!! And besides, hockey is hockey no matter if it's AHL, NHL, IHL . . . you get the point.
We're best friends, heck we live one house away from each other!(Just 15 minutes out of Hartford! HOOOWL!) And it was Jen that got me addicted to hockey! I went to one Whalers game with her, and I loved it, but I have to admit it was definitely the Wolfpack that really got me hooked on hockey. The energy was just different and they actually won games, hehehe.
Jen as you can tell is the ultimate P.J. Stock fan, autographed jersey and everything! Send all your P.J. questions her way! *LOL* I'm the ultimate Christian Dubé (pronunciation key: DOO-BAY. NOT DOOBY.)fan!
We're also known as Sanderson(Betsy) and Primeau (Jen), cause well ya know, we love those guys too!! Jen is also a Philadelphia Flyers fan, and Betsy is a Buffalo Sabres fan. I think that's about all you need to know about us for now!

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