1998 Tournament Schedule

February 8th - NY
3 Man Ice Man Tournament
GRC Paintball
Bellfast, NY

February 14th - MI
St Valentines Day Massacre Big Game
Hell Survivors - Pickney, MI
Free Play if dressed like a 1920's gangster

February 22th - OK
(Rain date, Mar 1st)
Adventure Zone paintball field
Edmond, Ok
Captains meeting at 9am - 1st game starts at 10am.
The Adventure Zone paintball field presents : the 1998 Rec players tournament series. A 5 tournaments series just for recreational players to determine the 1998 adventure zone champions! 3-man teams, 16 and under age bracket, and 17+ age bracket. Teams must qualify to play in the last tournament which will be for the Adventure Zone championship. To qualify your team needs 3 points. How does your team earn points? 1 point for playing in a tournament, 1 point for making it to the semi finals of a tournament, and 1 point for winning a tournament. (Teams must participate in at least 2 of the prelminary tourneys). There will be a 24 team limit for each tournament. 16 and under will only play other 16 and under teams, same for other bracket 16 and under can play with older division, but 17+ cannot play in younger division. NOTE : This is a newbie tournament, so no mags, cockers, shockers, rainmakers, etc. guns allowed! no experienced tournament players or sponsored teams allowed!
Prizes : 1st place - 3 spyers*
2nd place - 3 cases of RP paint*
3rd place - 3 pairs of brass eagle goggles*
* = based on a 24 team entry
Entry fee : $75 per team

8 FEBRUARY 1998-U.K.
7 man team entry fee, f 100 5 man team entry fee. For more information, call 01708-688-517.

FEBRUARY 8,1998-N.Y. 3 MAN ICE MAN TOURNAMENT. To be held at GRC Paintball in Belfast, NY. FPO. For more information, call 716-365-2470.

FEBRUARY 10, 1998-FL. TENNESSEE MOONSHINE WAR MUSTANG PAINTBALL SCENARIO GAME. To be held at First Coast Paintball in Jacksonville, FL. FPO. $35 entry fee. For more information, call 904-262-2397.

FEBRUARY 14,1998-ML ST. VALENTINE'S DAY MASSACRE BIG GAME. To be held at Hell Survivors in Pinckney, MI. Free play if dressed like a 1920's gangster. For more information, call 313-8785656.

15 FEBRUARY 1998-U.K. 5 MAN LEAGUE. To be held at Sidcup. Pro, intermediate, novice, BYOP. 125 team entry fee, includes air. For more information, call 01634-864-173.

FEBRUARY 15,1998-CA. 8TH ANNUAL HOUNDS C 5 MAN TOURNAMENT. To be held at Action Paintball Games in Sacramento, CA. Hosted by Dogs of War. Trophies & prizes. BYOP. $150 team entry fee. For more information, call 916-722-5860.

FEBRUARY 20,21 & 22,1998-TN. NATIONAL INDOOR CHAMPIONSHIPS. To be held at Splat-1 Adventures in Knoxville, TN. FPO. For more information, call 423-531PLAY.

FEBRUARY 22,1998-FL. 3 MAN TOURNAMENT. To be held at Bullseye Paintball Court in Port St. Lucie, FL. $3000+ in prizes. Round robin. FPO. $140 team entry fee. For more information, call 561-340-2033 or 561-337-0060.

22 FEBRUARY 1998-U.K. 7 MAN NORTHERN TRIPLE CROWN-ROUND 3. To be held at Paintball Park. Trophies through 4th. BYOP. 175 team entry fee, includes air. For more information, call 0 1706345-821.

FEBRUARY 28 & MARCH 1 BLIZZARDBALL'98 INDOOR 5 MAN TOURNAMENT. To be held in St. Thomas, Ontario. Centre flag arenaball. Minimum 12 games. $25000+ prize pool through 8th. FPO. Free air. $330 (US) team entry fee. For more information, call 519-642-4414.

1 MARCH 1998-U.K. 5 & 7 MAN SOUTHERN NO BATTLEPACK SERIES-3RD LEG. BYOP. 9105 7 man team entry fee, $100 5 man team entry fee. For more information, call 01708-688-517.

8 MARCH 1998-U.K. 5 & 7 MAN SOUTHERN NO BATTLEPACK SERIES-2ND LEG. BYOP. $ 105 7 man team entry fee, $100 5 man team entry fee. For more information, call 01708-688-517.

MARCH 4,5,6,7 & 8,1998-NV.  2ND ANNUAL NPPL LAS VEGAS OPEN. To be held in Las Vegas NV 5 & 10 man Pro/Am Divisions. Over $50000 in cash and prizes. NPPL rules. Top quality judging. 6 game minimums. Trade show. BYOP. Team entry fees: $500 five man; $2350 10 man pro; $1750 10 man amateur, includes air. For more information, call 619-536-5183.

8 MARCH 1998-U.K. NO BATTLEPACK-ROUND 4. To be held at Powerplay Paintball. Limited paint. Trophies through 4th. BYOP. E140 team entry fee. For more information, call 01706-345-821.

MARCH 14,1998-AR. EXTREME CHRISTIAN 5 MAN PAINTBALL TOURNAMENT To be held at Owen's Outpost in AR. Trophies & prizes through 4th. $200 team entry fees. For more information, call 870-423-2340 or 870-423-7061.

MARCH 15,1998-N.Y. 4TH ANNUAL ICE MAN 5 MAN TOURNAMENT. To be held at Survival New York in Newburgh, NY. 8 Same minimum. Judging by Ground Zero. Trophies & over $1500 in prizes through 4th. $200 team entry fee, includes air. For more information, call 914-241-0020.

MARCH 20 & 21,1998-ONT. CANADIAN SKYBALL OPEN 5 MAN. To be held at the Skydome in Toronto, Ontario, CD. Over $40,000 in prizes. Center flag. 180 team limit. FPO. For more information, call 705942-8438 or 888- 75-FOCUS.

MARCH 29,1998-CO. CPPA 5 MAN NOVICE TOURNY. To be held at Over the Edge Paintball in Castle Rock, CO. Novice only. 50% of the gate prize value. FPO. $250 team entry fee, air included. For more information, call 303-972-4113.

29 MARCH 1998-U.K. 7 ALAN NORTHERN TRIPLE CROWN. To be held at Paintball Challenge. Trophies through 4th. BYOP. 9175 team entry fee, includes air. For more information, call 01706-345-821.

29 MARCH 1998-U.K. 5 MAN LEAGUE. To be held at Eurosplat. Pro, intermediate, novice. BYOP. 9125 team entry fee, includes air. For more information, call 01634-864-173.

APL/ZAP AMATEUR 5-MAN Sunday, April 5, 1998... HOUSTON, TEXAS PLANET PAINTBALL, P.O. Box 90985, Houston, TX 77290 OVER $10,000 IN PRIZES (281) 631-9525

APRIL 12,1998-Ml. 8TH ANNUAL EASTER BALL HUNT. To be held at Hell Survivors in Pinckney, MI. Hidden prizes. Bunny hunt game. For more information, call 313-878-5656.

APRIL 18,1998-FL. VIRUS MUSTANG PAINTBALL SCENARIO GAME. To be held at All Terrain Paintball in Ocala, FL. FPO. $35 entry fee. For more information, call 813-695-1715.

19 APRIL 1998-U.K. 5 MAN LEAGUE. To be held at Sidcup. Pro, intermediate, novice. BYOP. E125 team entry fee, includes air. For more information, call 01634-864-173.

APRIL 19,1998-PA. 1998 SURVIVOR SERIES AMATEUR 5 MAN LEAGUE. To be held at Global Paintball near Philadelphia, PA. $10000+ in prizes & trophies for top league teams. Speedball. Reffed by Global Warriors. FPO. $200 team entry fee., includes air For more information, call 610-966-4780.

APL/ZAP AMATEUR 5-MAN Sunday, April 26, 1998... OCALA, FLORIDA WAYNES WORLD OF PAINTBALL, P.O. Box 669, Sparr, FL 32192 OVER $10,000 IN PRIZES (352) 591-4330

APRIL 25 & 26,1998-LA. BOOTLEGGERS V. REVENUERS V. FBI SCENARIO GAME. To be held at O.F.F. Limits Paintball near Shreveport, LA. Wounded player rule. 200 player limit. $250 entry fee. For more information, call 318-687-6256.

APRIL 25 & 26,1998-PA. CASTLE CONQUEST V & BIG GAME. To be held at EMR Paintball in New Milford, PA. Castle attack on Sat. Big game on Sun. Wounded player rule. FPO. $40 entry fee. For more information, call 717-465-9622.

APRIL 26,1998-MI. 4TH ANNUAL LADIES ONLY WILD-KATZ GAME. To be held at Hell Survivors in Pinckney, MI. Free entry. For more information, call 313878-5656.

26 APRIL 1998-U.K. 5 & 7 MAN SOUTHERN NO BATTLEPACK SERIES-4TH LE( BYOP. E105 7 man team entry fee $100 5 man team entry fee. For mo information, call 01708-688-517.

APRIL 26,1998-N.Y. 3 MAN TOURNAMENT LEAGUE To be held at GRC Paintball in Belfa NY. Ist of 4 events. Prizes & trophy to winners. FPO. $200 team entry I for all 4 events. For more information call 716-365-2470.

MAY 1, 2 & 3, 1998 4TH ANNUAL PITTSBURGH OPEN To be held at Urban Assault near Pittsburgh, PA. 10 man Pro/Amateur Di sions. Over $50000 in cash and prizes NPPL rules. Top quality judging game minimum. BYOP. Team en fees: $2350 pro; $1750 amateur includes air. For more informati call 412-926-9000.

MAY 2 & 3,1998-MI. FINAL MISSION OF THE APOCALYPSE SCENARIO GAME. T( held at Hell Survivors in Pinckney, Mega prize give-away. FPO. $25 ei fee. For more information, call 3 878-5656.

10 MAY 1998-U.K. 5 & 7 MAN SOUTHERN BATTLEPACK SERIES-4TH Ll BYOP. 2105 7 man team entry $100 5 man team entry fee. For information, call 01708-688-517.





MAY 16 & 17, 1998-N.Y. 3RD ANNUAL REC BALL EXTRAVAGANZA. To be held at Paint Long Island in Coram, NY. 5 mar ball tournament on Saturday. I game with a twist, soccer paint multiple flag, etc. Sunday, 14th ai al big game. Over 1000 players. I copter and tanks. Multiple object Wounded player rule. Celebrity erals. FPO. Big trade show. Two events for the price of one. $45 E fee. For more information, call 698-3657. MAY 17,1998-CO.

CPPA 5 MAN TOURNAMENT. To be held at Two Chicks Paintball in Fort Collins, CO. Amateur & novice only. Prizes equal 50% of the gate. FPO. $250 novice & $300 amateur team entry fee, air included. For more information, call 303-972-4113.

MAY 23,199&FL. FIGHT FOR THE ISLAND MUSTANG PAINTBALL SCENARIO GAME. To be held at Lithia-Springs Paintball Park in Lithia, FL. FPO. $35 entry fee. For more information, call 813-695-1715.

MAY 24,1998-N.Y. 5 MAN SPEEDBALL TOURNAMENT. To be held at GRC Paintball in Belfast, NY. Prizes to winners. BYOP. Judging by Lockout & Supermodels. $350 team entry fee. For more information, call 716-365-2470.

MAY 31,1998-PA. 1998 SURVIVOR SERIES AMATEUR 5 MAN LEAGUE. To be held at Global Paintball near Philadelphia, PA. $10000+ in prizes & trophies for top league teams. Reffed by Global Warriors. FPO. $200 team entry fee., includes air For more information, call 610-966-4780.

JUNE 6 & 7, 1998-MI. ESCAPE FROM PURGATORY SCENARIO GAME. To be held at Hell Survivors in Pinckney, MI. FPO. $50 entry fee. For more information, call 313-878-5656.

JUNE 13 & 14,1998-PA. THE QUEST SCENARIO GAME. To be held at EMR Paintball in New Milford, PA. $1000+ in Prizes. Wounded player rule. FPO. $45 entry fee. For more information, call 717-465-9622.

APL/ZAP AMATEUR 5-MAN Sunday, June 14, 1998... PITTSBURGH, PENNSYLVANIA URBAN ASSAULT, 447 Washington Ave, Bridgeville, PA 15017 OVER $10,000 IN PRIZES (412) 926-9000

JUNE 14,199&N.Y. 3 MAN TOURNAMENT LEAGUE. To be held at GRC Paintball in Belfast, NY. 2nd of 4 events. Prizes & trophies to winners. Speedball. FPO. $200 team entry fee for all 4 events. For more information, call 716-365-2470.

JUNE 24,25,26,27 & 28,1998 5TH ANNUAL NPPL CHICAGO OPEN. To be held at Badlandz near Chicago, IL. 5 & 10 man Pro/Amateur Divisions. Over $50000 in cash and prizes. NPPL rules. Top quality judging. 6 game minimum. Huge trade show. FPO 5 man. BYOP 10 man. 10 man team entry fees: $2350 pro; $1750 amateur, includes air. For more information, call 708-418-8888.

JUNE 28,1998-CO. CPPA/NAAPSA 5 MAN TOURNAMENT. To be held at Over the Edge Paintball in Castle Rock, CO. Amateur & novice only. Prizes equal 50% of the gate. FPO. $250 novice & $300 amateur team entry fee, air included. For more information, call 303-9724113.

JULY 12,1998-N.Y. 4TH ANNUAL FIRECRACKER 5 MAN TOURNAMENT. To be held at Survival New York in Newburgh, NY. 8 game minimum. Judging by Ground Zero. Trophies & over $1500 in prizes through 4th. $200 team entry fee, includes air. For more information, call 914-241-0020,

JULY 12, 199&-PA. 1998 SURVIVOR SERIES AMATEUR 5 MAN LEAGUE. To be held at Global Paintball near Philadelphia, PA. $10000+ in prizes & trophies for top league teams. Speedball. Reffed by Global Warriors. FPO. $200 team entry fee., includes air For more information, call 610-966-4780.

JULY 12,199&-N.Y. 5 MAN TOURNAMENT. To be held at GRC Paintball in Belfast, NY. Prizes & trophies. FPO. $3100 team entry fee. For more information, call 716-365-2470.

JULY 12,1998-CO. CPPA 5 MAN TOURNAMENT. To be held at Two Chicks Paintball in Fort Collins, CO. Amateur & novice only. Prizes equal 50% of the gate. FPO. $250 novice & $300 amateur team entry fee, air included. For more information, call 303-972-4113.

APL/ZAP AMATEUR 5-MAN Sunday, July 19, 1998... ST. LOUIS, MISSOURI WACKY WARRIORS, 4951 Sean Drive, Imperial, MO 63052 OVER $10,000 IN PRIZES (314) 296-0964

JULY 18 & 19,1998-PA. BONEHEADS'BIG'N BIG GAME. To be held at EMR Paintball in New Milford, PA. Tanks & other vehicles. Multiple objectives. Wounded player rule. Free Barbecue. FPO. $40 entry fee. For more information, call 717-465-9622.

JULY 25 & 26,1998-MI. MICHIGAN MONSTER GAME 98. To be held at Hell Survivors in Pinckney, MI. Multiple objectives. troop transports Prize give-away. Trade show. BYOP with own gun. $27 one day or $45 two day entry fee. For more information, call 313-878-5656.

APL/ZAP AMATEUR 5-MAN Sunday, July 26, 1998... PARKERSBURG, WEST VIRGINIA PHILLIPS PAINTBALL ARENA, Rt 3 Box 1A, Washington, WV 26181 OVER $10,000 IN PRIZES (304) 863-3174

AUGUST 8 & 9,1998-N.Y. 28 HOUR FANTASY SCENARIO GAME. To be held at Survival New York near Newburgh, NY. Good vs. Evil. Non stop action through the night. Death knight, dragon and mystical challenges. FPO. $45 entry fee. For more information, call 914-241-0020.

APL/ZAP AMATEUR 5-MAN Sunday, August 16, 1998... ANCHORAGE, ALASKA SECTOR 7G PAINTBALL, 21-354A Orange Ave, Elmendorf AFB, AK 99506 OVER $10,000 IN PRIZES (907) 753-0431

SEPTEMBER 11, 12 & 13,1998-NV. 2ND ANNUAL NPPL OLYMPIC CITY OPEN. To be held in Atlenta, GA. 10 man Pro/Amateur Divisions. Over $40000 in cash and prizes. NPPL rules. Top quality judging. 6 game minimum. BYOP. Team entry fees: $2350 pro; $1750 amateur, includes air. For more information, call 770-594-0912,

APL/ZAP AMATEUR 5-MAN Sunday, September 27, 1998... LOS ANGELES, CALIFORNIA S.C. VILLAGE, 638 Camino De Los Mares, C-240-618, San Clemente, CA 92673 (714) OVER $10,000 IN PRIZES 489-9000

OCTOBER 19-25,1998-FL. 10TH ANNUAL WORLD CUP. To be held at Paintball World near Orlando, FL. 5 & 10 man Pro/Amateur and Novice Divisions. Over $100000 in cash and prizes. NPPL rules. Top quality judging. 5 man on Mon., Tues. & Wed. 8 game minimum. Top gun & target shoot competitions on Thurs. 10 man on Fri., Sat. & Sun. 6 game minimum. Huge trade show. BYOP. Team entry fees: $2350 ten man pro; $1750 ten man amateur & novice. $100 top gun. $25 target shoot. $600 five man. All entries include air. For more information, call 914-241-7400.

APL/ZAP AMATEUR 5-MAN Sunday, November 15, 1998... ATLANTA, GEORGIA WILDFIRE PAINTBALL GAMES, 1989 Tucker Industrial Blvd, Tucker, GA 30084 OVER $10,000 IN PRIZES  (770) 493-8978

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