Top 5 Paintball Guns
1.Mini Mag
- The Mini Mag is a great gun it is small and light weight, and is fast when you need to unload on someone. The guns insides are very simple so you wont need to be a rocket scientist to take it a part and clean it. The gun also has alot of add ons that you can buy so you can make this good gun GREAT. It is a little expensive but I think it is well worth the money.
2.Auto Mag
- The Auto Mag is just about as good as the Mini Mag it is just a little larger but it is like the Mini Mag in witch it has a ton of add ons and is easy to take a part. This is another expensive gun but again it is well worth it.
- The autococker is another expensive gun and CAN be a great gun if it is working. The Autococker has A LOT of moving parts and can be hard to deal with because it some times has a lot of problems with the parts but if you are an experienced player and have the money the Autococker would be a good gun to buy.
4.Tippmann 68 Carbine
- The Carbine is the gun I own and is a hell of a gun it works great and is fairly cheap. It has a few add ons (not as much as the Mags or Autocockers) but there are some things you can add to the gun. The Carbine is one of thee best guns to use in cold weather and it also is easy to clean once you get used to it. The Carbine is one of the best guns you can buy for a begginer. I highly recomend it.
5.Tippmann Pro Lite
- The Pro Lite is just as good as the Carbine, they are almost alike. It is made of good hard steel so it can take a beating. It too is cheaper then the Mags and Autocockers. Another gun witch is highly recomended.
- The ANGEL is a new gun that I dont know a whole lot about (thats why it is not ranked) it but I've heard that it is beter than the Mags and the Autocockers. Another gun is the SHOCKERS (sport, 4x4) I've read an artacle about the sport and by what the writer said it should be a very good gun. It has 3 settings Semi-auto, 3 ball bursts, and Full auto. This also is not ranked because I have not had any personal expereance with it but what i have heard it is a great gun. These guns are on the high end of the price if I'am not mistaken I've seen the Angle at $1100 and the Shocker at $700-$1000.

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