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Meanwhile the 41th championship finished with the great surprise: Uri Blass won the first place before GM. Har-Even, LGM Kristol, SIM Dothan and others.
We have a winner in the 38th championship !
Mr. Yefremov won his game VS Keter and got the first place. In the 39th championship Mr. Poliak is the winner. Nothing clear in the 40th championship.
Mr. Yoav Dothan Won the 37th championship of Israeli CC. IM Pinhas Azzar was second and Mr. Pinhas Sirakus third .
The ceremony took place on the 7.9.99 in the Kasparov Academy , Tagor 26, Tel-Aviv
Playing CC by E-mail
The inscription is open! All Israeli residents can inscribe to an E-mail tournament by sending a written request to my E-mail.
They should write their rating (FIDE) if they do not have a rating by ICCF. I will inscribe them to the next E-mail tournament.

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