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Would the Warriors make the playoff if Muggsy played more?

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1/19/000 This page is going to be spplit i nto different areas to support other site. Pretty soon this iwll be JOHN's WORLD website. This page will be a section. I will also be able to spend more time on this one since it will be on the same file. SO it doe not mean less ime willl b espenet, it will make it so I have more time. THAN I CAN CHANGE THAT STUPID SURVEY I HAVE!!!

1/19/000 I have been spending my webmaking time with music projects. SO the music page is amost done so ill give it out geocities.com/Colosseum/Bench/5207/music.html the other one however is got a awsy to go. WHen it is finished, this willll become the main poage again

1/13/000 MUGGSY SCORES 22 PTS!!!Raptors are discovering their secret weapon!!!

12/29/99 PJ CARLISIMO IS FIRED!!!!they msut be feeling really stupid right now not listening to me:p well the Raptors are starting to slide...but still are playoff bound!

12/5/99 Been busy with other web stuff..but heres the news.......Toronto keeps rolling by...GS keeps failing. Muggsy gpot his revenge on Gs when they blew GS out and the audience applauded Muggsy. GS has been failing and its starting to look as though PJ will finally be fired. Its about time.....too bad it was too late for Muggsy....well amybe not..now Muggs is on a Championship conding team...could you picture tha lat year...NBA Cham,pion Muggsy Bogues????

11/11/99 Muggsy is doing some geat things weith the Raptors this year. He has 21 assits with one turnover here and is in first place....meanwhile the warriors stink and it shows why Muggsy was improtant. TAKE THAT PJ!!!

11/10/99 sorry that I havent updatewed this much, but Ive kinda been uninterested in basketball this year...I wiol however continue updating this weekly from now on..i promise to update this sonner than I have



11/4/99 NBA season starts with Muggsy wearing #14. The Raptors loose but thi is only the begging

heres the press confereence. Boy I have work to do swictching the colors of my site. BAckgrunds and everything will be toally swicthed SOON!!!!!!! this is only temp. HEY STEVE!!!

8/10/99 Looks like Muggsy may be signed by the Toronto Raptors

5/16/99 BIG NEWS!!! MUGGSY IS MOST LIKLEY NOT GOING TO RETURN TO GOLDEN STATE.....please give me your thoughts at bigjay210@hotmail.com

4/11/99 THE GREATEST ARTICLE EVER WRITTEN....Why Muggsy should start. Ill just add this.....The Warriors may be the stupidest team in sports. They've maged to loose Chris Webber, Joe Smith, Tim Hardawy, Penny Hardaway, Tom Gugiolotta, Chris Mullin, Mitch Richmond, Sprewell, Wilt Chamberlin, George Karl, and many more. Also they have manged to have a coach choked, and lead to a player suing the NBA multiple times. Worst of all...their fans want more trades including Muggsy. How is this right???? ***************************************************************** Tyrone Bogues was born on January 9, 1965 in Baltimore, Maryland. He grew up in the Lafayette Court Housing Projects on Orleans Street. His apartment was torn up. He was afraid to turn on the lights, because he was afraid to see all the rodents that lived in his apartment. That wasnt a problem usually, because the lights usually never worked. He would go outside and there was a small torn up basketball court, that neighborhood kids would sometime play in. But the kids usually played in the Projects Rec. Center. All the best players showed their skills and spent their days. Crime was a big problem and Muggsy's friends say he "learned to be quick from ducking under cars to get away from flying bullets." As a kid he witnessed a man stabbed repeatadly by a ice pick, a man beat to death by a baseball bat, and a kid shot while shooting a lay-up after one of his oppentts got in argument over a foul. Muggsy himself, was shot when he was 4-years old when a mad man thought he had broken his window and shot him with his shot gun. A kid dragged him away from the shooter to safety wich saved his life. When Muggsy arrived in the hospital, the docter found out that luckily he was shot with pellets and not bullets. Most of Muggsy's childhood was spent in the projects rec center. He and his best friend Reggie "Russ" Williams(who is now in the NBA) would spend their afternoons in the court playing basketball and hanging out. He was 5'3 and Reggie was 6'0 wich made people call the two many nicknames. He and Reggie would talk and dream of playing at the local high school Dunbar. When Muggsy was old enough to attend Dunbar, the school district forcing him to attend South High instead of Dunbar. Muggsy could only watch and hope that his chance would come when he could attend Dunhbar. The next year he transferred to Dunbar and the team went on to win the title of "1# High School Team in the Country." The team went undeafeted and continued through the rest of Muggsy's stay there. The team was so good, the futer captain of the Boston Celtics, Reggie Lewis did not even start on the team. Dale Wingate, Muggsy, Reggie Lewis, and Reggie Williams, later became starters for NBA wich made Dunbar the 1# team to advance players to the pros

After High School, Bogues was recruited by Wake Forest were he was a backup for the Deacons. The next year he started but could not bring is team into the NCAA Tournemt, because of recent league transitions. The next year the Deacons failed to recruit any star players. When Muggsy won a huge stuffed bunny at a fair during the Rainbow Classic in Hawaii, he dragged around the whole tournement. Wake's coach said, "I know we are in trouble when our star is smaller than a stuffed rabbit." And the team was in trouble, and they failed once more to make it to the tournement. In 1987 Bouges was drafted by the Washington Bullets. Bogues played with 7'7 teamate Manute Bol, for one year before he was traded to the new expansion team, Charlotte Hornets.
Open a Article on Bogues Draft
Muggsy's carear with Charlotte had started out slow, but with the addition of Larry Johnson and Arolanzo Morning, the Hornets became a championship contending team. Muggsy faced tragedy when when his high school teamate Reggie Lewis had a heart attack and collapsed on the court, and died a few weeks later. Later that year Muggsy's father died and he once again faced death. Muggsy's carear took a turn for the worse when Muggsy's knee was injured numerous times. Because, of injuries, the Hornetts dumped Bogues by trading him and Tony Delk for B.J. Armstrong to the Warriors.
Epiloge: Muggsy now lives with is wife Kimberly, two daughters, and son. He finished 98' season with the warriors, and is quoted as the "Leader of the Troops" Muggsy lives in Charolette, and is active in the community. Muggsy says he wants to retire a Warrior, and wants to stay another year in the NBA untill he retires(he will we hope!!!).

A message from Muggsy:"During the time,(when Muggsy was a child)sports helped a lot with pride. Nowadays, though, they dont have rec centers anymore. The city dosen't have the money to keep them open. It breaks my heart to go back to Lafayette and see the sign on the door that the rec center is now closed. I am sure that many problems in the area if kids had a place to go, beides trouble. "The difference between NBA Muggsy, and dead Muggsy haunts still him today."

Special Thanks to Muggsy Bogues for being the greateast thlete ever, Myself of course, Nancy Perry for having a great site of info, B.J. a.k.a "Smalltown" for html help, my cat, parents(I love you man), Resnet, and Julie Kent for her great photography



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Send Comments, Questions or Suggestions to: bigjay210@hotmail.com

Last Updated: March 9, 1999
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