Shantanu Rastogi's Bridge Page

issue 68 (February 7, 2000)

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Page updated on:February 7, 2000

  • Bridge Facilities in India
  • In this section I would be putting together all the information regarding bridge facilities in the various cities in India.The information may be sketchy at present but would be made comprehensive in future.

    Lucknow Allahabad Varanasi Meerut Dehradun Ghaziabad Kanpur Moradabad Delhi Chandigarh Jaipur Mumbai Pune Asansol Durgapur Bangalore Chennai Ranchi

  • Tournament News
  • In this section I would cover tournaments happening in India and more so the tournaments happening in Northern part of India and in the state of Uttar Pradesh.

    Bermuda Bowl and Venice Cup concluded in Bermuda in the third week of January 2000 with USA I (Jeff Meckstroth & Eric Rodwell, Bob Hamman & Paul Soloway, Nick Nickell & Richard Freeman) winning the Bermuda Bowl and Netherlands winning the Venice Cup (Bep Vriend & Marijke van der Pas, Anneke Simons & Jet Pasman, WietskeVan Zwol & Martine Verbeek ). India had representation only in the Venice Cup where Indian ladies had qualified. The ladies didn't fare too well but that only reflects lack of match practice against top teams and mode of ladies team selection which is done through pairs. I would be reproducing some interesting deals later.

    Jagdish Agarwal Memorial Oudh Bridge Championship would take place at Oudh Gymkhana , Lucknow from February 10-13, 2000.

    National Pairs at Home for Ubhayakar Trophy and Arun Swamy Trophy would take place on February 27, 2000.

    WBF World Wide Simultaneous Pairs event (formerly known as EPSON) would take place on June 2 & June 3 , 2000. The scoring of this event would be done on internet.

    WBF is organising Mind Sports Organization's Worldwide Simultaneous Pairs on August 22 and August 23, 2000. It would be on the lines of Fifth Friday Championship organised by Herman De Wael. The magnitude of the championship would be higher with about 10000 tables results being compiled together.

  • Deal of the Week
  • In this section I would cover one good deal which appeared in the Weekly Bridge Tournaments at Lucknow or in a recent tournament with explanations.

    This week's deal is on lead directing bids.

    Lead:H A
    S10 8 6 4 2
    H5 3
    DQ J 10 7
    CA 9
    SJ 3
    HQ 10 8 6 4
    CQ 10 8 7 6 5
    S7 5
    HA K 9 7 2
    DK 6 5 4
    CK 4
    SA K Q 9
    DA 9 8 3 2
    CJ 3 2


    1 HX4 H4 S
    PassPass5 H5 S

    This deal happened in the duplicate Ruia Trophy qualifying rounds at Hyderabad nationals. It was the sixth round on day one and well past 10 PM in the midnight as schedules had gone haywire. We were a team of four only, so I was playing continuously. After I've played around 60 deals in a day, I normally have a mortifying fear of unforced errors - typically in card play. An error happened but this time in bidding.

    My partner opened 1 H which was doubled by my RHO and I leapt to 4 H. My LHO came in with 4 S, my partner & my RHO passed. I came in with 5 H !! over which my LHO closed the auction with 5 S.

    My partner led H A and continued with a H and the contract got scored. The moment I saw the dummy I realised what had gone wrong.

    Any top player in my place would have bid 5 D instead of 5 H that I had bid asking for D lead. The contract goes down due to two D ruffs.

    If you see 5 S by South always scores but by North doesn't on D lead. The D lead is difficult to find untill unless lead directing bid is made. Essentially this situation is a lead directing situation though it can be played as suit also in which case it would ask for partner to bid further on fit else revert to the original suit. But normally good players play this as lead directing.

    In closed room our partners allowed our opponents to play in 5 H doubled and we lost 11 IMPs. Only if I had been more alert we could have gained 7 IMPs instead of losing 11.

    Since we were playing game level bids as mixed raise my partner passed 4 S for me to double or bid further but suppose you play game level bid as a pre-emptive raise then even East can bid 5 H. Should then the lead directing bid be made at an early stage e.g. 1 H - X - 2 D is for partnerships to workout ?

    Now look at this deal where 5 level bid was actually suit.

    Lead:C A
    HJ 9 8 6
    CA 9 8 7 6 5 4
    SA 9 7 6 3
    HA Q 5
    DA Q 9 8 6
    SQ J 4
    H7 3
    DK J 10 7 5 3
    CK 3
    SK 10 8 2
    HK 10 4 2
    CQ J 10 2


    1 S2 C4 S5 C
    5 D Pass5 S Pass

    I opened 1 S playing 17+ C. My LHO overcalled 2 C (I would discuss ethics of this bid later) , my partner jumped to 4 S and my RHO came in with 5 C. I offered 5 D but my partner reverted to 5 S which closed the auction.

    I made 5 S on C A lead. I could have made six also but due to fear of D ruff I played safe. Key point is 6 D makes.

    Since my partner took my 5 D bid to be lead directing , he only played in original suit at 5 level. What do you do in such situation ?

    Andrew Robson would have choicest of words for my partner. It is clear that he should introduce D suit as early as possible ie at 2 level.

    Now for ethics of 2 C bid. It is ridiculous that with two Kings and a 4 card S Suit headed by K 10, South hasn't doubled. It points to a partnership understanding and normally such 2 C bids should be alerted for my partner may have got misled by this bid.

  • Bridge Links
  • You would like to visit these sites frequently.

  • ACBL Website-Federation (American)
  • CBF Website-Federation (Canadian)
  • WBF Website-Federation (World)
  • The Internet Bridge Archive-Archive
  • Floater-Online Bridge (Free)
  • BridgeWorld Website-Magazine > Puzzles
  • BridgeBase Website-Personal (Canada) > Software,Deals,Tournament Reports
  • Bridge Arkade-Personal (Norway) > Bidding Contest,Bridge Stories (humour),Puzzles
  • Anna Gudge's Website-Personal (England) > Database (Federation)
  • Richard Pavlicek's Page-Personal (USA) > Puzzles,Deals
  • History of Bridge-History
  • Tournaments Around the World-Personal (Denmark) > Tournament Reports
  • OKbridge-Online Bridge (Payment) > World Internet Bridge Championship
  • Demicoma Bridge Academy-Personal (India) > Puzzles
  • PlayBridge-Deal Generator
  • BridgeSpace Website-Personal (Israel) > Bidding Contest
  • Bridge Companion-Magazine > Puzzles
  • Bridge Today-Magazine > Bidding Contest,Bridge Lessons (Payment) from University
  • Jeff Goldsmith's Page-Personal (USA) > Software, Puzzles
  • Bridge Forum-Personal (USA) > Bidding Contest,Bridge Lessons (Payment)
  • Bridge In India-Personal (India) > Tournament Reports
  • Bridge Card-Convention Card Editor
  • GBL-Bridge Links
  • Jim Loy's Review-Personal (USA) > Software
  • BridgePlaza-Personal (Canada) > Software,Deals,Tournament Reports
  • Alex Wagner's Page-Personal (Canada) > Bridge Stories (humour)
  • BFI Website-Federation (Indian)
  • Fifth Friday Simultaneous Pairs Championship-Personal (Belgium) > Contest
  • Mind Sport Organization-Personal (England) > Contest
  • Previous Issues
  • 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67

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