Shantanu Rastogi's Bridge Page

issue 56 (October 25, 1999)

THANK YOU People of India for not allowing foreigner to rule in our country.This is an expression of my gratitude to millions of Indians.

For your comments please e-mail
Page updated on:October 25, 1999

  • Bridge Facilities in India
  • In this section I would be putting together all the information regarding bridge facilites in the various cities in India.The information may be sketchy at present but would be made comprehensive in future.

    Lucknow Allahabad Varanasi Meerut Dehradun Ghaziabad Kanpur Moradabad Delhi Chandigarh Jaipur Mumbai Pune Asansol Durgapur Bangalore Chennai Ranchi

  • Tournament News
  • In this section I would cover tournaments happening in India and more so the tournaments happening in Northern part of India and in the state of Uttar Pradesh.

    UP State Championship is taking place at Bareilly from Oct 29 -31, 1999.

  • Deal of the Week
  • In this section I would cover one good deal which appeared in the Weekly Bridge Tournaments at Lucknow or in a recent tournament with explanations.

    This week's deal is on simple card play.

    SA 5 3
    HK 10 5 4 2
    CA J 10 5
    SJ 8 4
    HQ 8 7 6
    D9 8
    CK 8 6 2
    SK Q 9 7 2
    DJ 7 6 5 4
    CQ 4
    S10 6
    HA 9 3
    DA K 10 3 2
    C9 7 3


    Pass1 H1 S2 D
    Pass2 NTPass3 H
    Pass4 HPassPass

    You would always score he four Heart contract shown in this weeks deal if you play your cards well. I mean you don't have to be an expert to make this contract but sometimes even good players go wrong. So have a look at this deal.

    North is playing in 4 Hearts after a natural auction and receives a lead of Heart Jack. How would you plan the play ?

    The Heart Jack lead is likely to be singleton until unless East has decided to lead from doubleton Jack thinking that dummy is likely to ruff thereby giving up a likely trump trick. It is possible that East may have made a lead from QJx but that only an expert can do and if Easts at your table make such leads you must compliment them. So a count of tricks reveal that you have tricks - 4 Heart, 3 Diamond and two Aces and you can give up wo Club tricks to score another Club trick which would be the tenth and if you can find Club honour doubleton (with Club Eight if Jack Diamond doesn't fall in three cards) with West you score eleven tricks.

    So with this plan if you win lead with Heart King , cash Diamond Queen enter the dummy with Heart Ace and try to pitch two spades on two Diamond winners the contract would go down on the layout shown. For you would have to lose a Spade, a Heart and two Clubs.

    There is nothing wrong in this line of play if you are trying this at matchpoint pairs event where his deal actually took place as you have chosen to play for a favourable disribution in Diamonds (4-3 break) and for a bad break in Clubs (Both Club honours being offside).

    In the layout shown ,however, Diamonds don't break but Club honours are split between EW. So correct line of play is to plan for a Spade ruff in dummy and take a Club finesse early. Now his guarantees ten tricks but gives up a chance for an overtrick.

    So which line of play you think is correct ?

  • Bridge Links
  • You would like to visit these sites frequently.

  • ACBL Website-Federation (American)
  • CBF Website-Federation (Canadian)
  • WBF Website-Federation (World)
  • The Internet Bridge Archive-Archive
  • Floater-Online Bridge (Free)
  • BridgeWorld Website-Magazine > Puzzles
  • BridgeBase Website-Personal (Canada) > Software,Deals,Tournament Reports
  • Bridge Arkade-Personal (Norway) > Bidding Contest,Bridge Stories (humour),Puzzles
  • Anna Gudge's Website-Personal (England) > Database (Federation)
  • Richard Pavlicek's Page-Personal (USA) > Puzzles,Deals
  • History of Bridge-History
  • Tournaments Around the World-Personal (Denmark) > Tournament Reports
  • OKbridge-Online Bridge (Payment) > World Internet Bridge Championship
  • Demicoma Bridge Academy-Personal (India) > Puzzles
  • PlayBridge-Deal Generator
  • BridgeSpace Website-Personal (Israel) > Bidding Contest
  • Bridge Companion-Magazine > Puzzles
  • Bridge Today-Magazine > Bidding Contest,Bridge Lessons (Payment) from University
  • Jeff Goldsmith's Page-Personal (USA) > Software, Puzzles
  • Bridge Forum-Personal (USA) > Bidding Contest,Bridge Lessons (Payment)
  • Bridge In India-Personal (India) > Tournament Reports
  • Bridge Card-Convention Card Editor
  • GBL-Bridge Links
  • Jim Loy's Review-Personal (USA) > Software
  • BridgePlaza-Personal (Canada) > Software,Deals,Tournament Reports
  • Alex Wagner's Page-Personal (Canada) > Bridge Stories (humour)
  • Orbis Deal of the Week-Personal (Bermuda) > Contest (devised by Zia Mahmood $50000 prize from Sep 1,1999)
  • Fifth Friday Simultaneous Pairs Championship-Personal (Belgium) > Contest
  • Previous Issues
  • issue 1 issue 2 issue 3 issue 4 issue 5 issue 6 issue 7 issue 8 issue 9 issue 10 issue 11 issue 12 issue 13 issue 14 issue 15 issue 16 issue 17 issue 18 issue 19 issue 20 issue 21 issue 22 issue 23 issue 24 issue 25 issue 26 issue 27 issue 28 issue 29 issue 30 issue 31 issue 32 issue 33 issue 34 issue 35 issue 36 issue 37 issue 38 issue 39 issue 40 issue 41 issue 42 issue 43 issue 44 issue 45 issue 46 issue 47 issue 48 issue 49 issue 50 issue 51 issue 52 issue 53 issue 54 issue 55

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