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The Japanese Academy of Martial Arts is a school of Bujutsu (Martial Art or Art of War). It teaches all the fundamentals of classical japanese martial arts. The style of Bujutsu that the Japanese Academy of Martial Arts teaches is known as "YAGYU SHINGAN RYU", Yagyu Shingan Ryu Heiho Jutsu as its full name. This style is a true Samurai art.kacchu.gif

About Yagyu Shingan Ryu

Yagyu Shingan Ryu is over 400 years old, it is an ancient for of warfare and self defense developed in the Sengoku-jidai, The Battle Period in the early 16th century. It was used by the samurai warriors (samurai bushi).

It teaches Jujutsu, Taijutsu, Bukijutsu (weaponry) including Kenjutsu & Iaijutsu (Swordsmanship), Shurikenjutsu (Small blades / needles for throwing), Hojojutsu (Cord tying art), Bojutsu (art of the staff, or long stick) to name just a few of them. Strategy, Tactics and Kappo (Japanese method of resuscitation) are also taught.

The un-armed part of combat was used for self preservation and to save honour. For example, if a understudy or a Ashigaru (foot soldier) attacked a samurai to prove himself and his worth to his lord, the samurai couldn't use a weapon to stop or kill the attacker as it would be considered a over use of effort and not worth of the skills of a samurai, so for this reason they had to disable, or even kill the attacker by means of un-armed combat.

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Bujutsu translates as Martial Art or Art of War (Warfare). Bu meaning "Martial" or "War", and jutsu meaning "art" or "art of". This is a collection of sub-arts placed under one form or style, for example Yagyu Shingan Ryu Heihojutsu. These forms or styles may include some of the following sub-arts:

Not all forms or styles will have all of these arts in their system, but they will have a selection of these arts. There are many other arts that I have not mentioned that some forms or styles are doing so if you think that there is an art or technique that I have not mentioned E-Mail me with the name and a brief description.

What do you learn?

You learn all of the fundamentals of bujutsu, this includes:samurai.gif (1728 bytes)

Contact Information



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*Special Thanks to Daniel Lee for the pictures and information*

Page developed by: A student of the Japanese Academy of Martial Arts
Last Updated: Friday, 24 September 1999