ACADEMIC BACKGROUND ISTANBUL UNIVERSITY, Department of Mathematics ( 1992 - ) Concentrated on Developing and designing Web Sites using html, Javascript. DOKUZ EYLUL UNIVERSITY, Department of Computer Programming - (1990-1992 ) Concentrated on Design of Algorithms and Flow charts, Data Structures, Databases Operating Systems : MVS OS/390, OS/2, Windows, Programming Languages : C, C++, Visual Basic, Pascal, Cobol, Cobol-2, Java , Html , ASP and Javascript.
WORK EXPERIENCE Pamukbank T.A.S. Head Office, Software Development Department ( July 1994 - Present ) System Analyst Programmer Worked for POS (Point Of Sales) Project. Developed communications programs for dial-up, cable and wireless (Radio Wave) communications with Exta-c, C, C++ and Visual C++. Worked on IBM Mainframe platform operating system with MVS/ESA, and CICS/ESA environment and using Cobol, Cobol-2, PL1, and embedded SQL in a DB2. Developed programs on PC side for Dione Pos and Verifone Pos using Exta-C and C. Developed a program using Visual Basic 5.0 and MS C++ 6.0 under Windows NT operating system that replaced POS at mid-sized businesses. Developed Credit Card Printing Database Conversion programs using MS Visual C++ 5.0 Developed Pin Entry program using MS Visual C++ 6.0 Developed Internet Branch of Pamukbank T.A.S. using MS Visual Studio 6.0 Developed Web Page Creator using MS Visual Studio 6.0 Developed Payment System under MVS/ESA. Egebank Head Office, Computer Centre ( Jun 1992 - May 1994 ) Computer Programmer Worked as one of two persons in charge of the Investment Project which project was developed using Cobol-2 and DB2 under OS/2 for Egebank only and consisted of about 300 programs.
PROFESSIONAL COURSES ATTENDED AIX Course At IBM - 01-11-1994 - 14-11-1994 I have been to England to improve my English for 5 months. - 04.10.1998 - 04.03.1999 HOBBIES Reading, Swimming , playing chess, stamp collection, Internet-Surfing, playing strategy computer games(CM and AOE are my favorite games) . REFERENCESReferences are available upon request. Web: come.to/oguzs_cv This page was last updated on 01/22/02. |