ATTN: cmatt03, lilmac25 and clutch - you will have to activate your inbox for accepting messages from other EZ Board members in order for me to contact you to get your prize.
Good thing about prisons is that they play by their own rules. Which means ANY bat is allowed. So, still having my Ultra 1, we decided to have some fun. First, there was no fence to center or left field which opened things up. We lost the first game as people just tried to re-acquaint themselves back to the ridiculous end load that the Ultra 1 has. We scored 5 runs in 7 innings and lost 9-5. The second game was different. A lot different. Shots were being launched as though it were a major tourney. I had one of my longest shots ever in the 370+ range (who can tell for sure). All I know is I had a 350 shot to burn the outfielders and the next time up they moved back and I still burned them (where my 370 shot came in) with the Ultra 1. That's insane !
Their rec time ended at 8pm and we were in the 4th inning, we were still batting and up 26-9. That's a lot of runs considering they were playing us in the outfield at around 300. I felt a little bad about using the bat, but it had been so long, that getting it out one time in a game where it was allowed was too tempting. And everyone on the team knew not to hit the middle with it.
There was some trash talking, but that mostly done by the prisoners watching to the prisoners playing. It was very similar to my trip in Texas in that early on everyone was watching, but by the 2nd game, a lot of them had lost interest and were back doing their own thing or had gone back inside.
The prison team was actually a very solid fundamental team. Hardly any errors on their part or weak hits. Their SS and LF were 2 places you did not want to hit the ball, they were solid.
May 6, 2002
April 24, 2002
April 15, 2002
April 9, 2002
06/29/01 - 3 new videos (will get to pictures soon) on GT01 page. Check em out and save what you want as I don't have a lot of space and will have to rip some down when I put up new ones. In other words....Ya snooze, ya looze. If you should miss out on one, you can email me and I can repost it.
06/26/01 - First, I still need emails from just about EVERYONE with their height and weight for the pound4pound contest !
06/25/01 - Read about Dr. Jay's new position with TPS.
05/28/01 - New (in progress) Mohr Racing page is up. Check it OUT.
05/24/01 - Check out the new bats for TPS. Thanks to Dr. Jay for the photos.
05/22/01 - The American Airlines 737 I was flying in crashed Sunday and it was FUN ! OK, so it was the million dollar flight simulator that Steve and Nate do maintenance on, but it was a blast, even at 1am. And it didn't really crash, I was able to try it out and I had a near perfect line going (thanks to Nate's tips) but kinda set it down too hard and blew out the landing gear. Ooops. So, if I'm on a plane and the pilots are incapacitated, I can take over. I'll get you there in one piece(maybe), but I can't guarantee the same for the plane. :)
I'll be doing a writeup of my trip experience within the next week or so as I find time. It was awesome and I recommend it for anyone interested. The inmates I encountered were nicer and more appreciative than people you would meet on the street. So, keep checking back....
05/01/01 - WOW! Just checked the hit counter for my site (not the msg board), had a new high for ONE day on Tuesday 4/24, with 948 hits !!!!!! Thanks everyone.
04/28/01 - LET'S GIVE IT A SHOT ! New Reader's Bat Review page created ! Sorry, it would be too much work for me to convert the old bat reviews to the new format. So, if you had any prior reviews submitted on the old system, I ask that you re-enter them on the new system. Right now I want to limit the bats to ones made in the last year or two. I might expand it at a later date. But remember, the new program I use is only good if YOU get out there and use it and post reviews. Without the reviews, it's worthless! And it's on a free server that can be a little erratic, so if it's not up when you try, just come back a little later.
GT01 page created. Click on Get Togethers.
04/27/01 - GT01 - need emails from people intending on coming. Also, I saw some posts from some Cincy people indicating they might come and just watch. So, if you could, email me with your name, city, state you are from and if you are a participant or just going to watch.
04/22/01 - Several items to list. First, batreviews of the PST and 3DX have been posted on the bat review page. Next, in about a month I'll be going to prison ! Yep, Dudes and Dudettes, MohrSoftball will be headin' down to that foreign country known as Texas. Steve Butler is setting up another Prison Ministry where we will play some softball against the inmates and take the word of God with us. This should be really interesting and I have no idea what to expect. I'll be doing a full writeup though. I can say this, I'm not taking a shower while inside the prison !!!!!!!
04/12/01 - OK, it's out there. A new product that just received 5 out of 5 stars ! To check it out, click here. BUT WAIT ! Just remember, I never said it was a softball related product. :)
04/08/01 - I have some bat evaluations - I was able to gets some swings in with the 3DX,PST and B52. Check out a full report here.
04/05/01 - Readers Tips and Celebrity Tips pages now fully automated and update in real-time. For those in the know, it uses ASP/VBScript coding. Up next is the readers bat review pages. This will be done also with ASP/VBScript and a MS Access database which will allow sorting by bat, scores and other items.
03/15/01 - Info on the new softball instructional video can be found here.
03/14/01 - Info on the new softball video coming out. It is by North Star Productions who made Learn to hit a Softball 400 Feet. Their new one is called "Achieving Maximum Homerun Distance and Consistency". I have not seen it, but if it is anything like their last one it will be great. I am working with Ken VanBogert and offering the chance to order it through my site and get $1 off each video. I haven't decided at this point if I will do a review, but I probably will and just put a footnote that I receive a small portion of each video sold through my site. But, you know me, I'm not a sellout and if I don't like it, I'll say so. Click here to see the order form. A complete description of the video will be posted within a few days.
03/11/01 - Great news ! I was Baptised today ! I know some out there may roll their eyes at that, and that was me years ago. Just remember to keep your heart and mind open and allow God a chance to be in your life. It is an awesome feeling. Everything will change for the better.
10/10/00 - Quick review/comparison of the 2 softball games available for the pc, here.
08/20/00 - Latest shoulder diagnosis. New diagnosis.
06/11/00 - Old msg board.
05/31/00 - Due to lack of finding a bp partner in the day, I went out and bought a tee. I've never used one before. I was always under the assumption that the tee would effect how far the ball would travel and how you would hit. MAN WAS I WRONG ! I hit as many bombs using the tee as I would in bp. Including back to back shots and out of around 75 hits, 12 were bombs and 3-4 more went off the fence. There was a 5mph wind and the fences were 308 and I was using real good balls.
It did take some getting used to - my first 5 hits were nothing but ground balls. You start with the feeling that you want to keep from hitting the tee, but after awhile you'll settle down and start making contact where you're supposed to and your swing aim will be right at the lower portion of the ball/upper part of the tee. Once you realize there is no adverse effect from using a tee, you'll be launching bombs just like in live bp.
05/19/00 - Added a video clip hitting with the new TPS XXL bat, check it out and hear what it sounds like here.
05/16/00 - Map of Berliner Park posted on Tourney page.
Fryer Park has added trees ! Pray for rain now.
04/27/00 - GT00 page started - GT00
04/09/00 I would like to pass along the information that Jerome Earnest of Supreme Softball passed away last night. He will be missed. Jay Chasteen introduced me to him at one of the super tourneys a few years back. I can say that no one kept us up to date on softball the way he did. He loved and reported on the game and asked for nothing in return. Our prayers go to him, his family and friends. Further details can be found on his message board.
04/08/00Sammy Sosa Softball Slam is out for the PC. It is made by the same people (3DO) that make the #1 baseball game for the PC (Sammy Sosa High Heat Baseball 2001). But the game is totally different. They have a demo you can try out here.
Some notes on the game:
For those that haven't seen it, the game has a lot of error's (dropped fly balls, overthrows, fat players that can't move) and you can get a lot of hits and HR's. When you throw the ball as a fielder you can either do it normal (in which the throws are slow with arch on them) or use the button for rifle throw in which the fall flies through the air on fire, but is much more inaccurate (a lot of overthrows).
When you nail a HR the ball also catches fire through the air. Unfortunately you get the baseball like 0-0 count. Would have liked to have seen the 1-1 count and 1 free foul. Would also like to have seen (maybe it has it, but not in demo) where the guys and gals are not co-rec caliber but instead the bulked up bomb hitters.
You do get the 'ting' of an aluminum bat.
I have played the demo a couple of times - it is different, and is fun to play, but I'm not sure about the longevity for it. There are several options you can't get with the demo, so it comes down to if you want to pay the bucks. Maybe we should, because you know if they see there isn't a market for the game on the PC they won't make any subsequent editions.
With the temps at 78 degrees today I was able to hit for a few hours. Only bats I used were the ESTL 15" barrel and the Easton Titanium. If you are wondering how the 2 compare, seeing as how a lot of people believe the ESTL 15" barrel bat is the best legal bat out there for under $450. Let me just contest. Titanium still rules the day. The ball just jumps so easily off the bat. All you have to do is make sure to 'cut' the ball and get it in the air and it will sail. The ball just rockets off the bat. And just think, the Ti is a single wall and the ESTL is a double wall. Can you say "Tingggggggggg".
(02/03/00) Check out the injury page for an update on the bursitis in my shoulder. There's another 2" of snow on the gound today, so what else do you have to do ?!
(11/16/99) Welcome to my new site(well, new location anyway). It is because of you that this site has grown to what it is today !! Hope you like it. Be sure and drop me emails on what you think.
(09/04/99) Glove comparison.
(09/01/99) As of 7:00pm this evening I am a new uncle and Roger is a new daddy ! He is the proud father of a baby girl named Katelyn Kay. Congratulations Kim and Roger !
(06/08/99) Quick review of the ESTLE....
Overall I would say you get exactly what they state - a)15" barrel over last years 14". b)More end load. Slightly bigger sweet spot, but MAYBE a slightly less distance. But I am going to try to get my hands on a 27.5 ounce version for a full review and go head to head vs. my reg 27oz ESTL (which is probably the exact same bat as the reg black version since the barrel had an inch chopped off for '99 - even the card that came with the bat said it has a 15" barrel - I guess the major durability problem caused them to change that).
Oh yeah, there is a BIG sound difference between the 2. The new bat has a louder and more noticeable 'ting' to it. It's not the same sound, but it's as loud as the old Steele's bats from many years ago.
(01/24/99) I have received an email recently about how to go about buying a bat from someone online who you've never met before. There are a few ways -
October 31, 2003
A sweet paper football game can be played here.
May 3, 2004
The winners for the drawing are (in order):
1. cmatt03 (Miken package)
2. wdjd (bat bag)
3. lilmac25 (bat bag)
4. clutch@slowpitchsoftball (bat bag)
I will be sending you a note through EZ Board with a password. Just email me at with your password for verification.
January 9, 2004
Click on this and show where you are from !
Tip: Enter all fields (put in invalid email if you want to avoid junkmail), otherwise it won't save your mark.
October 16, 2003
Stat Calculator has been updated with a new feature. If you have cookies enabled on your browser, you can now SAVE your stats !
October 13, 2003
I received a pic from the Michigan GT. That can be seen here.
September 28, 2003
Shirts: I can take paypal now for payments (email me for details). Quantities/sizes updated again as some have backed out on their deal. More info can be found here.
July 7, 2003
Give the new page a try - Mohr Outdoor Cooking!!!
Thursday - I was able to participate in a few softball games at a local prison. This was my 2nd time in doing so. I did it a few years ago down in Texas as part of the Prison Ministry Sports Outreach program. The one yesterday was strictly to play softball.
Shirts are to begin shipping today.
There really is no rhyme or reason as to who's goes out when. :) It will probably take 2 weeks to get them all out and I will create a post on the message board with names as I ship them out. Also check the message board for info on how to wash/care for the shirts. 150 shirts doesn't sound like much, until you try sorting through them !
BTW-I have a few extra size medium(M only!!) if anyone is interested in ordering one that size.
Tanel is another sponsor of the site and I got to try a pair of their shoes. Let me say they are the lightest cleats I have ever worn ! They feel like regular running shoes and just as comfortable. I was able to wear them for the first time at a 2 hour practice and loved them. It was the first time I have ever wore a new pair of cleats to a game/practice and NOT gotten any blisters or anything close to it ! (Be sure and use their sizing chart on their website, it works perfect). I will give a long term review as the season progresses.
WOW! I just had the chance to check out a Pitch Safe, Inc. screen. First, let me say they are a sponsor of the site, but as long time readers know, that doesn't effect my review of the product. I haven't had a chance to see how it holds up under live hitting conditions (rain, rain go away), but I was amazed by the fact that you can literally set this thing up in around 60 seconds. Not a misprint, SECONDS. The way you transport it with the shoulder strap is great also. I will have a full review and photos in the weeks to come. Contact info is on the Sponsor Board.
With the weather warming up, I will have reviews of the Easton Tri-Shell Connexion, TPS XXLE and Miken Velicit-E coming up soon.
Next, I just wanted to say how great (even with the rain) GT01 went. Once again it was a great bunch of guys with no attitudes and everyone was there just to have a good time and meet the other people from the board. The only problem is having enough time to get to know everyone, which with a group of 25 is hard to do. I know I didn't get a chance to talk with everyone and I know for any newcomers it must have been impossible to get all the names, because I had a hard time doing it and I already knew over half the people ! I want to thank all the sponsors and also those guys that spent a lot of time rounding up balls. I'd like to put my time in doing more of that, but my work is trying to capture it all on video and in photos and keeping the stats - most of my work comes AFTER the GT uploading pics and video and stats. Thanks again to everyone that came and keep checking back and I'll be posting more as I get the time.
05/31/01 - Deep in the heart of Texas ! Click for the writeup on my trip to Texas and the Messengers Prison Ministry weekend.
Genesis bat
All of them.
April was THE most visited month ever with 17,877 hits !!!!!
I haven't been using the counter I have now since '97 so it doesn't show the overall total, I keep strict track of that myself, and as of today has had 375,359 hits since June '97.
By comparison the Mohr Softball Board averaged 1,300 hits a day over this past week (264,090 hits since 6/5/00 - doesn't go back further than that).
The Buy/Sell board averaged 1,000 a day (217,645 since 6/7/00).
More info can be found on Steve's website - here.
Swung the 28.5oz version(a little heavy for me). It does have more end load to it. Also a 15" barrel. Not sure about more pop than my reg. blue EST or black EST. But not sure if I can compare since the reg blue EST I have is a 27oz and the black is 28oz. I still give the distance nod to my blue EST w/14" barrel, but a bigger sweet spot to the new version.
-take a chance and just send the money
-try to have it sent COD and see if the UPS guy lets you open the box before giving him the $
-sellers can sell their merchandise at a place like
-buyers can request to go through a service at places like: or
The above 2 sites act as a go between and the buyer sends the cash to the place. Then the seller gets notified that the money is at it's holding point and then they send the bat to the buyer. The buyer then has a day or so to inspect the merchandise and notify the 'middle man' (web site) that they have the package and it's what they ordered. Then the money is sent on the the seller. If the package is not what you expected, then the seller gets his merchandise sent back to him and the buyer gets their money back (less the fee). The fee is around $10-$15 for a $200-$300 transaction. Sounds like a lot, but you guarantee you don't get screwed.
Plus, maybe the buyer and seller could split it by knocking $5 - $8 off of the price of the merchandise.
FastCounter by LinkExchange
As of 12/10/98