Professional Showjumping
Hi there everyone!!! This site has been closed for upgrades. It will not be managed for a few months and new things won't be accessable for the next little while, but you can still access the rest of this web site. Thanks for your understanding!
Hello there, everyone! My name is Jackie, and I am the author of this site. This site is totally devoted to professional showjumping. Let me tell you a little about myself before you read my site.
I'm an avid horseback rider who is also a bit of an internet junkie, with horses and computers and all of my other hobbies as my first love after my health, family, and education. When I was creating this site, I had in mind that the viewers should be shown the true elegance of the jumping horse at the professional level, which inspired me to make this site.
Well, since I have finished telling you about myself, I will now present and show you, and . . .
. . . Welcome to my web site, a definite place for you riders to roam through and enjoy the beauty and grace of the horse jumping over a fence. This site is filled with tons of pictures and information. If you're doing a project or just looking through this "mini-library", you have my permission to use my pictures and text.
And now, welcome to the wonderful and amazing world of
professional showjumping!
To get information on Showjumping competions, click here.
To find information on the skills that are required to do Showjumping, click here.
To find out on the opportunities for Showjumping, click here.
To get a few tips about jumping and to improve your jumping skills, click here.
To get a list of the equipment needed to practice and perfect your jumping skills, click here.
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Add this site to your bookmarks! I can guarantee that new stuff will come!!
composed with care by
Jackie @