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Pattie's dad has made some very inspiring inventions so that's basically why were starting our invention unit.

THIS WEEK'S LESSON: Related Links:
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Ms. Avent lake jelly fish
This week we will get some invention ideas from the children to help us on our new planet. We have some children and parents who are trying to make a formula to keep our wheat good.
invention Games
candy tree spoters
Experiments and Activities
Questions for this lesson:

Two people (Pattie and Jason) will get 2 jellyfish and try to get some ideas of what makes them work. For the rest of you go to pattie's house ask her dad to give you a couple of ides or you could make up your own.
1.What will we use them for?

2.can we use natural elements?

3.could it be a liquid?

4.could we use jellyfish?

5.could we make fuel?