

    Jeremy Knyte was born on the fourth of January nineteen seventy five in Intercourse, Pennsylvania. He was the elder son of the three children of Debra and Earl Knyte. While he was raised as a Mennonite his parents allowed him to train as a amateur wrestler and take lesson in Judo despite the non violence nature of most Mennonites. Jeremy spent most of his time either on the farm or in school and had a very limited social lifestyle. He graduated at the top of his high school class and went to Yale where he studied law, leaving behind his high school girlfriend Jen Daily. To supplement his scholarship money Jeremy pursued a wrestling after training at a wrestling school in Connecticut. While at college he met and married his ex-wife Rebecca and they have a daughter together

    After getting a law degree he decide to turn down a career in law and started touring indy feds in California, Mexico, and Japan. While in California Knyte met Elizabeth Lewis, named the "Queen Of Extreme" Liz Lewis a former playboy bunny turned wrestling valet. Knyte left his wife and child and followed Liz to a new promotion based out of Florida called Bad Ass Championship Wrestling {BACW}.

    Knyte debuted in BACW as "The Dragon" Jeremy Knyte became the BACW Television Champion after forming a stable names the Extreme World Order with fellow BACW stars, Havok, Rick ta Life and Triple B. Eventually the BACW joined the National Wrestling Alliance {NeWA}, and Knyte had to change his name to avoid contract problems with "The Dragon" Jim Dalton. Inside the NeWA Knyte hooked up with mega stable the Dudes With Attitude leading to the collapse of the EWO. This earned Knyte the nickname, "The Loose Cannon".

    Knyte then decide to work for Pacific Northwest Wrestling {PNW} as well as BACW to be a better asset to the DWA stable. Knyte was forced to leave the PNW after losing a loser leaves the PNW match. At the BACW PPV, "Last Rites" Jeremy Knyte had a heart attack during a scaffold match against his former ally Havok and left due to health issues. After a medical evaluation Knyte returned to the NeWA as part of World Class Champion Ship Wrestling {WCCW} and Hardcore Wrestling Federation {HCWF} as the masked wrestler Demonlord.

    In WCCW and HCWF Knyte feud with Wrec Hannibal and the Six Nine Crew and eventually joined the enemy stable of the DWA known as The Misfits. After the WCCW closed and under the name Demonlord, Knyte was able to rejoin PNW and feud with his former stable mates in the DWA.  Knyte then won the HCWF and PNW Hardcore titles as Demonlord before leaving PNW after being betrayed by former Misfits member Neurosis. Demonlord the signed up for North Carolina Wrestling {NCW}. In NCW Knyte turned on the Misfits and revealed himself as Jeremy Knyte returning to the DWA and propelling himself to the NWA Hardcore title.

    After the belt was retired Knyte quickly loss the belt to Championship Wrestling from Florida {CeWF} wrestler Tyrone Walker and left the NeWA for the upstart World Wrestling Alliance {WfWA} which ran on a similar model to the NeWA. Knyte joined fed known as PWA and earned their Atlantic title before being fired due to contract disputes.

    Knyte then tried a few runs for PNW, UWF, Bayou Wrestling Alliance {BWA} and the BACW again but they were short lived and Knyte was gaining a reputation as being unreliable. He spent a short time in the National Wrestling Council till the regional fed he was in closed and finally rejoined BWA where he began his run. During this run Knyte worked his way through several titles to win the BWA heavyweight, BWA Ironman, NeWA Hardcore and NeWA North American titles. He was the main man behind the Team NWA vs. The Soldiers feud and was a major feature in his feud versue the BWA tag team known as the Dark Ones. He retired after being stabbed on BWA supercard. He did some work for BWA after they left the NeWA and went to the WfWA but he was unable to work out a long term contract. He is currently touring regional federation.

Wrestling Titles

    Jeremy Knyte has held the following titles...


Height: 6'1"
Weight: 257lbs

Trademark Moves: Short Arm Knee, Knytemission (Katahijime), Knyteplex (Katahijimi Suplex)

Finishers:  Knyte's Blade (Cruicfix Powerbomb), Knytetime (Inverted Sit Down Powerbomb), Knytedriver (Tiger Driver 91'), Redemption (Back Drop Driver), Knytemare/Endgame (Sammartino Backbreaker Submission.}

Description: Jeremy is a well built man. He has the look of a comic book superhero. Jeremy wears black jeans and black boots. He wears no T-shirt over his well chiseled chest.. Jeremy has short brown hair and a clean shaven face. He wears fingerless gloves that are black with Knyte on the back. He wears wrap around mirror shades.