05/2003 Doctor of Medicine Program
05/1998 B.A. Chemistry, Honors Program, Phi Beta Kappa
06/1999-12/2001 Assistant Research Scientist
Assistant Research Scientist
08/1998-06/1999 Medical Volunteer
05/1997-05/1998 Student Research Fellow ñ Student Enrichment Program
ACTIVITIES Boston Marathon--4/17/2000, Runner with Brigham and Womenís Hospital Team
National Student Research Forum--4/2000, Research Presentation; Galveston, TX
Certified Emergency Medical Technician
Students for Intercultural Medicine
Clinical Mentor for junior medical students
MS150 (150 mile bicycle ride for Multiple Sclerosis)--Annually
Certified Black Belt--Tang Soo Do
Journals: Li-Li Hsiao, Takumi Yoshida, Robert Hong, Steven Gullans, et al. A Compendium of Gene Expression in Normal Human Tissues Reveals Distinct Expression patterns of Housekeeping Genes. Physiological Genomics. 2001 Dec 21; 7(2): 97-104. PMID: 11773596
Markert JM, Fuller CM, Gillespie GY, Bubien JK, McLean LA, Hong RL, Lee K, Gullans SR, Mapstone TB, Benos DJ. Differential Gene Expression Profiling in Human Brain Tumors. Physiological Genomics. 2001 February 5:21-33. PMID: 11161003
Carcamo, A.S., Fuhlbrigge RC, Hong R, Gullans SR, Kupper TS. Comparative Analysis of the Global Transcriptional Profile of Human Skin-Homing Memory T Lymphocytes vs. Non-Skin Homing Memory and NaÔve T Lymphocytes. Journal of Investigative Dermatology 2000 Aug; 115(2):332. PMID: 10951262
L.L. Hsiao, R.S. Stears, R.L. Hong, S.R. Gullans. The prospective use of cDNA arrays for evaluating gene regulation-expression in kidney disease. Current Opinions in Nephrology and Hypertension. 2000 May;9(3):253-8. PMID: 10847326
Hong R.L., Dix, D.J. Protective mechanisms in germ cells: stress proteins in spermatogenesis. Advances in Experimental Medical Biology. 1998; 444:137-43; discussion 143-4. Review. PMID: 10026943
Hong R.L., J.B. Garges, Dix, D.J. Inhibition of hsp70-1 and hsp70-3 expression disrupts preimplantation embryogenesis and heightens embryo sensitivity to arsenic. Molecular Reproduction and Development. 51:373-380 (1998). PMID: 9820195
Book Chapter: Hong R.L., Dix, D.J. Reproductive Toxicology: In Vitro Germ Cell Developmental Toxicology, from Science to Social and Industrial Demand. Edited by J. del Mazo. Plenum Press, New York, 1998. pp137-144. Editorial Reviews.
Presentations: Hong R.L., C.P. Donahue, K.S. Kosik, S.R. Gullans. Applications of DNA microarray technology. National Student Research Forum, Galveston, TX, April 2000
Abstracts: Markert JM, Fuller CM, Gillespie GY, Bubien JK, McLean LA, Hong R.L., Lee K, Gullans SR, Mapstone TB, Benos DJ. Differential Gene Expression Profiling in Human Brain Tumors. FASEB: Experimental Biology 2001. Orlando, Fl, April 2001.
Li-Li Hsiao, Roderick Jensen, Takumi Yoshida, Robert Hong, Katy Clark and Steven Gullans. The Human Gene Expression (HuGE) Index: An Analysis of Gene Expression in 453 Housekeeping Genes from 19 Normal Human Tissues. Genome Sequencing and Biology. Cold Spring Harbor, NY, February 2001.
Hsiao L.L., Yoshida T, Hong R, Milford E, Zheng F, Elliot S, Striker L, Striker G, Gullans S. Analysis of Gene Expression in Human Kidney Using DNA Microarrays: Identification of Highly Expressed Genes in Cortex and Inner Medulla. American Society of Nephrology, Toronto, Canada, October 2000.
Carcamo, A.S., R.L. Hong, S.R. Gullans, T.S. Kupper. Comparative Analysisis of the Global Transcriptional Profile of Human Skin-Homing Memory T Lymphocytes vs. Non-Skin Homing Memory and NaÔve T Lymphocytes. Society for Investigative Dermatology, Chicago, IL, March 2000.
Dix, D.J., J.B. Garges, R.L. Hong, F.L. Mapp. Functional genomic analysis of the stress protein genes hsp70-1 and hsp70-3 during mouse gametogenesis and embryogenesis. Gordon Conference: Mammalian Gametogenesis and Embryogenesis, Plymouth, NH, 1998.
Garges, J.B., R.L. Hong, E.S. Hunter III, D.J. Dix. Hsp70 expression and function during embryogenesis. Triangle Conference on Reproductive Biology, Chapel Hill, NC, 1998.
Acknowledgements: Stears RL, Getts RC, Gullans SR. A novel, sensitive detection system for high-density microarrays using dendrimer technology. Physiol Genomics. 2000 Aug 9;3(2):93-9. PMID: 11015604
Websites: Human Gene Expression Index (HuGE Index)óDatabase of gene expression for normal human tissues: http://www.hugeindex.org (October 1999). Web Design and Maintenance.
REFERENCES Steven R. Gullans
Associate Professor of Medicine, Harvard Medical School
Director of Genomic Analysis Core, Brigham and Womenís Hospital
Other references available upon request.