Hey everyone and welcome to my new homepage. I have another one, but this one is different... this one is dedicated solely to pics! I hope you enjoy the page. Feel free to look around and please sign the guestbook before you leave and tell me what you think. And if you want to check out my old site go to www.geocities.com/colosseum/court/8606
Pics of the Family
Here are my sisters Charity and Megan in their graduation gowns
This is a picture of my dad at his father's gravesite... it's kind of ironic because soon I'll probably have some pictures of me at his gravesite...
This is me and my mom after my state cross-country meet last year in Tulsa
This one is a pic of my bro Chris outside of his school
Here's one of Chris on his Birthday
This one is of Chris too... he took it by himself... nothin more is needed to be said.. lol
Here are some pics of me and my friends
Here's a pic of me on the phone. This pic seems to be the favorite of most people
This one is also of me... It's kinda close-up, but it's still a pretty good pic.
This is me and my sister Charity at her graduation. The pic kinda has her cut off, but it was the only graduation pic of us both together that I could find.
This one is of my best friend Nikki and Charity's best friend Nadine. Both of them are like sisters to me.
This is me #35 shooting a layup and my team mate Whitney is the one next to me
This is a pic of me and Charity on our basketball court
This is a pic of me and Charity on senior night. It was her last home game and the last game I will ever be able to play with her on that court... very emotional..
This is Charity and Nadine after Charity's graduation
This is my way cool pen-pal Mandy. She lives in Wisconsin
Here are some pics of me and my friends & sisters at prom
Here I am right before prom started
This is a pic of all the girls before prom
This one is of the girls and their dates
This is me and my best friend Nikki
Me and my date Drew at my house
Here's another pic of me and my date at my youth pastor's house
This is my sister Charity and her date Todd
This is my sister Megan and her date Jeff
This is Charity's best friend Nadine and her date Matt. Nadine was a foreign exchange student from Germany
This is a pic of a lof of my friends that went to prom.
This guestbook is a little weird so in order to sign it just hit the "Reply" button. Thanks :o)
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to visit this page since July 23rd, 1999
Copyright © Alison Carney 1999
This page was started July 23rd, 1999