Northwest Nordic Ski Club means fun and fitness in the great winter outdoors for active folks in the Chicago area.(no, you can't join online; it's a .gif file)The group was founded 20 years ago by skiers in the northwest Chicagoland area. Its members now include homeowners and residents in Glenview, Barrington, Palatine and other well-known suburbs, as well as Chicago. The club has been a member of Chicago Metropolitan Ski Council.
For more information, please call the telephone information hotline (630-415-2881). Or write (Northwest Nordic Ski Club P.O. Box 5, Arlington Heights, IL 60006), or drop in on a meeting (Buffalo Grove Youth Center, 50-1/2 Raupp Road, Buffalo Grove -- just north of Buffalo Grove Road and east of Arlington Heights Road, as shown on the map).
Or email us at our new address: info@nwnordicskiclub.comSome links:
Click to calendar of Events
Meeting place mapPhoto gallery -- NNSC in action
Skiing and outdoor-related links:
Arlington Heights Park District