Welcome to John's page
From here you can find out about me and some of my interests including the football team I support S.S.C. Napoli, formula 1 and Damon Hill, and you can check out links to some of my favourite bands. You can also play a few games, sign my guestbook and you can email me to let me know what you think of this site.

S.S.C. Napoli
This is my page on the football team I support.

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Formula 1 and Damon Hill
My page on the high tech world of Formula 1 and on Damon Hill, one of the most successful drivers in history.

My favourite bands
Links to some of my favourite bands including REM, Oasis, Blur, Radiohead and The Verve.

To contact me you can call me on 07720531631 (UK).  Let me know what you think of my website, just click here or email me later at john_civale@hotmail.com