Personal Things

"I know not how I seem to others, but to myself I am but a small child wandering upon the vast shores of knowledge,
every now and then finding a small bright pebble to content myself with while the vast ocean of undiscovered truth lay before me"
Isaac Newton |
How I love the web! How wonderful it is, on a dark, rainy, cold, despairingly depressing November day - to be able to escape onto a page filled with beautiful flowers, as this! These flowers are the work of MizKitty at Full Moon and I am indebted to her for her lovely things!
I've only been a member of the cyber community for a comparatively short time, but during this time I have made good friends. I've laughed with them and shared real tears when we've had arguments (just a few!). These people are REAL people who touch my heart; the web is real - and it is just nice never to have to feel alone in this world.
Anyway, those are my thoughts for today!! Feel free to "click around" to find out a little about me and who my friends are. (You won't find much!)

Go HERE for some useful STRESS ADVICE!!
And HERE for my Mother's Day Page.
Do you like the Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy?
I have a feeling that the guestbook might be acting up - so if you have problems with it, feel free to send me a message on here instead!

If you would like to copy the "floating", clickable flowers, or floating, clickable anything you like, then follow the instructions at Dynamic Drive.
This page was last updated on: 28/11/99 13:15:43 |