Our Mission | This web site along with 99.9% of all web sites are designed for at least an 800x600 display. questions? drop me an email. | |||||||
East Texas Striders Running Club is providing this space to give East Texans a place to come for running news, events, discussion and other running stuff |
WHAT'S NEW: 03/20/02 Stampede 5K and 1 Mile Fun Run benefits St. Mary¹s Catholic School in Longview, Texas The Stampede will take place
on Saturday, April 6 with pre-registration until April 1. The cost is
$15 per runner. Late registration is $17. 10/18/01 CONSIDER YOURSELF CHALLENGED! Click Hey Striders,
The Austin Runners Club is issuing an open challenge to every running club in the State of Texas to compete for the title of Texas State Running Club Champions. I have attached a document that explains the details. We have also asked Gov. Perry to sponsor this event and to award the Governors Cup to the winning team and are awaiting his response. We would love to have a team from your club participate.
Richard Gibbens Click HERE to see the "document" (Maybe there is a team for the pregnantly challenged) 10/15/01
This event will be entering Texas on October 26 and again on October 31. Why: As a demonstration of American resolve and in support of the victims' families, employees of American Airlines, United Airlines, and Military Service Members will carry a United States flag across the country. This flag was flown over Iraq in the cockpit of a U.S. F-16 in support of Operation Southern Watch on October 2, 2001. Proceeds from this event will benefit selected charities in support of the victims of the tragedy on September 11, 2001. When: The flag will leave Boston on October 11, 2001 with a goal to arrive in Los Angeles on Veteran's Day, November 11, 2001. These cities represent the origination and destination of American Flight 11 and United Flight 175. How: The flag will be carried around the clock to achieve this goal. The routing is being developed but will proceed from Boston, through: New York, Washington, Atlanta, Dallas, Oklahoma City, Albuquerque, Phoenix, and Los Angeles. U.S. military personnel will be involved as the flag moves through the D.C. area. Further military involvement is anticipated as the event nears the vicinity of military installations across the nation.
CATTLE BARON"S RUN Go run in this 5k'er on Sept.22nd on Cedar Creek Lake. Click here for an application in pdf format. If you need it another format just shoot me an email. It's about a half a meg, so it will take a sec to load for you phone line 9/4/01 2001 CATTLE BARON"S RUN Go run in this 5k'er on Sept.22nd on Cedar Creek Lake. Click here for an application in pdf format. If you need it another format just shoot me an email. It's about a half a meg, so it will take a sec to load for you phone line types. 6/17/01 ONE-LEGGED MAN WINS GRANDMA'S MARATHON!!! Benjamin Matolo of Kenya wins the Grandma's Marathon 3/6/01 The Austin Marathon has come and gone, but you still can see photos of some of the elite runners who went to Austin to chew gum and kick butt, and they were fresh out gum. HELLO BOSTON! 8/17/00 Why yes. We are on the technological cutting edge. You now only have to type www.etstriders.com to get to our site. 7/17/00 I haven't updated this page for a while, but when something this monumental happens, I just had to. Our Message Board has been graced by a celebrity, local ultra-ultra-ultra runner Paul Stone. As per his message, he will be participating in the Badwater Ultra Marathon. Check out his message and visit the Badwater web site mentioned by going to the links page. GO PAUL! We'll be watching July 27-29! In other news, Rich C. has moved into the Elite status after running a 5:50 mile. Sponsors please email Rich directly. 2/25/00 Congratulations to the Austin Marathon Runners! Click on LINKS on the sidebar to go to the marathon's website to see the official results. 1/4/00 Hang with us. We're experimenting with our message board/guest book. So if it's not working, come back in a little bit and see what's working or what's screwed up. 12/1/99 This is a brand new web page so not much is going on. Feel free to email us with your comments, suggestions, snide remarks or whatever. We do have a message board that you can also post comments. Any embarrassing things you know about fellow runners would be good.
FEATURED THOUGHT: Talk about wasted technology. Until they also perfect pee-at-the-pump, you still have to go inside the store. |