<bgsound src="wav/fight_song.mp3" loop="infinite"> A few of my favorite things.

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DC United Logo, Phone: (703) 478-6600 Virginia state flag. George Mason University logo.
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Do you believe that USA soccer cannot compete with the rest of the world? Well, get to your TV set (or out to a MLS stadium) and be impressed by the MLS Champion, D.C. United. 2005 was another banner year for the USA's team of the 90's, another winning season and an impressive game against Chelsea Football Club. In 2006 we are looking forward to adding more titles to their bursting trophy case.

Some Fun Links

DC United - The best soccer team in the USA!
My D.C. United Page
MLS.IsPopular.com - MLS Fan Support Site
National Beltless Day - Headquarters for funny holiday
Challenge Cup - current cup competition ...
Broadside - GMU's online student newspaper
Mililani High School (MHS) - Mililani, Hawaii -Mililani High hail to the brown and gold ...
Movie Schedules - Check the movies in your area (does not have the $0.99 (cheap) movie houses)
Gibbons Family Farm - We have visited the farm and went on the tour and would strongly recommend their products because they are friendly and have good maple syrup. If you are traveling near the Rideau Canal Waterway (Ontario Canada), stop in for a visit.
Deep Impact! - The Deep Impact project sends impactor spacecraft to crash into Comet Tempel 1 July 4th 2005.
Occoquan, Virginia [www.occoquan.org] and [www.occoquan.com] - The historic town of Occoquan, Virginia celebrating it's 200th year.
Learn about Roman Numerals - Roman numeral and date conversion, Roman calculator, and Roman numerals test

General Resourses

Antivirus Resourses - Virus/hoax information links
Identity Theft
Next Generation Technology, Inc. (NGTI) - You just got to love the name
Asorted Work
USPS ZIP+4 Code Look-up

History and Learning Sites

The ArithmAttack - How many computer-generated arithmetic problems can you answer in 60 seconds?
Mathematics Education and Applied Mathematics (Dr. Margo Lynn Mankus) - http://www.frontiernet.net/~mmankus/
Queen Lili'uokalani - Hawaii's Last Queen . . .
PBS History - PBS history stories, even find out what happend in history on your birthday
Linda's US History Links - If you like history . . .
A Hypertext on American History - This is a project that will grow with more volunteers
The Library of Congress - 101 Independence Avenue SE, Washington, DC 20540
Hokule'a, the Quest for Rapa Nui - An expedition using the traditional methods of the great Hawaiian navigators

Allegories and Other Nice Stories

Independence Day Things to Remember - Remember what was done to secure the freedoms we hold so dear.
A Talk with Nonna - A young author's interview of her Great-Grandmother
Naturally Good For You! - Things to lift your spirits (suggestions welcomed)
Cracked Pot - Accept and be proud of your abilities
You Are My Sunshine - A wonderful story from a good friend
Dance Like No One's Watching - From a good friend
Farmer Fleming - You receive as you give
Friendship - Be considerate family member and friend
Happiness is your Decision - You decide how to live your day
The Carpenter - Always do Your Best
Mr. Paderewski - The Piano Master
Writing Tips - A fun look at better writing

Most people are about as happy as they make up their minds to be.
Abraham Lincoln

Copyright © 1999-2005, Last updated August 16, 2005. go_dc_united@apexmail.com . All rights reserved.

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