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Full name: Larry Wayne Jones
Marital Status: Married, his wife's name is Sharon
Family : Is an only child. Has two kids : Matthew and Larry Wayne Jones III (Trey)
Nickname: Chipper
First Job: Fern packing shed, sending decorative greeting overseas
Worst Job: Weeding ferneries
Favorite subject in school: Math
Least favorite subject in school: English
Person who influenced him most in life: Mom and Dad
Best Friend in baseball: Marty Malloy
Favorite park outside of Atlanta: Coor's Field
Favorite all time movie: JFK
Sport to watch (other than baseball): College Football
Sport to play (other than baseball): Basketball
Other movies he likes:A Few Good Men and Top Gun
Favorite Movie Star: Kevin Costner
Favorite Actress: Michelle Pfeiffer
Favorite baseball team growing up: LA Dodgers
Favorite food: Pizza
Favorite Dessert: Butter Pecan Ice Cream
Pets: 2 dogs, Named Savannah and Georgia
Hobbies: Golfing, Hunting, Fishing,Going to theme parks
Favorite baseball player as a kid: Cal Ripken Jr.
Favorite color: Black
Sports played growing up: Baseball, Basketball, Football, Track
Hall-of-Famer I'd like to meet: Ted Williams
Type of bat: Rawlings/Mizuno
Type of spikes: Mizuno
Type of batting glove: Mizuno
Favorite Car: BMW
Favorite Drinks: IBC Root Beer and Coca-Cola
Favorite Football Team: Pittsburgh Steelers & Atlanta Falcons
Favorite Book: The Firm
Favorite Song: Roxanne, by The Police
Favorite Album: Eagles' Greatest Hits
Favorite Television Show: Sportscenter on ESPN
Place he would like to visit the most: Australia
Secret Ambition: To open a hunting lodge
Person he woud like to meet the most: Michael Jordan
Best advice he ever recived: "Keep your eye on the ball."-Dad
Biggest sports thrill: Winning the 95' WS
Biggest disappointment: Blowing out his knee
Goal: To be one of the best to ever play
Advice he'd give to kids: Choose your friends wisely. You become a product of your enviroment.