Trip's Trivia Challange!!! |
WoW! Well, I have just spent over 1 hour and 30 minutes of this beautiful Saturday afternoon counting your beautiful answers to my wonderfully amazing trivia questions...You will not believe how very close this is...First I would like to give out a few awards before I announce the winner: The Spirit Award-Wesley Ashley(who most likely would have won-- if not for that pesky deadline) Funniest entry:Kandi(no doubt) Least amount correct-Libby(she ran away with this award!) Most disappointing NON-ENTRY-Jill Marconi(or Elizabeth Shue-take your pick) Best of the male category-Jason Shatz Amazingly in depth answer to a question- Jason Shatz for his incredibly genius answer of the Rousseau question.. Best Cheater and lawyer -like tactics to assume #1 status- Courtney Yates Most answers correct by a person named "Libby"-Libby Brawley(thats the best I can do) Best answer to question 41-Kandi (more on this later) Coolest name by a participant-Kandi Ann Champagne Best attempt at entering TWICE-Misty Nichols Best judge-Trip Answer that made Trip feel "cool"-Jason Shatz answer to #41(fav Trip thing) -"His willingness to discuss the social problems that face young Americans..and the fact that he exposed me to the evil 'devil music' of Metallica at a young age." Most cool common mistake-Mistaking Mr. Bob Dylan's words with Trips...haha!! I am awesome! For those of you who would like to know- here's is how I judged the various entries-1 point for each correct answer-one half point for each partially correct answer--and up to seven points on question #41(hey! its my contest!!!) Ok, now we have to the moment you all have been waiting for....Here is the breakdown of number of answers correct by each participant... Libby-21 and a half (19 plus 4 points for her "Trip loves me even though I am no good at this stuff" answer-one and a half points deducted for lack of effort and her coments regarding a certain "white trash's eyes") Misty(1st Entry-I would have accepted two except I had told u most of those answers--I gotta be fair..)-23 and a half (19 and a half for the answers-plus four for her "I never know what Trip will do" answer Jason- 25(20 correct answers and five bonus for his above awesome #41 mentioned answer..) Courtney- 29(answers correct) Kandi-29(answers correct) Now, this leaves Trip a very very difficult decision..Who had the best, most deserving answer to the all-important #41? Well here they are- Courtney-"I hate to disappoint you Trip, but I cant have SO many likeable qualities.." Kandi-"TRIP IS THE COOLEST GUY I HAVE EVER MET IN MY ENTIRE LIFETIME....TRIP REIGNS SUPREME!!!!!!!!!!" Hmmm...this is a tough one...Well, since Courtney basically AVOIDED the question and attempted to gain vital information from my sister-Katee..and the fact that Kandi's answer was definitely the BEST answer I received here is your winner with 29 correct and ALL SEVEN BONUS POINTS with a total of 36 POINTS -KANDI!! Check back soon as I am planning a second insallment of my trivia section!!Yes, maybe your dreams can come true too!!! 1) What was the famous sign on United States President Harry S. Truman's desk? The Buck Stops HERE. 2)Complete the quotation by Jean Jacques Rousseau "Man was born free and everywhere he is...."- In chains(kandi's answer-Taxed to death).. 3)Their album Synchronicity became one of the best selling LP's of all time, and in 1983, they reached NO 1 with "Every Breath You Take"..Name the group...The Police 4) In the movie Psycho the first victim is doing what? Taking a shower 5)Trip was born in what hospital? Baptist East- Memphis,TN 6) When is Trip's birthday(date and year)? 7-22-81 7)Who wrote, directed, and wrote the screenplay for "A Clockwork Orange?" Stanley Kubrick(libby's answer-"No fair! I haven't seen that movie!") 8) What are Trip's parent's names? Sister? Brother? Dog? Dean,Kathy, Katee, Ian, Reagan 9) Who penned the words " Mothers and father throughout the land..don't criticize what you can't understand..your sons and your daughter's are beyond you command..."? Bob Dylan-c'mon people! 10) Who penned the words "dating is like the sample counter at the grocery store..except we are actually being sold the dreaded beet..." ? Trip Cook(kandi's answer-Grover-close enough) 11) Who sung "What's so Funny about Peace, Love, and Understanding?" Elvis Costello 12) In which of Trip's classes is he the only male? Human Development 13) What is Trip's favorite part of Valentines Day? Easter? Sweethearts candy and Cadburry Eggs 14)Whose first album was titled "Are you Experienced?" Jimi Hendrix 15) In what city is the comedy Cheers based in? Boston,MA 16) What topic did Trip write his History paper on? The hippie movement 17)What cartoon character did Trip have a crush on as a child? Betty Rubble 18) Finish the quote from "Bottle Rocket".."On the run from Johnny Law....." it aint no trip to cleveland 19)What is Vanilla Ice's real name? Rob Van Winkle 20)What is Trip's real name? Harold Dean Cook III (stop laughing!) 21) Finish the Vanilla lyric: "Check out the hook.." While the dj revolves it.. 22) Robert Plant and Jimmy Page lead which 70's Rock group? Led Zeppelin 23) Trip Cook lead which school group?Student Council(president)(kandi's answer-'the cool ones') 24)What is Trip's home address? Uh--should i say this..some psycho may read this..oh well...206 windsor dr. 25)In which TV show would you hear the phrase "Whatchoo talkin' bout Willis?" Different Strokes foo! 26)George Michael went on to a number of solo hits after splitting from Andrew Ridgeley in 1986. What was the duo called?Wham! 27)Trip Cook went on to a number of solo hits after spilitting from what high school?Calvary Baptist Academy 28) What is Trip's all-time favorite movie?? The Karate Kid(half credit for 'Blues Brothers") 29)What comedy troop with members such as Eric Idle had a popular TV show entitled the "Flying Circus"??Monty Python 30) What british group sang the song "Behind Blue Eyes"? The Who!!!!!!! 31)Who made the statement "Man is the measure of all things"?Protagerous(sic?) 32) Who wrote "The Communist Manifesto"?Karl Marx 33) Who wrote "The Muppet Babies"? Karl Marx..just kidding...Jim Henson 34) Elvis wore a necklace which had the initials "TCB" on them..What does TCB stand for? Takin' care of business 35)Finish the Mr. Miyagi quote- "Bee..need young flower, not.."Old Prune 36) What musical group made the cult favorite film "Head"?Hey hey it was the Monkees! 37) What many pickled peppers did Peter Piper pick?A peck 38) Trip and Katee agree that life is "like eggplant and...Garlic(or italian) bread 39) What group came out with the album "London Calling"?The Clash 40) Who played Johnny in The Karate Kid? Ali? Miyagi?William zabka, elizabeth shue, pat morita 41) What is your favorite thing about "Trip" He is the alpha man..all things great and mighty are possessed by one-Trip Cook....P.S. Hopefully I will add a few more of my favorite (wrong) answers tomorrow and will have an undisputed champion!! WOOHOO! Ok---thats it...Now click the "email" button and throw your collecive hat in the huge ring to enter!!! Good luck! Now, comes the fine print... No family members of are eligible...Any contestant which Trip deems "mentally incompetent" are automatically disqualified..Any males who choose to enter will not be supplemented fiscally in any way and must pay for their own dang stuff... All entries are subject to be made fun of, and laughed at by Trip and anyone he deems will not be held responsible for any injury made to the winning contestant as a result of Trip's drivng or any other unforseeable disaster...Trip has the right to decide the activites and date of said evening with Trip...Trip has the right to throw out any and every entry that is not satisfactory...any entries received after 4-11-01 will be disqualified unless Trip decides the person is cooler than the REAL winner... |