Hey there folks! Been quite some time no? I have had some technical problems with the site--but I actually think I have ended up improving this place (if that is possible)...Well, with all that is going on in the world--I decided I have been silent for far too long..here we go...Here are some random observations I have made in the past few weeks. 1) At what point will the "higher up's" of KFC decide its time to take down the "In God we Trust..United WE Stand" sign and go back to the "5 Chicken wings and a biscuit-$2.99" sign? 2) Who was the genius who came up with the "Big Target on cheaply reproduced picture of Bin Laden" shirt? and is wearing one really gonna wipe out terrorism? 3) How happy is Lee Greenwood (aka-"proud to be an american" lyricist) right now? Just when you think your career is down the tubes..here comes another war.. 4) Am I the only disgusted by hearing these Dodge, Ford, and Chevy commercials? Ya know, the ones that say "KEEP AMERICA RUNNING..Buy a truck.." ..I can see it now-- "America and her freedom, economic system, and liberty in general is about to be taken away by a small group of religous fanatics thousands of miles away!!..no wait...HOLD THE PHONE! Someone in Marion, Arkansas just bought a Dodge Dakota!! whew..that was close.." P.S. I actually heard a commercial that said "Keep America strong by keeping yourself strong..Join ___ gym and workout complex..." no kidding.. 5) When willl the rest of the world catch up with American tactics? I mean, bomb-food-bomb-food-bomb-food.. I mean, imagine your suprise and joy when you see an evil "great satan" plane overhead and out drops PB& J sandwiches! woohoo! 6) How embarrased will Bin Laden be when he tries to explain all this to God? 7) Would it be possible to televise the execution of this Laden fellow? If so, how heated would the bidding war between the networks to get the exclusive? 8) How long till "Anthrax!!" starring Leonardo DiCaprio and Kate Winslet hits the big screen? 9) Why do we feel we have to prove that we are doing all of this out of love? Watch "The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly" and you'll see how it works--you kill my friends--I kill you..simple as that.. 10) I say before we kill this Bin Laden guy we shave off that ridiculous looking beard..I mean, c'mon Mr. Laden-that is soooo 1994! Just a thought.. Song of the day- "I Don't Want to Grow Up"- The Ramones Word of the day- uhhhuh |
It's all about the Benjamins baby..Yeah! Thought for 10-25-01 |
For once in my life..Thought for 10-30-01 |
Hello there...Nice to see ya again..I just got back from my local "station of edumacation."..While at school I noticed an interesting bumper sticker on a car inhabiting the parking lot..It read as follows : ANOTHER MAN AGAINST VIOLENCE AGAINST WOMEN.. Uh-huh..I guess this is a rebuttal to the wildly popular : DON'T BLAME ME- I BEAT MY WIFE sticker..Basically, what this guy is saying is this :I am single, I am desperate, I am available, I am available, I am available, PICK ME! PICK ME! I may not look like much--but I won't BEAT you!....Throughout history the male gender has attempted many many different methods of gaining a female companion-whether that method was-- a duel to the death, roses and various shubbery left on the doorstep, or even sad pre-planned lines used to "pick up" a female..Which brings up a good point--Have any of these lines ever really aided a gentleman in "PICKING UP" ANYONE?--of the human species anyway? I hope not.. Moving on, this morning my alarm sounded and flooded my room with sounds of AM talk radio--well, one of the prestigious callers to this particular show informed the hosts that she was "more afraid of ANY 16 year old than ANY terrorists in America.." That's nice..I think it is so interesting that every generation actually seems to FEAR the generation following them..and every young generation seems to abhor the generation who preceeded them..I think basically every older generation fears change and youth while younger generations always seem to fear control and authority..Then, as the older generation passes on and the younger generation slowly becomes the older generation--roles begin to shift..I cannot understand why we have to trade one set of narrow minded ideas for another set..I hope I never give up the youthful (and probably ignorant) ideas, hopes, and ideals that I hold onto now..But I also hope I never allow myself to become so pig-headed that I fail to learn from those who preceeded me..I think so many people see "youth" and "wisdom" as being two seperate elements--But I truly believe they can work in harmony..Lastly, I have been thinking here lately about how time just seems to slip away..I think now--more than ever--I want to truly LIVE everyday..LIFE is happening--don't miss it..LIVE today--Its the only day we are promised..Seize it..Carpe Diem! Just a thought.. Song of the day- "Alive"-Pearl Jam Word of the day- nyquil Something to think about--How long must the chocolate Tootsie Roll Pop go on being the proverbial "black sheep" of the Tootsie family? |
Hey you! Want some of these gummi bears? I bet you do..Yum yum..Anyway, I hope everyone is doing well on this fine November day..I am doing pretty good for a young boy in the middle of the Arkansas delta..A few little observations I have made ion the past few days about our fine nation..I would say "Only in America.."--but thats what we would label "touche", right? Here we go... One of my co-workers recently purchased one of those American flag magnets for her vehicle..As fun as it would it would be to point out how "temporary" a magnet is--and how "permanent" a flag is SUPPOSED to be--but I won't bring that up...Anyway, someone decided they wanted the flag and actually STOLE her American flag magnet..STEALING A FLAG MAGNET?!? It's nice to know that common street trash thugs blood still runs pure red, white, and blue too.. Next, as I was recently driving down one of the local streets in my town--quietly listening to my radio and enjoying the beautiful day--I looked up and saw a mother with a child giving me the worst look I have ever received in my entire life.."But Trip--What did you do to deserve that look?" you may ask..To which I will reply "Simply driving my vehicle on the street.." But here is a better run down of the situation: Seems this young 20-something mother had recently purchased one of those "Jogging Strollers" and decided it would be nice to jog in THE MIDDLE OF THE ROAD! First of all, those jogging strollers annoy me--those things cost over $100 and anyone who purchases one has one of the follwing problems 1) Too much money 2) Too much time on their hands 3) Suffers from an extreme case of OVER TRENDINESS 4) Does not own a Television 5) Reads "Prevention" magazine WAAAY TOO MUCH. Well, whatever problem this particular woman suffered from--she obviously was very proud of her "investment" and apparently believed that jogging in the MIDDLE OF THE ROAD with her infant child was a good way to get exercise (or at least a good way to get seen with her NEW JOGGING STROLLER by other suburban-ite yuppy women who also have WAAY TOO MUCH TIME ON THEIR HANDS) ...well, needless to say my car was happily driving down the road (not even within 500 yards of this woman) and she decided to push her child up on the grass and stand in the road and preceeded to give me the worst look I have ever received in my entire life..Soemthing like the look the mother apes give a lion who enters her family's tree--to which I can only reply---"make your tree on the danged sidewalk woman"..oh, and if you have any TRENDY friends who own one of these "Jogging Strollers"--please--for their own sake--tell them how RIDICULOUS they look--its for their own good... Lastly, I noticed a commercial last night made by everyone's favorite candy bar-Snickers..Well, to make a long story short---their slogan was "Don't let hunger happen to YOU." All I can think is--how many millions of people in the world today would love to have that option- of NOT ALLOWING hunger to happen to them? Just a thought.. Song of the day- "Oceans"-Pearl Jam Word of the day-outshined P.S. For those of you who know Kirk (my cousin and YOUR FRIEND)--his birthday is in two days (11-08)--don't forget! and for those of you who don't know him--may mercy be granted upon your pitiful existance.. |
So I try to forgive em anyway I can..Thought for 11-06-01..Is it really NOVEMBER?!? |
Move over rover..and let Jimi take over....Thought for 11-13-01 |
Hey..How's it goin'? Good..For those of you who believe Trip's better days are somewhere behind him--You will be pleased to find I created a "Greatest Hits" section of my TOTD section..Anyway, last night I had the deep displeasure to watch an old rerun of "Who's the Boss?" ...Yes, this was obviously the brainchild of some hollywood producer-- "Ok, what we have here is a poor Italian housekeeper with a daughter..His roles are more than cooking and cleaning..He must learn to LIVE with another moxed family of sorts..But instead of being a husband--he is a HOUSEKEEPER..and maybe at the end --we'll have them get married.." Honestly, looking back on the majority of old sitcoms I am incredibly insulted that some producer somewhere actually believes that millions of people will enjoy some complete mindless garbage..Ok, so it was funny when Tony couldn't find his broom on that one episode..Did you see that one?!? It was hilarious...Oh! Oh! and the one where Mona gets lost in Hawaii?! that one is CLASSIC! Anyway, I have been breaking down the numbers on "growing up"--and I have decided I don't want to..The odds are against me..and you too..Sometimes looking at the future gives me that same feeling I got when I found out Lucy and Ricky got divorced..I mean, if Lucy and Ricky can't keep it together--who can? I mean, is it possible that they were actually "happy as two CAN be?" ..I sure hope not.. Next, I have decided that life is waaay too much like "Peanuts"...Let me explain.. 1) How many people do you know who's conversation content is the EXACT same as Charlie Brown's teachers? "Muah Muah muah"..Way too many.. 2) Just when you think the proverbial "Little red-haired girl" is gonna fall for you--you find yourself behind a brickwall talking with Linus...again.. 3) After all these years--Linus is still using his blanket..Schroder never did upgrade past his original "baby grand.."..and Peppermint Patty is still wearing flip flops in the winter.. 4) Good "help" always cost a price (normally 10 cents).. 5) Just when you start to trust Lucy--she pulls that dang football away one more time.. 6) In the end--"Good grief!" sums it up all too well.. Just a thought.. Song of the day- "Paint it Black"- The Rolling Stones Word of the day- Santa |
Hey there..I hope everyone is doing on this wicked "Monday after the holiday"..I have come to the conclusion that the "Monday after a holiday" is the closest any of us will ever get to hell in this life...I think thats what hell actually is--the constant sound of one's alarm clock on "the Monday after the holiday"...over and over and over..Something about looking at yourself in the mirror and realizing that your time of rest and relaxation is officially OVER stings with the coldest slap of reality...But in spite of all these odds piled up against me--I had a decent day in spite of myself.. This past week we celebrated Thanksgiving (or if you are a member of the news media--the more PC "Turkey Day")..And I began thinking about some of the things i am thankful for (yes, i really DID do this..)..Here's a little random list of the things I am thankful for this year (a little late--but who cares?)..in no particular order... 1) All the new friends I have gained over this past year (and the old ones too--the ones who haven't ditched me anyway : )...I consider myself very lucky 2001 has been the best year of my life...No doubt..I feel really blessed to have somehow come into contact with you guys..Thanks for giving me someone to talk to..and talk about...hehehe.. 2) The guy who thought of the idea of drinking the stuff that comes out of a cow udder...Who said "I think i am gonna DRINK this substance" ?! Brave soul, whoever and wherever you are-- I thank you..My cereal would be lost without you.. 3) Life..Somehow this year--getting up in the morning is less and less of a hassle and more of a gift..It would be wrong of me to be thankful for life without thanking the Giver of Life...My debt is far greater than anything I could ever give.. 4) Lessons learned...Many, many of these this year... Continually I tend to prefer doing this the "hard way"... 5) Music..as trite as this may sound--I have found music as a great tool for handling my emotions..and has simultaneously kept me shakin my money maker throughout these first 11 months of 2001... 6) Michael Jackson- Your unwillingness to fade away into pop oblivion in spite of a apathetic--and frightened public has inspired me to keep my dreams alive...and my silver glove on....who's bad indeed.. (tongue firmly planted in cheek).. 7) The creators of Seinfeld..for helping me waste away hours at a time...and for keeping me laughing.. 8) The men and women who work hard every day to bring you and I our favorite candy...Don't take these people for granted..Black Forrest Gummi Worms and Skittles don't just HAPPEN... 9) The ad execs at MasterCard--for reminding us that not everything has a price tag--except for an incredibly played out ad campaign.. 10) Love..cause without it--we are all "nothing".. Just a thought.. Song of the day- "Wishlist"-Pearl Jam Word of the day- yahtzee |
Nothing..nothing compares to you...Thought for 11-26-01 |
The First Annual Trippy's TM... Because awards don't really mean anything anyway, right? |
Over the past 360-some odd days of 2001 your good pal Trip has encountered both the brilliant and the assinine..My job for this annual awards ceremony is to seperate the two..The best--and of course--the most fun part--the WORST...Enjoy...and don't forget to thank your parents... |
The Excellence in enticing Trip to plunk down $7.50 award... This category is a very difficult one...In 2001 our friends in Hollywood seem to have proved their belief that the average moviegoer to be barely above your average primate on the food chain... And the award goes to.... A.I. - This movie by Stanley Kubrick/Steven Spielberg was a total departure from your typical hollywood fare..Great acting (especially by Haley Joel Osment--of "Sixth Sense" fame and Jude Law..) and amazing storyline that could only come from a mind like Kubrick's...Spielberg did a nice job of "softening the blow" for more widespread appeal that Kubrick's films normally lack..A grand thought-provoking film in the "Dude, Where's my Car?" age we live in.. Close runner up- Shrek-Why does it seem as if children's movies are "smarter" than those made for "adults" (and especially teen movies) these days? We are truly living in a golden age for animation..Enjoy it before Hollywood destroys it.. Honorable mention- Lord of the Rings: Fellowship of the Ring- Great movie.. Extremely-hyped--and came pretty darned close to living up to it...Still a great movie--though 3 hours seemed a little excessive to me..Of course, it is quicker than reading the book..barely.. The Proverbial asterisk- If it were not for the delay of Wes Anderson's (Genius behind "Rushmore" and "Bottle Rocket") "The Royal Tenenbaums" in Memphis--"The Tenenbaums" would most likely take this award easily..But I decided giving the award to a movie I have never seen would be slightly unfair...I am just so "just" aren't I? |
The "Did I just pay $7.50 to watch THAT?!?!" award... Ahh-yes..soo many, many movies could take away this hotly contested prize this year..so many unworthy candidates...But after much deliberation..Your winner is.... Legally Blonde.. Yes, I am ashamed to admit I sat through the majority of this film..Reese Witherspoon plays a "dumb blonde" (way to break the mold there Hollywood!!) who after being dumped by her boyfriend--decides to go to Harvard law school..And GASP! Forsaking all human logic and the harsh reality of the real Harvard Law--She is admitted--in spite of her "dumb blonde" persona..Well, slap me silly and call me "Bertha"! Ok, take a deeep breath here--and she graduates--with honors! Typical Hollywood humor devoid of any substance...Typical storyline follows the watered down, weak plot (ie. Said boyfriend attempts to re-gain Witherspoon's affections..But she is simply "too strong" an hour later into the film...Suprise-suprise-suprise!)..Only half-way redeeming quality of this film is Luke Wilson..It's a shame poor Luke was placed in such a horrid film.. The "Man I wish I would have seen this movie, just to give it this award" award-- "Harry Potter"...I would have gained so much pleasure from ripping this movie to shreds..if only I could endure the horror of sitting through this hype-machine crap-fest flick... |
The Excellence in Capitalistic Promotion Award.. Some advertisements single handedly show the strength of capitalism as an effective form of economics..These ads are one of the only redeemable qualities of modern television..The ad of the year goes to.... The Guy Ritchie directed BMW ads.. These ads were nothing short of sheer entertainment..Using beautifully shot, hip, mini films to entice the viewer into buying over-priced German cars is not an easy task..I would have bought one if it weren't for that pesky $50,000 I don't have as of yet.. Runner up- The Heineken Beer Ads.. Yeah, I probably shouldn't endorse something that withers one liver and destroys one's mind..But these commercials are soo cool..and funny too.. |
The "Are you sure you majored in Marketing?" Award For every cool, funny advertisement--there seems to be at least 3 that beg the question "Huh?"..The worst ad of the year goes to..... The Soul Music/ Burgers falling out of the sky ads by Burger King Hamburgers were never meant to be sexy..or defy gravity.. VERY VERY CLOSE RUNNER UP- The I'm a whipped husband with no self-respect 'Circuit City' ads. Have you seen these?! The ad goes as follows: husband wants to buy a sattelite dish to watch sports...Wife walks over..Husband gets terrified..salesman saves man from impending beating by proclaiming the great "educational" choices available on DirectTV..What? A man cannot buy a sattelite dish simply to watch what HE wants? He has to disguise his true intentions for buying a piece of electronic equipment?!? May it never be! You don't see "Victoria's Secret" ads in which the husband walks over--and the sales woman begins to point out the fact that underwear also make a good rag to clean one's '68 Mustang with-- to "save" the wife, now do you?!?! Who is making these ads? Whoever it was obviously were too busy taking orders from their overbearing wife to take the time of making half decent advertisement... |
The "Best 15 bucks I spent all year" award... This year I had another on-again/off again love affair with popular music..While we were once again force fed MTV corporate endorsed music (with Nsync action figure included!)...There was also a very encouraging smal surge in the right direction...While not a complete revival from the horribly over-produced rock and empty pop of the past few years--it is a start..and at this point--I'll take what i can get..The album of the year (with obligatory link) goes to... Bob Dylan- Love and Theft Any reports concerning the impending doom of the greatest rock poet/ prophet of our time were greatly exaggerated..After a great (and Oscar Award winning..) piece of music on the "Wonder Boys" soundtrack in 2000-many had wondered if "Things Have Changed" was the swan song of the 60-year old Dylan...Thankfully, Bob has once again proved his critics wrong with "Love and Theft"..A wonderfully crafted album by Dylan and his band (who deserve alot of credit as well..)..Dylan shows a wide range of both lyrical content and musical performance..Dylan even uses humor to tell stories of numerous characters throughout the album..Dylan seems to see the world just a little lighter--but the depth is never lost on this album.. Thanks Bob... Close runner up (and winner of debut album of the year-with obligatory link)- The Strokes-Is This It This highly praised, much talked about album from the New York buzz band The Strokes had all the signs of winning the "good potential--but disappointing.." album of the year...The Strokes have been showered with such praise as "the saviors of rock and roll.." and "The Next Nirvana.."...Fortunately, "Is This It" not only lives up to the hype--but comes very close to surpassing it...This album brings rock back to where it belongs--in its most raw and testoterone filled element....Lead man Julian Casablancas brings the proverbial "swagger" back to rock in a magnitude that could easily be compared to the Mick Jagger of the late 60's...The Strokes were a breath of fresh air in the smoggy landscape of rap/rock clones played on every local "rock" radio station.. Also reccomended: Pete Yorn- Musicforthemorningafter |
The "Thank goodness for illegal file sharing programs.." Award.. This year many many albums were released--and about 95% of these releases have made me repeatedly ask the question "Why?"...So many albums that would have been a much better addition to any record company floor than my local Best Buy shelves..And the award for most insignificant (and MOST DISAPPOINTING) album of the year goes to-- Michael Jackson- Invincible OH Michael..Oh Michael--where have you gone? With the potential of "saving" pop music from the hands of the evil O-Town's of the world--and after years of waiting--and TONS of hype--Jackson serves up a (reportedly $30,000,000) disappointing group of unimpressive songs...It is a shame to see the once proud reigning (self proclaimed) "King of Pop" put in such a weak effort...Jackson seems to be an even stranger looking "shell" of his once genius pop mind..Maybe it is unfair to judge Jackson by the hype he receives and maybe he is not deserving of such a harsh response after all that he has been through in his long, strange career..But as a great martial arts expert once said "We do not train to be merciful here..mercy is for the weak.." ...Well said Sensei Krease.. Shape up or ship out Mike... |
The "Play that again.." Award.. No introduction needed on this one...Song of the year goes to.. Weezer-Island in the Sun After years away from the spotlight--Weezer returned with their self titled album (commonly known as "The Green Album)..The "Green Alum" proved to be well worth the wait...One of the only things keeping "Weezer" off the (at least runner up) album of the year award is the incedibly short length of their album (barely over 30 minutes)..In spite of this "Island in the Sun" is a great carefree tune and has the innocence and the "geekiness" Weezer fans have come to expect from their "geek rock" heros...A light hearted song that seemed to resonate well witht he heavy hearts of many in 2001... Close runner up- Nikka Costa-Like a Feather--White soul is still alive...Solid proof that many young upper class white girls also enjoyed Tina Turner...Turn it up.. |
The "Please, please don't play that song AGAIN" award.. Radio stations across America seem to believe that constant repitition will make the collective hearts of listeners grow fonder of songs..Unfortunately, this rarely rings true..The most overplayed song of the year goes to.. Staind-It's Been Awhile Was there any doubt on this award? While this song by Aaron Lewis and his buddies is by no means on the same gag-worthy level as many Nsync songs--it was simply played WAAAY too much. ..The first time you hear this tune you almost can identify with Lewis's cruel fate--by the 98th time of hearing it--we are ready to choke the whining bald rich boy.. |
The "Proof Americans Have Waaay too Much Time and Money on their hands" Award So many useless inventions..So little time..The award for the most USELESS invention of 2001 goes to.... The Potty Putter I kid you not..The first couple of time i saw this commercial-I kept waiting for the punch line--but there wasn't one..For the unintitated--The Potty Puter is just like what it sounds..For a mere $19.95--you are given a plastic putter and a regulation size golf hole--and a golf ball-for use while one is "taking care of business"...Oh but wait! There's more! The potty putter also comes with a door hanger that says something about "Do not disturb :Putting in progress"..No joke...I don't think any of my witty insults or quips could even begin to give this invention the proper disdain it deserves... |
The "I would have given my right eye to be able to write like that" Award.. Just in case I don't have enough music awards as it is--I have decided to add one more..Coolest song i heard for the first time in 2001..I wish I would have heard it years ago...And the winner is.. Pearl Jam- Present Tense What? You thought I could have awards without giving one to Pearl Jam? Think again...Amazing song..and probably the some of the best lyrics ever to enter my ears...I wish I would have heard it in '96 when it came out...As the New Year approaches--I would reccomend putting this song to action for yourself..It has helped me alot...I leave you with the lyrics to this amazing song..MERRY CHISTMAS!!! and may 2002 be "Your year"..Take it..Enjoy life this year...Everything else can wait..Give some love back to those who gave it to you...Peace.. 10) Present Tense Time: 5:46 McCready, Vedder Do you see the way that tree bends? Does it inspire? Leaning out to catch the sun's rays. A lesson to be applied. Are you getting something out of this all encompassing trip? You can spend your time alone redigesting past regrets, ohh, or you can come to terms and realize you're the only one who can forgive yourself. Oh. Makes much more sense to live in the present tense. Have you ideas on how this life ends? Checked your hands and studied the lines. Have you the belief that the road ahead ascends off into the light? Seems that needlessly it's getting harder to find an approach and a way to live. Are we getting something out of this all encompassing trip. You can spend your time alone redigesting past regrets, ohh, or you can come to terms and realize you're the only one who cannot forgive yourself. Oh, ohh. Makes more sense to live in the present tense. |
Makes MUCH more sense...Just a thought.... Word of the year- Change Quote of the year- "But what we call our despair is often only the painful eagerness of unfed hope..."-George Eliot |
It's evolution baby..Thought for 5-1-02 |
Well, after an extended sabbatical--I decided it was time for my (somewhat anticlimactic) return...As I sat at my desk pondering how to properly serve my readers (but most importantly, serve myself...) ..and I came up with this---a list...here goes nothing... Things I hate by Trip Cook 1. Cell phones-my disdain for these things is unmatched in the communications field...First of all, I am extremely annoyed by the fact that they are gradually growing smaller and smaller--if you HAVE to carry a cell phone (I'll get to this later)--you should be FORCED to carry one of those cell phones that J.R. used on Dallas. Next on the reasons I hate these devices of annoyance is--they tend to always ring in the middle of a filled classroom or at the payoff of nearly every movie I have ever seen.. personally, I do not know ANYONE who is important enough to actually NEED one...Who is calling you? Who do you need to be SO connected to that if you are in a bathroom at Shoney's-- someone can get it touch with you? I don't want to talk to ANYONE that bad...ooh--and before I forget--having "Whip It" or Beethoven's Fifth Symphony programmed as your ringing device? Please, these machines are annoying enough--please stop ADDING to the annoyance. 2. People who leave tests and say "Man, that test was EASY..."- First of all, I encountered this very thing after a final exam I recently took--and while the exam was not the HARDEST thing i have ever done--it still sickens me to hear these clueless nitwits go on and on about their opinions on the simplicity of the test...I assume this tactic is used to impress someone--i am just not sure who it impresses--possibly some "slack jawed yokel"--but not me... 3. "Friends"- Not you people--but the show....Am I missing something or is this show not humorous in the least? Maybe I haven't given roos, joey, monica and all the rest of the guys a chance---but the little I have seen of the show pales in comparison to classic shows like Seinfeld or The Simpsons...and i thought that it was supposed to appeal to 20-something unmarried types such as myself--guess it didn't work on me... 4. Recent Disney movies--After extensive research I discovered that Disney, has in fact, released some animated features since Aladdin--who would have known? 5. OOPS! Cap'n Crunch Choco Donuts Cereal- I wont even get into the obvious ignorance in the "oops" title--but I digress.... I have never been so disappointed in the talent of cereal confectioners since my first bite of Cookie Crisp...Please don't support the Cap'n on this one... 6. Any movie with Leonardo Dicaprio, Julia Roberts, or Halle Berry- I reserve the right to hate these with little or no explanation (hopefully, little is necesarry) 7. Those little tiny boxes of cereal you get in a "fun pack"-- First of all, I see nothing "fun" or entertaining with having to open 5 miniture boxes of Honey Nut Cheerios just to make one decent bowl of cereal...Plus, all that cardboard waste has gotta be bad for some sort of ecosystem--someday we will find millions of endagered sea horses dead on a Pacific shore surrounded by miniture boxes of Raisin Bran... 8. Girls who refuse to admit they are girls- If you are too 'liberated' to allow me to open a door for you- pull you chair out--or refuse to admit you know NOTHING about football or any contact sport--then I reserve the right to leave the toilet seat up...When did kindess become sexist anyway? just a thought.. Song of the day- "Sunshower"-Chris Cornell Word of the day -mack |
I read the news today..Oh boy...8-9-02 |
I have decided to change things up a bit and make an attempt to give some of my own personal commentary on various items in our world...Actually, I have done that for some time--but this time--I will attempt to address only items that are "important" and are in the news...Here goes nothing... 1) The recent police brutality case- I don't know how many of you have seen this--but police have recently been under fire as another brutal police beating was caught on tape....This is an interesting trend...officers of the law risk their lives everyday in the line of duty and are rarely rewarded for their trouble (financially or by spoken gratitude)...This brings about an obvious and understandable feeling of frustration among many officers...With this frustration increasing-it seems that the number of people enduring police brutality has also increased...This is obviously a problem...and a number of groups have spoke out against this disturbing trend...Nevertheless, officers are bogged down with crime that never seems to go away, jails that are overcrowded, and are continually having their due-respect trampled on...In spite of this--unprovoked force by officers is wrong and unaccpetable in a "free" society... What should we do? I'm glad you asked...I think the real problem is not that officers are abusing their rights by using force--but that they are limited in the number of citizens they are allowed to use said "force" on...Acts contrary to the law, continued disobidience or resistance and all around law breaking acts of stupidity are duly punished and are occasionally subject to brutality or force...The problem here is that many law-abiding citizens commit "force-worthy" acts all the time with little or no repercussions or brutal force..The scales on the hands of justice must be even...This is where I think that a number of unbadged, unpaid volunteers should come in...Finding volunteers should be no problem as a number of us are subject to countless acts of law-abiding "force worthy" stupidity EVERYDAY...Weapons of force should include the following:baton, bullwhip and/or cattle prod... What is a good example of this law abiding "force wothy" stupidity you ask? a. You go to your local fast food restaraunt in a fit of hunger and can not wait to get your hands on a processed piece of beef slapped between two pieces of bread imported from Croatia...You pull up to the drive through and place your order--"no pickles please" is your only request in this race to feed your seemingly undying hunger...You then drive up to pay for your $1.49 sandwich and are asked to fork over $4.89...You then make an appeal to sanity by quietly pointing out that a $1.49 sandwich can by no means cost $4.89..You are then instructed by Velma-the town mathematician who just happens to work at Burger King--that it "must be tax"...Now Velma, unless there is an upcoming rebellion in which seasame seed buns and processed beef product is going to be cast into the local Harbor--I don't think the tax rate on a burger is 400%...After deciding you can no longer argue with this champion of cluelessness--you pay your money and proceed to the favorite "second window" to pick up this $5 burger you just bought...Your bag is quickly cast into your car as though it has been quarantined with some sort of incurable lepracy and you are then instructed by a inaudible mumble to "haveaniceday"...You decide your hunger is too strong to ignore for the sake of logic--and move on...You finally get home and unwrap your $5 burger and slowly begin to smile as you realized your quest for hunger satisfaction is finally about to be met with a nice piece of calf...As you close your eyes in anticipation and slowly take a bite of your new found jewel--you are greeted with nearly an entire jar of PICKLES on your shriveled and lifeless piece of meat...Then, ladies and gentlemen--acts of brutality against said random instances of lawful stupidity should be legal...No Velma, I don't want my money back--I want retribution! Just a thought... Song of the day-"Sweetness"-Jimmy Eat World Word of the day- aboot |
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Below is a copy of a "letter to the editor" I recently wrote and mailed to the Commercial Appeal (the ONLY Memphis paper for those viewing those outside the Memphis area)....This letter was curiously never put into print--while many mindless, illogical writings of toothless moonshiners from East Tennessee somehow found their way into the pages of the illustrious pages of the "CA"...Of course, very few of those letters criticized their advertisers and revenue sources...Of course, this coming from a paper that still has to constantly remind its audience that prohibition has been repealed--and that DEWEY DIDN'T (GASP!) actually defeat Truman.. Enjoy... As a resident of West Memphis-I was extremely pleased to watch downtown Memphis quickly blossom as Autozone Park and Peabody Place brought new life to the seemingly dead downtown scene. This growth has certainly helped Memphis' image among tourists and has brought much-needed revenue to the city. Nevertheless, I have noticed a disturbing trend beginning to set in as time passes on the "new" downtown. This trend is a mistrust, disrespect and all-around negative treatment of young people in the downtown area. As a 21 year old patron of many of these establishments-I have experienced first-hand this negative, unfair treatment. Recently, in a trip to the Peabody Place and Muvico Theater I experienced a perfect example this seemingly collective mistrust. Upon entering the Muvico theater-I was rudely (and loudly) instructed by a sloppily dressed movie theater employee to turn my baseball hat around. Then, after my questioning of the unposted rule-I was then hastily cut-off by security and loudly instructed to remove my hat as it was as a backwards hat was an outward sign of "gang activity" in the "heavy gang territory" of downtown Memphis. They went on to explain that much like a "four star hotel"- downtown Memphis had a new image. After hesitantly removing my hat, I was greeted with sticky floors and a loud, unwelcoming theater in this supposed "four star" environment. I wonder how long establishments that cater to older people (such as Paulette's or another fine "four star" restaurant) would stay in business if they adopted the policy of yelling and embarrassing a customer for breaking an unposted dress code rule. My mistreatment was definitely not the first I have seen or encountered downtown. I have seen customers berated and treated as suspects instead of customers by many of these new downtown establishments. Here lies the real problem-as young people we have so quickly accepted disrespectful treatment and terrible service-that we have come to expect it. The money of young people from the ages of 15-25 is the lifeblood of these downtown establishments, such as Muvico. As young people, we have to begin demanding respect and better service, or we will continue to suffer as a result. As the number of different cultures and young people continue to increase in the downtown area, the treatment of the many money-spending patrons has begun to suffer as a result of the actions of a few. Service and courteous treatment should never be sacrificed in the name of "safety." They should go hand in hand. I ask that all young people who read this, re-consider spending your money in businesses in which we are treated as second-class citizens. We must send a message to these places that they can longer run business as usual. If any of you has been victim of this sort of treatment-do not reward the bad behavior with more money, but find another place to spend your hard earned dollar. Speak out and resist negative and disrespectful treatment because of your age. As young people, we are the reason that this new downtown area is still afloat; let's not let the mistrust and disrespect of various companies become the norm in the area. Support businesses in which we are treated equally and watch the others come back begging for your presently unappreciated dollar. Trip Cook |
Well, I thought about the Army...8-15-02 |
You were not the same after that...Thought for 8-16-02 |
I normally shy away from sharing anything semi- "personal" on here as it tends to make me feel a wee bit exposed...But I thought I would make an exception this once...Especially since the number of people who visit this site have decreased--so we'll just keep this between us, ok? I recently bought a cheap hardback sketchbook at Barnes and Noble for the purpose of trying to write down some of my thoughts and to keep a record of a few of the things that whiz by between my ears..Some would call this a "journal" or "diary"--but I am not secure enough in my manhood to go with "journal" and "diary"--well, that is right out...I didn't plan on putting any of my entries on here--but figured it couldn't hurt anything...Anyway, here is an excerpt from one I wrote a little while ago...Enjoy.. "Sometimes I get the feeling I won't be on this planet for very long..I really like it here--I'm quite attached to it--I hope I'm I'm wrong..." -Ben Folds 40 Things I want to do before I die 1. Continually grow-mentally, spiritually and in wisdom. 2. Maintain a close, tight knit relationship with those I love. 3. Go to see a Notre Dame home football game. 4. Live a life that I am satisfied with. 5. Go see a Duke University home basketball game. 6. Play on the beach as much as possible. 7. Learn to look for the positive in every person and every situation. 8. Go see Pearl Jam perform live. 9. Try to make other people smile and laugh as much as possible. 10. Work a job that I don't hate--and one in which I can help other people in some way. 11. Eat more ice cream. 12. Have a son-William. 13. Coach as many youth sports teams as possible. 14. Continually examine my own existance. 15. Tell the people who have touched my life how much they mean to me-in words or through actions. 16. Maintain my youthful hopes and ideals. 17. Go to at least one "black tie" event--and leave 15 minutes into it. 18. Dream about someone who is laying next to me. 19. Learn to make home-made ice cream like dad. 20. Refer to this time in history as "my" day. 21. Get a waterbed--not a waveless or motionless one . 22. Buy a pipe--smoke it on occasion. 23. Have a dog who believes me to be his "master." 24. Shoot less than 5 over par on an 18 hole course-call Jonathan to rub it in. 25. Wear flip-flops to as many occasions as possible. 26. Learn to laugh at myself on a more regular basis. 27. Find contentment in my position and place in life. 28. Feel at peace with God, myself and the world around me. 29. Get a house with a porch swing. 30. Sleep outside--tents don't count. 31. Learn to properly express myself via public speaking. 32. Overcome my fears--or at least face them. 33. Always maintain a belief in true love. 34. Keep large glass jars of gummy worms around the house-just in case. 35. Visit another country--preferably England. 36. Learn every single word to "It's the End of the World as we Know It" by REM 37. Buy some life insurance-so my loved ones can profit from my untimely expiration. 38. Learn to get by on 4 hours of sleep per night. 39. Teach Ian to throw a curve ball. 40. Learn to live at peace in a world that I don't (and hopefully-will never) fit in. Song of the day- "Don't Change Your Plans"- Ben Folds Five |