Clearfield Borough

Fire Company #1

    Updated August 16, 2008

Link for Second Homepage for Fire Company #1

If anyone is trying to access the homepage and cannot do so then please read below:

[From Yahoo Geocities: Congratulations, this homepage seems to be very popular and has been receiving a large amount of traffic. Our records indicate that you're using more than the allotted amount of data transfer we provide for a free web site, which is 3 gigabytes per month (measured on an hourly basis). That means that during the past few days we had to temporarily turn your site off to keep the bandwidth within this limit.Keep in mind that large files such as images and multimedia files can effect your data transfer greatly. A single web page that contains 200,000 bytes of images will only be able to be viewed about 20-25 times an hour. By keeping your file sizes and page sizes as small as possible, you can maximize the amount of page views your site can produce.]

Thanks go out to everyone that provided time and pictures for this homepage. And most of all, thanks to all firemen everywhere that put their lives on the line to save someone else's life. Especially those on 9-11-01.

Banquet Gallery
Picnic Gallery old, 2000 and 2002
Steamer Gallery
Summer 2000 Various Photos
Special Photo Tribute Gallery
100th Anniversary Photo
Fire/Rescue Photos
New and Old Apparatus Photo Gallery
We do not give away badges or other memorabilia to collectors.

This Fire Department WebRing site is owned by Clearfield Borough Fire Company #1
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