DHS Fight song and School song.
All State Tourney Team, All State and All District Players
State Final in Austin
SemiFinal at Round Rock Dell Diamond
DHS vs Kingsville Academy Area Game
DHS Sports Banquet
Ms. McGuffins pix and Louise game
VS Pearsall -- March 20, 2004
This is the D'Hanis Cowboys Baseball Team! We are a 1-A school in D'Hanis, Texas, that's about 50 miles west of  San Antonio. We are one of the smallest 1-A schools in Texas.
Despite our size we are still one of the best!

The 2004 season officially began March 2, 2004 with a 5-2 win against Brackett.

Our record is 23-4.
Sadly the season is over, but the Cowboys fought hard!
We played a best of 3 series w/ Thorndale on Wed. the 26th & Sat. the 29th. We lost the game on Wed. 7-2 and 10-14 on Sat.
Thanks for a great season guys! We love you!

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2004 All-State
& All-District
2004 Team
click the picture to see a larger picture & player's name, #, & position played.
D'Hanis Fight Song

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Cowboy Baseball
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2004 D'Hanis Cowboy baseball team
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2004 Cowboys
Baseball Schedule
2004 Pictures II
2004 Pictures III
2004 Pictures IV
2003 Pictures V
2003 Pictures VI
2004 Pictures I
Meet the Coaches
DHS Fight song and School song.
D'Hanis School Song
2004 UIL Pairing
Region IV