Welcome to my Guestbook!

RenegadeX - 07/21/00 05:50:19
My URL:www.geocities.com/heath_zealot
My Email:Florida Panther

Thanx forusing th best team in the world and the best logo that the NHL has to offer. Keep updating the stats and good luck gettin everybody 1000!

Forlorn Dragon - 07/05/00 03:41:21
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/the_mapp

Great site! You've brought hockey to a new online dimension! Keep it going, rock on. I never knew stats could be interesting before. Well I guess you learn something new everyday.

HeyHeyHey - 05/08/00 23:13:59
My URL:http://www.nhl.com
My Email:Every single one

Your site is one of the best fantasy hockey sites I've seen. I only wish you had a gazillion more statistics but I understand that transferring them into "html" takes a very long time. Rock on and I hope these people get many more points. Here's to 100 points for every single one!

YoYoYo - 05/04/00 23:15:55
My URL:http://www.hotmail.com
My Email:Edmonton


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