Take a look at these questions they start out easy you may think you are her number one fan well just wait until you get half way through then you won't feel so smart. If you want the answers e-mail me...I'll send them to you.

Dark blue- you should know

Light blue- little harder

Red- Good luck buddy

What is Tisha's middle name?

When is her birthday?

What is her jersey number?

Where is her home town?

What college did she go to?

How many goals did she score in world cup 99'?

What other sport does she like to play in her spare time?

What high school did she go to?

How tall is she?

What is her moms name?

Does she have any brothers or sisters?

What does her dad do for a living?

Her high school number?

Her high school mascot and colors are what?

When she was little what was the name of her club team?

Who is George DiCristina?

When she was a sophomore what was she voted?

Where is she living now?

What elementary and Jr. High did she go to?

When she was in Jr. High what instrument did she play?

Name one of her science teachers that she still talks to...


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