
A big warm welcome to everyone!

This page is my personal web page with links to some of my favorite web sites.
I only hope you find something you are looking for
otherwise.... it was truly a pleasure having you over.

I maintain a list of Zoroastrian Volunteer's who assist foreign students. The List is comprised of people from 12 countries. Do take a look at it and let me know if you'd like your name to be added as one of the volunteers. In any case, do not hesitate to contact a volunteer if you need some assistance as a student.

There is some stuff I have put together about ME..... just in case you wanted to know. A little warning though... you will be entering a Vanity Zone the moment you Click Here.

I am setting up a rookie "official" web site about puppies.  Take a peep at it in its most infant stages. Tell me what you think of it. Any suggestions and comments are welcome.

My most favorite book is the one my husband writes. Click Here to take a look at his website and his books.

Are you vegetarian... or plan to become one soon... well follow me right Here!

Click Here to view links to some of the foremost Animal Welfare Organizations

There are some wonderful images of Iran I'd like to share with you. Click Here!

Looking for some good Indian music... You may find something nice Here.

                         Have a Great Day Anyway !!