This page has been accessed times since 11/17/97

Hi! I'm Bob and welcome to my Hardball Page.

This page is dedicated to the ... the men that play the little boy's game called. This page is an attempt to do the game of Baseball some justice and to have some fun too.

It has links to stats, sports news, and even GameCast (during the season) that will give you pitch by pitch results in real time. There are links to the Diamond Mind fantasy leagues that I'm in and it even has some non-Baseball stuff too like Stooge links and some of my friend's pages (when they're working).

If you have any links or a home page that you think would fit in with this page, let me know.  I would like to add links to any page that has the game of Baseball as it's theme.

Thanks for stopping by!

A page dedicated to

 (and other stuff...)
"The Boys of Summer" - Don Henley

Click the "RIGHT" arrow button to play

Created : 12/09/96 
Last update : 8/9/97

Always Under Construction 

A special thanks to  for providing the space for this page.


GO  !!!!!

The Leagues I'm in

Animated graphic developed with ANIMAGIC

Links to Other Stuff    

I'm trying to make this page a good source of information for Baseball and sports in general. If you feel that your page can add to this page, let me know and I'll put up a link to it.
If you have any comments on this page  me.
