I. Introduction

The Tennis Association of the Central Savannah River Areas (CSRA) was established in 1983 as the organizational body for administering tennis competition among local residents. The main purpose of the CSRA Tennis Association is to promote team tennis for men and women at the established levels of the National Tennis Rating Program. The league rules and regulations of the USTA, the Southern Tennis Association, and the Georgia Tennis Association have been adopted and shall be enforced as the governing procedures for tennis match play in the local area. The local league rules contained herein provide specific details on team tennis competition that are left to the discretion of the local leagues or provide additional explanation on those rules that need to be emphasized. These rules are established by a Rules Committee comprised of the local league coordinator, men's and women's coordinators, member of grievance committee, member of appeals committee, and member of NTRP complaint committee.

II. Registration Process

A. Each team captain fills out the membership control sheet/team roster, financial summary form (payment sheet), and team tracking sheet and submits them to the NTRP level coordinator along with the collected fees. The captain also verifies that each member is playing at the proper NTRP level.

B. The forms and fees are approved in turn by the NTRP level coordinator, men's or women's or senior's coordinator, and local league coordinator.

C. The treasurer of the CSRA Tennis Association collects all fees and disburses funds to cover league play expenses.

 D. The deadline for submitting player rosters to the NTRP level coordinators shall be established and publicized by the local league coordinator. Additional players can be added to a team up until four weeks after league play has started. The maximum number of players allowed on a team is 14.

III. Competition Format

 A. League play schedules will be provided prior to start of each season.

 B. The team designated as "home" is responsible for supplying new tennis balls.

C. Score cards with completed information on team names, level of play, division, gender, date, and players names are to be exchanged five minutes before match play begins.

D. The fifteen (15) minute default rule is in effect. Substitutions can be made in accordance with Southern Tennis Association regulation 3.08D.b.

E. A scheduled match can be postponed no sooner than one (1) hour before the start time in case of rain, lightning, or severe cold temperature (<32øF). See Inclement Weather Rescheduling for instructions on make up of match play. The "home" team captain is responsible for notifying the tennis facility of postponement.

F. One point is awarded to the team with the most individual match wins (i.e., if one team wins 3, 4, or 5 individual matches then one (1) point is given to that team).

G. Individual matches that are forfeited by any team can not exceed the number of scheduled team matches plus one (1) in any season. If a team forfeits all five (5) individual matches in a team match, then a grievance will be filed by the NTRP Level coordinator men's or women's or senior's coordinator or local league coordinator.

H. If the captain (or coÄcaptain) is not available, then someone shall be designated as the "person in charge" and be responsible for carrying out the captain's duties.

I. Entire team matches or individual matches may be played prior to the originally scheduled date due to conflicts with local tournaments, but both captains and the NTRP level coordinator shall be involved in rescheduling the match play.

J. Players in an individual match scheduled on the same court used in an earlier individual match must be ready to take the court when the previous match is finished. The minimum time for beginning any match in the second time slot is one hour after the first time slot began; the fifteen (15) minute default rule is in effect here as well.

IV. Score Card Reporting

A. The team captains record the results of each individual match and sign both score cards.

B. Each captain separately mails completed score card to the NTRP level coordinator within two (2) days after match play.

C. The NTRP level coordinator enters the score card data onto tracking sheets and forwards the cards to the men's/women's/senior's coordinator every two (2) weeks. The team results shall be posted periodically at the local tennis club/facilities.

D. The men's/women's/senior's coordinators send one of the score cards to the GTA and retains the other one for local records file.

V. Inclement Weather Rescheduling

A. The "home" team captain is responsible for rescheduling makeÄup matches due to inclement weather postponement and for notifying the NTRP level coordinator of rescheduling progress.

B. Rescheduled matches are to be made up within fifteen (15) days of the originally scheduled date; these matches may be made up individually and not necessarily as a team.

C. The time and place of the rescheduled match must be established within five (5) days of postponed match date and the NTRP level coordinator notified. If the captains can not successfully reschedule a match within the fifteen (15) day limit, then the NTRP level coordinator shall specify the time and place for making up the team and forfeitures will be recorded for those individual matches not completed at the specified time and place.

D. If inclement weather occurs after match play has begun, completed individual matches will stand as played and incomplete matches will resume with the same lineÄup and match score as existed when play was halted. Substitution and forfeiture rules per Southern Tennis Association regulation 3.08D shall govern.

VI. League Championships

A. Association members must play in a minimum of two (2) matches to qualify for participation in District Championships.

 B. The team with the most match play points at a given NTRP level is declared the league winner for that season.

C. One team from each season at each NTRP level will represent the CSRA Tennis Association at the District Championships. In the women's division, the day and evening leagues will have separate NTRP level playoffs to determine the team representative.

D. In the event the same team wins both seasons, the tie breaker procedures as given in the USTA regulation 4.04D for the combined seasons records of the second place teams shall govern.

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